On this page:
Health Guides
- Abnormal Pap Tests
- Abortion
- Adoption
- Amenorrhea
- Bacterial Vaginosis
- Birth Control Pills: Frequently Asked Questions
- Birth Control Pills: General Information
- Birth Control Pills: How to take BCPs
- Birth Control Pills: Medical Uses
- Cervical Cap
- Chlamydia
- Condoms
- Continuous Hormonal Treatment
- Contraception: General Information
- Contraception: Phexxi
- Contraception: Pros and Cons of Different Contraceptive Methods
- Contraception: Success and Failure Rates of Contraceptives
- Contraceptive Sponge
- Cystic Fibrosis: Puberty and Menstrual Periods
- Cystic Fibrosis: Urinary Incontinence
- Cystic Fibrosis: Vaginal Yeast Infections
- Cystic Fibrosis: What Should I Know About Sex?
- Depo-Provera® Hormonal Injections
- Eco-Friendly Period Products: Additional Products
- Eco-Friendly Period Products: Period Underwear
- Ectopic/Tubal Pregnancy
- Emergency Contraception (EC)
- Endometriosis: A Guide for Friends, Siblings, and Significant Others
- Endometriosis: College Planning
- Endometriosis: Continuous Hormonal Pills (OCPs)
- Endometriosis: Coping with Pain
- Endometriosis: Frequently Asked Questions
- Endometriosis: Frequently Asked Questions About the Oral Contraceptive Pill
- Endometriosis: General Information
- Endometriosis: Glossary of Terms
- Endometriosis: Hormonal Treatment Overview
- Endometriosis: How To Take Continuous Oral Contraceptive Pills
- Endometriosis: Leuprolide Acetate Instructions
- Endometriosis: Leuprolide Acetate With Add–Back
- Endometriosis: Nutrition and Exercise
- Endometriosis: Pain and Symptom Tracking
- Endometriosis: Progesterone-Only Treatment
- Endometriosis: Symptom Quiz
- Endometriosis: Synarel (Naferelin acetate)
- Endometriosis: Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) Unit
- Epilepsy: Pregnancy Planning
- Estrogen/Progestin Hormonal Injections
- Female Condom or Internal Condoms
- Female Sterilization (Tubal Ligation)
- Fertility Awareness Based Method (FAB)
- Gonorrhea
- GYN Surgery
- Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: Progestin-Only Hormone Therapy
- Hepatitis B
- Herpes
- HIV Testing
- Hormonal Implants
- Hormone Patch (Xulane/Twirla)
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- Hymens: Types of Hymens
- Intra-Uterine Devices (IUDs)
- Labia
- Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM)
- Lichen Sclerosus
- Masturbation
- Menstrual Cups
- Menstrual Period Products
- Menstrual Period: General Information
- Menstrual Period: How to Prepare for your First Period
- Menstrual Period: Menstrual Cramps
- Menstrual Period: Painful Periods (Dysmenorrhea)
- Menstrual Period: Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
- Menstrual Period: Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports
- Miscarriage
- Molluscum Contagiosum
- MRKH: Commonly Asked Questions
- MRKH: General Information
- MRKH: Instructions on the Use of Vaginal Dilators
- MRKH: Planning Ahead to Become a Parent, or Not
- MRKH: Resources
- MRKH: Talking to Your Partner About MRKH
- MRKH: Transitioning to Adult Gynecology Care
- MRKH: Treatment Options
- MRKH: Your Feelings About MRKH
- NuvaRing
- Ovarian Cysts
- Pap Test: Abnormal Results
- Patch
- PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome): General Information
- PCOS: Insulin and Metformin
- PCOS: Nutrition Basics
- PCOS: Preparing for Your Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
- PCOS: Quiz
- PCOS: Spironolactone
- PCOS: The Oral Contraceptive Pill
- PCOS: Worksheets
- Pelvic Exam
- Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
- Pelvic Ultrasound
- Period Products: Additional Eco-Friendly Period Products
- Period Products: Information about Tampons and Pads
- Period Products: Period Underwear
- Periods
- Phexxi
- Pregnancy: Eating During Pregnancy
- Pregnancy: Ectopic/Tubal Pregnancy and Miscarriage
- Pregnancy: General Information
- Pregnancy: How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy
- Pregnancy: Unplanned Pregnancy
- Pregnancy: Unplanned Pregnancy – About Abortion
- Pregnancy: Unplanned Pregnancy – About Adoption
- Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
- Preparing for GYN Surgery at Boston Children’s Hospital
- Preparing for Your Virtual Gynecology Visit at Boston Children’s Hospital
- Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)
- Progestin-Only Oral Contraceptive Pills (POP)
- Puberty
- Pubic Lice (“Crabs”)
- Reproductive Questions and Answers for Cancer Survivors: Fertility Treatments
- Reproductive Questions and Answers for Cancer Survivors: General Information
- Reproductive Questions and Answers for Cancer Survivors: Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)
- Reproductive Questions for Cancer Survivors: Fertility, Pregnancy, and Sexual Relationships
- Scabies
- SOPK: Calendriers, liste de médicaments, et fiches de conditionnement physique
- SOPK: Conseils pour lire les tableaux de la valeur nutritive et faire des choix alimentaires sains
- SOPK: Glossaire des termes relatifs au SOPK
- SOPK: Guide alimentaire
- SOPK: Guide pratique sur le syndrome des ovaires polykystiques pour les adolescentes
- SOPK: Insuline et metformine
- SOPK: La spironolactone
- SOPK: Le contraceptif oral
- SOPK: Menus types et recettes adaptées pour le SOPK
- SOPK: Préparation pour l’épreuve d’hyperglycémie provoquée par voie orale (HPO)
- SOPK: Suggestions d’aliments et collations adaptés pour le SOPK
- Sponge
- Sterilization (Tubal Ligation)
- Syphilis
- Tampons
- Trichomoniasis (Trichomonal Vaginitis; “Trich”)
- Unplanned Pregnancy
- Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
- Vaginal Hormonal Ring (NuvaRing®, Annovera™ )
- Vaginal Infections (Vaginitis)
- Vaginismus
- Vaginoscopy
- Virtual Gynecology Visits
- Vulvar and Vaginal Care and Cleaning
- Vulvodynia
- Yeast Infections (Candidiasis)
- Your First Pelvic Exam
Guías de la Salud
- Amenorrea
- Anticoncepción de emergencia
- Anticoncepción Natural (Planificación Familiar Natural)
- Capuchón Cervical
- Clamidia
- Coito Interrumpido/Retirarse
- Cólicos menstruales
- Condones Masculinos
- Depo-Provera® Inyecciones Hormonales
- Diafragmas
- Dispositivos Intrauterinos (DIUs)
- Embarazo: Cómo Tener un Embarazo Saludable
