It is natural for the skin around your vagina and anus to be a bit darker than the rest of your skin; however, it shouldn’t be itchy. Sometimes changes or darkening of the skin in the genital area, under the arms, and back of neck can be due to a hormone imbalance. The medical words for dark skin that feels soft (in certain areas of the body) is called acanthosis nigricans, which can be a symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)–but not everyone with darker skin in the genital area has PCOS. Itching is typically a symptom of inflammation that can be caused from an infection such as a yeast infection or irritation from laundry soap that underwear has been washed with. Bleaching products that are sold to lighten skin are not safe and should not be used. We recommend that you make an appointment with your health care provider so you can be evaluated and get the right treatment so you can start feeling better!