Yes, it’s possible to develop bacterial vaginosis (BV) or a yeast infection and still be considered a virgin (depending on your definition). Neither BV or yeast infections are transmitted by sex, but can be related to sexual activity. It’s important to mention that BV and yeast infections may appear similar, but are caused by two different organisms, meaning they are treated differently.
BV is caused by a bacterial infection and can only be diagnosed by a health care provider (HCP). Once BV is confirmed, your HCP will write a prescription for either an antibiotic cream/gel that will go inside the vagina with the use of an applicator or a prescription for pills that will be taken by mouth.
Yeast infections are a little different because they’re not a bacterial infection, but rather an overgrowth of fungus, so you don’t need an antibiotic. However, treatment is still important and comes in similar forms as BV, either a pill, vaginal cream, or vaginal suppository (a partially solid material that you insert into your vagina, where it dissolves and releases medicine). These medications can be purchased at your local drug store, but it’s important to schedule an appointment with your health care provider (HCP) first before making a purchase, especially if this your first experience with a yeast infection.
BV can happen to any women, regardless of age, but it rarely occurs in those who are not sexually active. What do we mean by sexually active, is anything from oral, anal, vaginal sex to dry-humping to the use of sex toys. Similarly, yeast infections can happen to any women, regardless of age, but they are caused by a change in organism balance. This can be caused by taking antibiotics, being overweight, tight underwear, pregnancy, diabetes, steroid use, and HIV. Everyone’s definition of virginity is different and is based on cultural, religion, and life experiences. So the short answer is yes, you can be a virgin and still develop BV. However, we strongly recommend that if you are experiencing any signs or symptoms of either BV or a yeast infection to see your health care provider (HCP) immediately. They can help determine what is causing your symptoms and the best treatment method.