- Embarazo: Embarazo Ectópico/ Embarazo Tubárico y Aborto Espontáneo
- Embarazo: Embarazo No Deseado
- Embarazo: Embarazo No Deseado – Acerca del Aborto
- Embarazo: Información General
- Endometriosis: Información General
- Endometriosis: Lidiando con Dolor
- Endometriosis: Nutrición y Ejercicio
- Endometriosis: Panorama Sobre el Tratamiento Hormonal
- Endometriosis: Píldoras Hormonales Continuas
- Endometriosis: Planificando para la Universidad
- Endometriosis: Preguntas Frecuentes
- Endometriosis: Preguntas Frecuentes Sobre la Píldora Anticonceptiva oral
- Enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica (EIP)
- Espermicidas
- Esponja Anticonceptiva
- Esterilización Femenina
- Fisioterapia del Suelo Pélvico
- Gonorrea
- Hepatitis B
- Herpes
- Implantes hormonales
- Infecciones vaginales (Vaginitis)
- Infecciones vaginales por hongos (Candidiasis)
- Método de la Amenorrea por Lactancia (MELA)
- Molusco Contagioso
- MRKH: Hablar con tu Pareja Sobre MRKH
- MRKH: Hacer la Transición a Atención Ginecológica para Adultas
- MRKH: Información General
- MRKH: Instrucciones para el Uso de Dilatadores Vaginales
- MRKH: Opciones de Tratamiento
- MRKH: Preguntas Frecuentes
- MRKH: Preparar para Convertirte en una Madre o No
- MRKH: Tus Sentimientos Sobre MRKH
- Parche Anticonceptivo (Ortho-Evra®/Xulane®)
- Periodo Menstrual
- Periodos Dolorosos (Dismenorrea)
- Píldoras Anticonceptivas: Cómo Tomarlas
- Píldoras Anticonceptivas: Información General
- Píldoras Anticonceptivas: Usos Médicos
- Piojos Púbicos (Cangrejos)
- Preparación para una cirugía ginecológica en el Boston Children’s Hospital
- Preservativos Femeninos
- Protección Femenina: información sobre tampones y toallitas femeninas
- Prueba de VIH
- Pruebas de Pap Anormales
- Pubertad
- Quistes Ováricos
- Sarna
- Sífilis
- Síndrome de Ovarios Poliquísticos (SOP)
- Síndrome Premenstrual (SPM) y Trastorno Disfórico Premenstrual (TDPM)
- SOP: Insulina y Metformina
- SOP: La Espirolactona
- SOP: Preparándote para tu prueba de tolerancia a la glucosa oral
- SOPQ: Alimentos Favorables para el SOPQ, Bocadillos, y Consejos para Comprar Comestibles Adecuados para este Desequilibrio
- SOPQ: Conceptos Básicos de Nutrición
- SOPQ: Ejemplos de menú y recetas
- SOPQ: Fichas de Trabajo
- SOPQ: Leyendo las etiquetas y comprando alimentos
- Tampones: Usando Tu Primer Tampón
- Tipos de Himen
- Tricomoniasis (Vaginitis por tricomonas o “Tric”)
- Tu Primer Exámen Pélvico
- Vaginismo
- Vaginosis Bacteriana
- Virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH)
Dicas de Saúde
- Capuz Cervical
- Clamídia
- Contracepção de Emergência (CE)
- Contracepção: Informações Gerais
- Contracepção: Taxas de Falha e de Sucesso dos Contraceptivos
- Diafragma
- Dispositivos Intrauterinos (DIUs)
- Esponja Contraceptiva
- Gestação: Gestação Ectópica/Tubária e Aborto
- Gonorreia
- Hepatite B
- Implantes Hormonais
- Injeção Hormonal de Depo-Provera ®
- Injeções Hormonais de Estrogênio/Progesterona
- Métodos Baseados Na Percepção Da Fertilidade (MBPF)
- Papilomavírus Humano (HPV)
- Pílulas Anticoncepcionais: Como tomar
- Pílulas Anticoncepcionais: Informações Gerais
- Pílulas Anticoncepcionais: Perguntas Mais Frequentes
- Preservativo Feminino
- Preservativos Masculinos
- Seu Primeiro Exame Ginecológico
- Teste para HIV
- Vaginose Bacteriana
Ask Us Questions
- I woke up one day and when I stood up a gush of blood (mostly liquid blood) coming out during my period and it never happened again. Did something bad happen? (11/6/2023)
- Am I protected from pregnancy the week after the placebo pill week? I started my new pill pack on time (Sunday), but now I am freaking out! My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex on day 4 of my new pill pack. I have been on birth control for a year, could I be pregnant? (10/9/2023)
- I just finished a 7 day break from my birth control pills. I am starting my second pack of pills. Will I be protected against pregnancy right away? (3/27/2023)
- Are anal and vaginal douching products like Summer’s Eve® safe to use? (10/7/2022)
- How would I find my “clit” aka my clitoris? I have tried using a mirror to see where it is, but I can’t find it. I read online that people can have a condition called clitoris atrophy, where the clit shrinks causing them to lose feeling and sensation. Do you think this happening to me, since I can’t find it? (9/16/2022)
- How quickly do the birth control pill symptoms take to appear? When will I know when my body is used to it? I am scared of gaining weight and getting moody. So far, I haven’t, but I am very anxious that I will have this worry forever. (8/26/2022)
- Hey! I was wondering, could the third dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine make Plan B less effective? (8/19/2022)
- Is it normal for your vagina to be loose and look different after having sex a few times? (7/29/2022)
- I’m having period cramps and it really, really hurts. What are the best tips? (7/9/2022)
- I am 18 years of age and facing the problem of long periods. My periods haven’t stopped and now it’s the 14th day of my period with pain. I had sex a month ago. Am I pregnant, or what? (6/24/2022)
- For the last four months, I have been taking a birth control called Wymzya FE. I really like this birth control, but when I had my physical with my primary care provider, they switched me to the generic form of Wymzya FE. My question is, will I still be protected from pregnancy if I take the generic form of Wymzya? (6/3/2022)
- I’m on my period and wanted to try a tampon for the first time. I watched a tutorial on putting in a tampon, then I tried to do it. When I put the tampon in it didn’t feel right, so I removed it. It burned a lot when I was taking it out because it was dry. Now I am really nervous because I am afraid I created micro tears in my vagina. Will I get TSS (toxic shock syndrome) because I took the tampon out and it was dry? I am really worried, will I be OK?!?! (5/27/2022)
- What happens if I get my period at school? (5/6/2022)
- Are there any side effects from Depo-Provera (injectable birth control)? I haven’t had my period since I received my first injection one month ago. Should I be concerned? (3/18/2022)
- I have an appointment with my doctor to talk about birth control, because my period symptoms are difficult to manage. What questions should I ask? Are there any questions they may ask me? How do I know if I am receiving the right pill for me? (3/11/2022)
- I was referred to a gynecologist because I have a dermoid cyst, but I can’t get an appointment for six weeks. Yesterday, I began experiencing nausea and really sharp pains on my side (where the cyst is), is this normal? (3/4/2022)
- Lately, I have had a lot of questions about my gender identity. I was recently diagnosed with MRKH (Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser Syndrome) and it has caused me to question my gender. When I was 15 years old, they put me on testosterone, which made me feel like a male going through puberty. Then they switched me to the birth control pill. Could the different hormones play a role in why I am questioning my gender? (2/4/2022)
- I recently noticed there is a long piece of skin at the base of my vagina (opposite the clitoris), but it’s not painful. What could it be? Thank you! (1/21/2022)
- I recently had a pelvic exam and it wasn’t a pleasant experience. My OB-GYN didn’t talk to me or tell me what they were doing during the exam. Is this normal? (1/18/2022)
- How do I know if I have an imperforate hymen? I am really worried about it. I recently tried to have sex, but it was really painful, so we stopped. Help! (1/11/2022)
- I have a painful boil inside the lip of my vagina. I am currently on my period and it really hurts to wipe. Please help! (12/30/2021)
- I got my first period about a year and a half ago. It was coming about every month since then, but for the last three months I haven’t had my period. Should I be concerned? (11/5/2021)
- I have been having some discomfort in my vagina. What can I do to make it go away? (9/7/2021)
- I haven’t had my period since April, before that it had been absent for 6 months, before that 4 months. Now it’s gone again, is there a pattern? My aunt had PCOS, could I also have PCOS? Should I be worried about it? (8/27/2021)
- I had my first period at age 12, but I haven’t have another one since. I am 16 years old now. What is wrong with me? (8/4/2021)
- I have a yeast infection and used an over the counter treatment. I noticed that after I used the treatment, the color of my discharge changed, could that be from the over the counter treatment? (7/30/2021)
- My periods are really painful to the point that getting out of bed is a challenge. I also experience a lot of dizziness and nausea. I recently started on the birth control pill, but it’s not helping. Is there anything else I can do? (7/20/2021)
- Is it possible to get Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) or a yeast infection and still be a virgin? (7/16/2021)
- Every time there are jumping jacks or squats in my work out, I feel some discomfort in my clitoris. It’s not exactly painful, but it’s a weird ticklish feeling that makes me want to stop my work out. What can I do to avoid this feeling? (7/8/2021)
- Is it possible to have endometriosis if you’re not sexually active? Is it safe to take birth control pills for endometriosis, if I am not sexually active? (6/29/2021)
- Is it true that period cycles have a “Bluetooth like effect” where people who live together or spend a lot of time together will have their periods at the same time? I have heard of this phenomenon a few times. Which made me realize, that this has happened to me a few times with friends! Now I am wondering, does this really happen or is it just a mere coincidence? (6/17/2021)
- I am asexual and I never want to be sexually active with another person. Do I still need to have a pelvic exam? If so, what age is recommended for your first visit? (6/8/2021)
- I know you are supposed to regularly see a GYN for checkups starting at 21, but I have a history of sexual abuse and I am scared it will be triggering. I am really scared to go and have never been. What can I expect and how can I make it less scary? (6/1/2021)
- I am 17 years old and underweight. My period is super irregular and I don’t know why. Could it be because I am underweight? Is there anything I can do to be healthier, will it help regulate my period? (5/18/2021)
- I was recently diagnosed with MRKH, but I wasn’t ready to seek help right away. Now I am ready to learn more about my diagnosis. Is there a website or physician registry that could help me locate a provider that specializes in MRKH? (3/29/2021)
- Are there any at-home remedies I can use to manage my BV, until I can get a doctor’s appointment? (3/11/2021)
- I went to my doctor to get tested for chlamydia, turns out, I have it. My doctor prescribed me some medication that I took while I had my period. Is it OK that I took the medicine while I had my period? (1/25/2021)
- When I was 13 years old I struggled with an eating disorder and was significantly underweight. I have since been in recovery and I eat consistently, but it has been 4 years since my last period. I had an appointment with my gynecologist. They ran several blood tests, but everything came back normal. Is there anything I can do to help regain my period? (1/19/2021)
- Ever since 5th grade, I have noticed that anytime I sweat my vagina smells musty and sweaty like an armpit. I talked to my doctor, but it still happens every day. I even bathe three times per day. Is this normal? (1/4/2021)
- Is it normal to have pelvic pain after a pap smear (test)? I recently had my pap smear and I am experiencing pain similar to my period cramps. (11/9/2020)
- My mom is insisting I go see a gynecologist. She really wants me to see our ‘family’ gynecologist, but he’s male and this makes me really uncomfortable. My mom thinks it’s silly I am uncomfortable, but I don’t know what to do. Should I just accept it and go to the appointment? (9/22/2020)
- Currently, I have a condom stuck inside my vagina. Will my period be delayed until the condom comes out? (8/25/2020)
- I am currently on implanted birth control (Nexplanon). I recently had oral sex with one of my partners. A few days later, I noticed thick brown discharge and went to my health care provider (HCP). My HCP put me on medications for a yeast infection. Then I had oral sex with another partner and I am noticing the same problem. Can I never have oral sex without getting an infection? (8/6/2020)
- I was recently treated for a yeast infection that I think I had for about a month. Ever since I received treatment I have lost sexual interest, which was never a problem for me before. I don’t think I’m asexual, but I don’t know what is happening. How can I get the feeling of sexual attraction back? (7/21/2020)
- In two weeks, I am having a hymenectomy because I have a microperforate hymen. I am really nervous about the procedure. Is there anything I should know about preparing for the procedure and what to expect postoperatively? Is there anything I can do that will help calm my nerves? (7/13/2020)
- I am really self-conscious about my labia. It doesn’t look like everyone else’s. My labia is big and stretched out. I am curious about labiaplasty (plastic surgery). Is it possible for me to get it now or should I wait until I am older? (6/29/2020)
- How would I know if I have a bicornuate uterus, but I’m still a virgin? (6/25/2020)
- I’ve been on the combined pill for years to control my period. If I am thinking about having sex, but I don’t want to get pregnant, how accurate would I have to be when taking the pill and for how long before having sex? (6/8/2020)
- How safe is it to shave pubic hair? (6/2/2020)
- I am a virgin, but sometimes when I’m doing jumping jacks, it sounds like my vagina is clapping. Why does this happen? Can I make it stop? (5/21/2020)
- I use a bottle and pen to masturbate. Am I still a virgin? (5/12/2020)
- I started my period last August (at 14 years old), but I haven’t had a period for the last 6 months. I am not sexually active, but I have some of the symptoms in your guide on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Should I be concerned? (4/10/2020)
- I don’t think I have “officially” had my period yet, but I recently had 3-4 days of brownish black discharge. I didn’t see any blood in the discharge, but could this have been my period? (2/6/2020)
- Is it normal for my inner and/or outer labia (lips of the vagina) to be itchy and peeling? (2/3/2020)
- I recently I began having pain in my bladder/urethra when I move or sit a certain way. I also have pain when I pee as well. Could I have a urinary tract infection (UTI)? I am scared to tell my parents, help! (1/27/2020)
- I am 17 years old and my period is strong. I end up spending the first day at home and missing school/work because my cramps are so painful. I also have nausea and become light headed. Is this normal? (1/20/2020)
- I just tried putting in a tampon for the first time. I was able to insert it half way, but I couldn’t push it any further. Is it my hymen that is blocking it? Should I see my health care provider? (1/6/2020)
- How Safe Is It… to wear a tampon to bed? (12/31/2019)
- My vagina is itchy, dry and it burns sometimes. I’m a virgin and masturbate so I’m wondering if I could have an STD? (12/23/2019)
- Why do I get BV every other month? I was prescribed Metrogel and used it 5 days and it went away. Then I had sex with my bf last week and it came back the next day. (12/12/2019)
- I got my first period 7 months ago but it hasn’t come back. Is there something wrong with me? (10/21/2019)
- I have a lot of discharge that has a fishy scent at times. What can that mean? I saw my gynecologist but they said I was fine. (10/14/2019)
- I have had my period since I was 10. It’s been 3 years and my periods are still irregular. Sometimes I get them every month and then it doesn’t come for another 3. I am not stressed or work out too much. Should I visit my doctor about this? (9/25/2019)
- I’m having a funny discharge that’s yellow in color, should I be concerned? (9/20/2019)
- I have this weird feeling that my vagina doesn’t seem normal. I have two folds of skin that cover the middle of my vagina. Is this normal? (9/11/2019)
- Is it more hygienic to shave my pubic hair or just leave it alone? (8/26/2019)
- I got my period last month. When am I supposed to “douche”? (7/29/2019)
- What does clear, stretchy and jelly-like vaginal discharge mean? (7/25/2019)
- What causes your period to be late if you are a virgin? (7/9/2019)
- I have a lump on my vulva during my period. What is it? (6/20/2019)
- Is it okay to clean my vulva using soap and warm water? (6/19/2019)
- I got fingered and afterwards there was a lot of blood. I later realized there is a cut inside my vagina. It burns when I pee and I’m too scared to talk to an adult. How do I make it heal faster? (6/4/2019)
- I am 13 and had my first period when I was 11. It continued for a month and returned 6 months later then stopped after a month. I am a virgin and I have not gotten it ever since. What’s happening? (5/6/2019)
- I am going on vacation in a month but I’m supposed to get my period at the same time. Is there any way to make my period come faster or delay it so I can enjoy my vacation? (4/22/2019)
- I’ve had a weird sensation while I urinate for about a week now. I am worried. What could the problem be? (3/28/2019)
- When I have my period, sometimes the pad will shift and stick to my bottom, and it’s painful. Is there anything I can do to help with the irritation afterwards? (3/19/2019)
- I always clean down there, have good hygiene but my vagina is always very sensitive to everything and it’s had an odor. I have gone to the doctor about having yeast infection and using ointment but nothing is working. Is there anything else I should be doing? (3/12/2019)
- I’m 21 years old, and my cramps have always been very bad to the point that I throw up and miss school or practice. Is something wrong with me, because in the past my doctor would say it’s normal, but nobody else in my family gets it this bad either. (2/25/2019)
- I found this brown smudge in my underwear and the internet said it was old blood that took longer to come out of my body. Is it really blood and will I get my period soon? (2/8/2019)
- Why is the area around my vagina and in between my butt cheek so dark? Is there a cure for this? Also, that area around my vagina that is darkened is very itchy. Please help. (1/24/2019)
- I’m 13 and had my first period 6 months ago. It hasn’t shown up again. I haven’t had sex. What’s going on? (10/30/2018)
- When I go to the bathroom and try to pee, pink blood streams out. It also burns and not even 5 minutes after I leave the bathroom I feel the urge to pee again. What could this possible be and is it treatable at home? (10/26/2018)
- Hi, I have a problem. I am getting my second period soon so I want to wear something to prepare. I really like using tampons but you can’t when you’re not on your period, and pads are very, very, very uncomfortable. I really need help. (10/5/2018)
- Two nights ago, the area around my pubic hair really started to itch. Sometimes it is itchy on the outer labia, but mostly around the top of my pubic area. I am not sexually active, I don’t have a vaginal discharge, and I haven’t shaved my pubic hair either. But the itching is driving me mad. Please help? (10/2/2018)
- Do you get your period when you’re going to the bathroom or will it just happen at a random time? (9/19/2018)
- I want to stop my periods, completely because the pain is so intense, and while not as bad as some, it’s still rather unbearable for me, as I’m bed-ridden and sometimes I can’t attend school because of this. At this point I would have my uterus and ovaries out if that would stop my pain. I plan on talking to my health provider about this as well, but I would like some advice first. (9/7/2018)
- How many eggs does a woman have in her life time? (9/3/2018)
- I’ve begun using tampons and it hurts a little when I insert it. I’m following the instructions and everything too. Am I not getting it in all the way or is it just my muscles? (8/31/2018)
- I’ve been finding it harder to urinate recently, but my mother thinks that this is just temporary and I shouldn’t worry too much—but it’s been months. Should I see my pediatrician? (8/29/2018)
- I’m 12 and I just went to the toilet and there was a lot of brown stuff on my underwear. I haven’t had a period yet. Is this my period. (8/21/2018)
- This might sound crazy but I don’t think I have a vaginal opening or I must have a tiny one. I can’t put a finger in it at all. I can only get above my nail and then I hit a wall. I haven’t gotten my period yet but I’ve had discharge for about a year. I really don’t know what to do because I am too embarrassed to tell my mom but I’m really worried there’s something really wrong with me. Please help! (8/15/2018)
- Is it normal to have a slight vaginal itch? Even if I don’t have abnormal discharge, and it doesn’t smell? (7/31/2018)
- I have very painful periods. Should I go on the pill? Will that help? (7/23/2018)
- I’ve had discharge for about 2 years and I know that this can sometimes be a sign of starting your period, but I have still not started even though most of my friends have. Is there something wrong with me? (7/16/2018)
- My first period was really heavy. I had to change my pad every hour. I’m wondering if this is normal? (6/26/2018)
- I get what feels like period cramps when I’m not on my period, sometimes accompanied with nausea. Also, when doing sports I get pain around where my ovaries are located. Why am I getting all of this? (6/8/2018)
- Can a doctor say when I’ll get my period? Is there some kind of way to see where I am in the process? (5/29/2018)
- I was prescribed metronidazole gel for bacterial vaginosis (BV) today. Will the gel produce a clumpy discharge and will I still be able to have sex regularly while using the gel? (5/22/2018)
- Does PCOS stop at a certain age? If yes, around what age? (5/18/2018)
- If you are around another girl who is on her period, does it mess up your cycle where you get it too? (5/7/2018)
- One side of my outer labia is much larger than the other. There is an obvious difference in size, and it makes me very emotionally uncomfortable on a daily basis. Should I be concerned, or is this normal? (4/17/2018)
- How do I tell my dad about my yeast infection? Or should I keep it to myself? I only live with my brother and father. (4/10/2018)
- I suffer a lot during the first day of my period. What may be the reason? Help! (3/20/2018)
- I am feeling itchiness in the anus canal and between the vagina and anus. What is the reason for this and what should I do? (3/13/2018)
- If I go on birth control to help me have a regular period would it still help me not get pregnant? (3/5/2018)
- I’ve had my Nexplanon implant for around a year with absolutely no bleeding (except for the first week I got it inserted) and about 2 months ago I started a very heavy period and it has not shown any signs of stopping. This bleeding is painful and I’m not sure how much longer I can take it! (2/13/2018)
- What can I use to prevent vaginal dryness and peeling? (2/5/2018)
- I’m 12, I have boobs and my period. All my friends and family say I look like I’m 14-16. Is this normal? (1/29/2018)
- Hello! So, I’m 15 and I have been thinking about getting the bar (Hormonal implant). I don’t know if I’m too young or if it’s unreasonable for me to get it. Should I get the bar? (1/3/2018)
- I have PCOS and so does my aunt but she has children. Is infertility common among women with PCOS? (12/26/2017)
- I started my period this year and I’m pretty worried because my last period was about 30 days ago. I am just really worried that it won’t start again. (12/18/2017)
- I have a question about periods. I haven’t started my period and I’m curious what’s going on. I’ve never had sex… (12/5/2017)
- I’m 19 and a virgin and have a septate hymen. Is it okay to have sex with a septate hymen or should I get it removed first? Please help! (11/22/2017)
- I am suffering from vaginismus and can’t seem to use tampons. What is it and will I ever be able to use tampons? (11/13/2017)
- I have a vaginal discharge and odor but I’m too embarrassed to see a doctor. Please help. (11/6/2017)
- I have a lot of itching in my pubic hair only. What could it be? (10/31/2017)
- Why am I the first person in my class to get boobs, a bra and my PERIOD? (10/13/2017)
- What’s the difference between a panty liner and a pad? Which one is better? (9/25/2017)
- I was recently told by a friend it’s not safe to douche, because it does more harm than good. Is this true? (9/19/2017)
- It turns out my period will likely arrive on the first day of my vacation. Can I delay my period by starting the next pill pack without taking the inactive pills in my pill pack? Will the Pill still be effective? (9/5/2017)
- During the past three or so months I have lost about 7-8kg (about 17 lbs.) but not in a healthy way. I haven’t gotten my period for about two months, and I’m worried. I’m still counting my calories but I’m scared because I don’t want to have any issues. (8/30/2017)
- I am having a hard time pulling out a tampon without any pain. When I was a baby I had a condition called labial adhesions (my labia were stuck together). I am not sexually active. Could it be possible that the labial adhesions I had as a baby are effecting my ability to use tampons now? (8/15/2017)
- What are some reasons (besides being pregnant) that your period is late? (8/9/2017)
- I’ve been having itching, redness and soreness when I wipe or touch my vagina. I also have a white milky color vaginal discharge and when I wipe I see a yellowish color on the toilet paper. What could this be? (8/2/2017)
- I recently had unprotected sex with my boyfriend. Now I have pimples next to my private parts and I am seeing yellow discharge. What could be the cause for these issues and what should I do? (7/24/2017)
- Can I request to have my hymen surgically removed? (7/7/2017)
- Do I absolutely have to see a gynecologist at a certain age now that I’m a teen? (7/3/2017)
- Is it normal to feel depressed and suicidal before your period? (6/20/2017)
- Is it normal to wear a panty liner every day? (5/18/2017)
- What does it mean when you had sex with your partner and then the next day it feels like you have to pee but only a little bit come out at a time? (5/11/2017)
- Every time I masturbate, I get my period but it’s not like my real menstruation. I’ve never inserted any object into my vagina, and I’m a virgin. My doctor said my hormones are not stable. Can masturbation increase hormones and actually affect my menstrual cycle? (5/5/2017)
- I watched the video and read the article on how to insert a tampon, but I still can’t do it! I’ve tried several times and it always feels uncomfortable in my vagina? Why? (4/25/2017)
- I have a pimple near my vagina. I do not shave my pubic hair and I have never had any type of sexual intercourse. What may be wrong? (4/19/2017)
- How can I be more environmentally friendly during my period when I am away from home on vacation, a road trip, or summer camp? (4/13/2017)
- I am the only one of my friends that hasn’t had period yet. Is it dangerous? (4/5/2017)
- I am a virgin but I always have a smell and discharge in my vagina. What should I do? (3/15/2017)
- How do I insert a tampon in my vagina? (2/22/2017)
- I’ve had bulimia for almost 3 years, and now I’m in the recovery process. Some days I’m fine and other days I feel fat and terrible about myself, especially before/during my period (I bloat badly during that time). Is there anything I can do to lessen the bloating during my periods? And is there anything I can do to take my mind off of all the food I ate when I feel fat? (1/31/2017)
- My periods are regular every month but I don’t get period pains. Is there something wrong with me? (1/25/2017)
- Can exercise make your period lighter? (12/12/2016)
- What is considered normal vaginal discharge and what do the different colors mean? (12/5/2016)
- I am suffering from PCOS and I want some advice related to my weight problems and if I can have kids someday. (11/11/2016)
- I started developing breasts in grade 4 and now I’m in grade 6. This happened to a lot of my friends and they have all gotten their periods but I haven’t got mine. When should I get mine? (11/4/2016)
- I have endometriosis and I’ve been taking birth control pills continuously. I have a brownish discharge that I haven’t had for over 3 years and I’m worried. I have a huge workload this semester and I work out a lot at the gym. Can stress or working out cause your birth control not to work? (10/31/2016)
- What happens to the lining of your uterus if you take the Pill continuously and not get a period? Does it build up? Do you not grow a lining? (10/19/2016)
- I have irregular periods does it mean i have PCOS???? (10/11/2016)
- My period came early and I honestly panicked when it did. I don’t know what’s wrong. Should I get a checkup? (10/5/2016)
- My gynecologist just recently put me on progesterone to see if it would induce my period. I have shamefully masturbated a few times while I have been taking this prescribed medication. Will this have negative effects on my body? (9/19/2016)
- I have searched about treatment of PCOS on Google and read on every website that there is no permanent cure for PCOS!! Is it true?? (9/12/2016)
- How do I know when to go to the ER when having period cramps? My lower back and legs are in pain, and my entire pelvic area is throbbing in pain. I can barely stand up. (8/23/2016)
- Is it true that you HAVE to pee after sex? (7/11/2016)
- My vagina is really sore and uncomfortable, it hurts if I touch it and it is very itchy, and I have a discharge that smells a bit fishy, is it something to worry about?? (6/29/2016)
- I started birth control the day that I filled my prescription, but that was halfway through my cycle. Should I still expect my regular period? (5/2/2016)
- Is it true that when women live together their periods sync? (4/26/2016)
- I have pain in the inside of my vagina when I pee. What should I do and what are the docs going to do to me? (4/19/2016)
- Is it normal for my period to last more than a week and have a very light flow? (4/6/2016)
- I put a tampon in for about 20 minutes and I wasn’t on my period. Am I going to get TSS (toxic shock syndrome)? (3/21/2016)
- I’m 5 days late for my period but negative pregnancy test, should I be worried? (3/15/2016)
- I have pain when I urinate (pee). What could be the problem? (3/4/2016)
- Can you use tampons with PCOS? If so what is the best kind? (2/19/2016)
- My outside private parts “lips” (labia) are not equal in size. One side is bigger that the other. I feel like I have to hide even when I’m dressing. I’m so scared to go to my doctor as I’m not sure how to explain this. HELP! (2/8/2016)
- What is proper hygiene for the vagina and how do I know if I’m healthy down there? (1/27/2016)
- I am on continuous hormonal pills so I don’t get a period. Where does the blood go? and is it dangerous not to have a period? (12/21/2015)
- I’m on the pill and I usually take it continuously so I don’t get a period. But this month I was going to take the placebo pills to have a period. What I’m wondering is: When do I start the hormone pills again? Right after my period ends even if there are placebo pills left? And how long after starting a new pack after my period can I have sex safely without a condom? (11/30/2015)
- My period keeps on coming early, what should I do? Is this serious? (11/18/2015)
- Can I go to the bathroom (pee) when I have a tampon in? (11/11/2015)
- Is it possible to have irregular ovulation and irregular periods? If so, what’s the cause? (11/4/2015)
- When do I get my first pelvic exam? I’m going to the doctor soon and I don’t want to find out there. (10/14/2015)
- I got my period the first time a couple of months ago and I haven’t gotten it again. Is this normal? (10/9/2015)
- I have a field trip to an amusement park coming up this week and there are going to be rides. Is it ok if I go on the rides when I am on my period? (9/25/2015)
- I take birth control pills. Do I have to take the “inactive pills”? Why do I have to bleed during this time? (9/14/2015)
- Is it normal not to bleed the full week of your period when using birth control pills? (9/8/2015)
- My vagina looks weird. The left side has extra skin and when you hold it it’s really longer than the right side. Please help. (8/31/2015)
- I have never had sex but I have multiple bubble like bumps on my inner labia. What do you think it is? (8/27/2015)
- So I’m 14 years old and have never used tampons! I looked at the video on the site and tried it. However, when I insert the plastic (even before I put the tampon in) it starts stinging really bad!! I’ve tried washing my hands, making sure I’m holding the tampon correctly, and a ton of other stuff. I’m going to the pool in 2 days. Help!!! (8/24/2015)
- I took the Quiz on your page to find out if I have endometriosis and it came back that I have “one or more of the symptoms that can be caused by problems such as endometriosis, irritable bowel syndrome, or lactose intolerance, or a sexually transmitted infection (STI).” I have no idea what to do because I’m on vacation right now. Can you help? (8/20/2015)
- I am still on my period and it has been two weeks. Is that normal? (8/7/2015)
- I keep getting urinary tract infections after I have sex with my boyfriend. I’ve tried drinking a lot of liquids but that doesn’t help. Is there anything I can do to stop the pain? (8/3/2015)
- I have a yellow vaginal discharge. What does this mean? What should I do? (7/6/2015)
- I have extreme pelvic pain, as well as irregular periods. Sometimes I don’t get my period at all. Could there be something wrong? (6/19/2015)
- I’m a virgin but I have gas from my vagina sometimes. What is this? Please help. (6/10/2015)
- My period is 6 days late and I’m starting to worry. It’s never been late before. Should I be worried? (5/28/2015)
- I just started my period but it lasted for an entire week. Is this normal? (5/14/2015)
- Lately I have been thinking I should get my first pelvic exam, but when and where do I do this? Will I get checked for STIs and whether I can have children in the future? (5/7/2015)
- Is it normal to bleed A LOT when losing your virginity? I don’t understand why, and I’m quite nervous, to be honest. It was my first time and my boyfriend had to stop because I couldn’t handle the pain. (4/30/2015)
- I’ve recently switched from the patch to the Pill. The first month back on the Pill, I missed a few days, so I decided to wait till the next month to start it again which made my period come early. I’ve been taking the Pill consistently now but because I took a few pills in the first row already, I am going to run out of pills and my period is going to come early. What should I do? Is it dangerous to have my period come early? (4/28/2015)
- What causes it to smell “down there” (my vagina)? (4/17/2015)
- I’ve tried using a tampon several times but I have a hard time getting it in far enough, and it hurts. Help! (4/14/2015)
- Can a pelvic ultrasound tell if you are sexually active? (3/30/2015)
- I got the bar (birth control implant) put into my arm at the start of the year and since then I’ve had my period 5 times and whenever I don’t have my period I have a brown discharge. It doesn’t smell the greatest, and it’s stressing me out. (3/23/2015)
- Could a chlamydia infection from years ago cause an abnormal Pap test now? (3/11/2015)
- I am sexually active and have not had my period for 4 months. I have taken a lot of pregnancy tests but they are negative. I have acne and dark hair everywhere. Also, one of my nipples is white and one is a dark color. Are these symptoms connected? If so what is it? (3/9/2015)
- Is there any other way to get pregnant besides sex? (1/13/2015)
- I’m new to tampons and I can’t get it all the way in. Help please?? Is there something wrong with my vaginal shape or something? (12/31/2014)
- How do I keep track of my periods each month? (12/26/2014)
- I have labial hypertrophy (enlarged labia) and haven’t gotten my period yet although my mother and sister got it when they were 13 years old. Does the fact that I have large labia have anything to do with me not getting my period yet? (12/15/2014)
- Is it true that masturbating will mess up my menstrual cycle? (11/26/2014)
- My periods are really heavy. I was wondering if there was something I could do to lessen the flow? (10/15/2014)
- My period is 6 days late… Am I pregnant? I’m really scared. Please HELP! (9/17/2014)
- Is it normal to have 2 periods in 1 month? (9/3/2014)
- I’m on birth control pills and my boyfriend and I use condoms. Recently while we were having sex, the condom broke. I forgot to take my Pill that night, could I still get pregnant? (7/22/2014)
- Is it bad to insert a tampon before going swimming if I’m NOT on my period yet? I’m afraid I’ll start in the water. (7/2/2014)
- Can you get HPV from anal sex? (5/13/2014)
- Does having bacterial vaginosis or BV cause future fertility problems later (trouble getting pregnant)? (5/7/2014)
- I’ve been having periods since I was 12. I’m now 16… and my periods still aren’t regular. Is this normal? (4/3/2014)
- I’m 17 years old. Is it normal to have sexual desire and is my vagina mature enough to have sex? (3/26/2014)
- My vagina has a funny fishy smell. What is it? (3/12/2014)
- Is it true that most girls don’t have symptoms of chlamydia? (1/29/2014)
- When I scratch my vaginal area, the skin looks like it’s peeling and there are tiny cuts. What is it? (1/15/2014)
- I’m 17 years old and I have painful periods. Is this normal or do I have any type of disease? (11/13/2013)
- What are the most common signs of pregnancy? (10/30/2013)
- Why do some girls have menstrual cramps and others don’t? (10/23/2013)
- Why is the skin on the back of my neck looking dark? (10/16/2013)
- I’m 14 and I haven’t gotten my period yet. Is this normal? (10/9/2013)
- How can I get rid of the blood stains on my bed sheets? (10/2/2013)
- I’ve been having cramps in my lower abdomen and I’ve been moody, but I haven’t started my period yet. Is this normal? (9/25/2013)
- I shaved the hair on my chin, but it’s grown back. What’s wrong? (9/11/2013)
- What can make the hymen break? (7/31/2013)
- My vaginal lips hang out of my bathing suit because they’re so long. Is this normal? (7/3/2013)
- Is it safe to wash my hair during my period? (6/26/2013)
- Are there any home remedies for irregular periods? (6/12/2013)
- Should taking out your first tampon hurt? (6/5/2013)
- I’m 15 and I want to start birth control pills but I’m too afraid to ask my mom. What should I do? (5/29/2013)
- What is leukorrhea? (5/22/2013)
- Does the Pill make you gain weight? (5/8/2013)
- I have PCOS. Am I more likely to get pregnant if I’m taking Metformin? (4/24/2013)
- I just had my period 9 days ago and now I’m having it again. What should I do? (4/10/2013)
- While having sex I get very dry and sore. Is this normal? (3/27/2013)
- How deep in is your hymen? (3/20/2013)
- What is the appropriate time to have sex after menstruating? (3/13/2013)
- I have a yellowish liquid that comes out of my vagina frequently, but it’s not painful. Is that ok? (3/6/2013)
- I think I have labial hypertrophy. Do I have to have surgery? (2/27/2013)
- Where is the hymen in the vagina? (1/9/2013)
- Why does sex hurt sometimes? (12/12/2012)
- My periods are on and off – sometimes only a week apart. Is this normal? (12/5/2012)
- What are the symptoms of a period? (11/14/2012)
- How do I tell my mom that I got my period? (10/31/2012)
- Is there any menstruation during pregnancy? (10/17/2012)
- Is it normal to have bad smelly discharge if I haven’t had sex? (9/19/2012)
- I’m having itching and peeling around my vagina? Should I be worried? (9/12/2012)
- I haven’t had my period for a year. What should I do? (8/8/2012)
- It’s painful to go to the bathroom (pee) and I feel like I have to go a lot. Should I be worried? (6/27/2012)
- What’s the best cure for severe cramps during my period? (6/13/2012)
- I have this thing which is like a skin flap near my vaginal opening is. Sometimes it hurts. Is this normal? (6/6/2012)
- I heard that birth control pills cause cancer. Is this true? (5/23/2012)
- Can I have sex while I’m on my period? (4/25/2012)
- I had some sort of skin tag turn up overnight. It’s right next to my labia – what could it be? (4/11/2012)
- I had sex ONCE, about a year ago. Do I need a Pap test? (3/21/2012)
- I had a sinus infection recently, and now I have white vaginal discharge. Is this normal? (3/14/2012)
- If my mom got her period at 13, will I get my period then? (3/7/2012)
- I have PCOS and I’m scared I won’t be able to have children… what do you recommend? (2/29/2012)
- If you have a UTI and it feels better, do you still need to finish the medicine? (2/1/2012)
- How can I tell if I have a septate hymen? (1/18/2012)
- Is it true that people gain weight on birth control pills – and if yes how can you lose it? (1/11/2012)
- Does putting in a tampon hurt? (12/28/2011)
- I have a smell coming from my vagina. What causes it and how do I get rid of it? (12/21/2011)
- What does it mean when a yellow sticky thing comes out of your vagina? (11/30/2011)
- What could be the reason that I can’t insert a tampon? (11/16/2011)
- What does it mean if you have a strange smell coming from your vagina? (9/28/2011)
- What is brown discharge? (7/13/2011)
- At what age can girls use tampons instead of pads for their period? (6/15/2011)
- What are the signs of a vaginal infection? (5/18/2011)
- I was told I have a longitudinal (vertical) vaginal septum – What IS this? (5/4/2011)
- Can you delay your period from coming on a certain day or week? (3/23/2011)
- How do I know if I accidentally put a tampon in and forgot to take the old one out? (3/16/2011)
- What is that sticky stuff coming out of my vagina? (3/9/2011)
- I have PCOS. Does that mean I can’t get pregnant after marriage? (2/9/2011)
- Can you get pregnant right after a menstrual cycle? (2/3/2011)
- What does white discharge mean? (1/26/2011)
- I haven’t had my period in 4 months and I’m not sexually active. What’s up with that? (1/12/2011)
- How is bacterial vaginosis contracted and how do you get rid of it? (10/27/2010)
- How long is my menstrual cycle? (8/4/2010)
Parents’ Guides
- Birth Control Pills
- Emergency Contraception
- Endometriosis: College Planning
- Endometriosis: Continuous Hormonal Treatment (OCPs)
- Endometriosis: Frequently Asked Questions
- Endometriosis: General Information
- Endometriosis: Glossary of Terms
- Endometriosis: Helping Your Daughter Cope with Pain
- Endometriosis: How To Take Continuous Oral Contraceptive Pills
- Endometriosis: Leuprolide Acetate with Add–Back
- Endometriosis: Nutrition and Exercise
- Endometriosis: Progestin-Only Hormonal Therapy
- Endometriosis: School Concerns
- Endometriosis: Treatment Options
- Labial Adhesions
- MRKH: Accepting your Daughter’s Diagnosis
- MRKH: General Information
- MRKH: Helping your Daughter
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
- Vaginoscopy: A Guide for Parents