On this page:
Health Guides
- Acne
- Acupuncture
- Adoption
- Alcohol
- Anxiety
- Asthma: Action Plan and Getting Help
- Asthma: Diagnosis and Treatment
- Asthma: General Information
- Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
- Backpack Safety
- Bad Breath (Halitosis)
- Bike Safety
- Body Odor
- Body Piercing
- Braces
- Breast Health: Breast Self-Exam and Cancer Risks
- Breast Health: Buying a Bra
- Breast Health: General Information
- Bug Bites and Stings
- Bullying
- Check-ups
- Choosing a Primary Health Care Provider (PCP): Check-Ups
- Choosing a Primary Health Care Provider (PCP): General Information
- Chronic Illness and College Planning
- Cigarette Smoking
- Colds and Flu: General Information
- Colds and Flu: Prevention and Treatment
- College Application Tips
- College Health: General Information
- College Health: Health Services and Common Health Problems
- College Health: Mental Health Issues
- College Health: Sexual Health, Relationships, and Resources
- Concussions
- Conjuctivitis (Pink Eye)
- Consent
- Constipation
- Contact Lenses
- Coping with Quarantine during COVID-19
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine
- Cuts and Scrapes
- Cyberbullying and Bullying
- Dandruff
- Deep Breathing Exercises
- Dehydration
- Dental Health: Braces and Wisdom Teeth
- Dental Health: General Information
- Diabetes
- Driving Safety: Car Accidents
- Driving Safety: Frequently Asked Questions
- Driving Safety: General Information
- DXA Scan
- Dyslexia
- E-Cigarettes (Vaping)
- Ectopic/Tubal Pregnancy
- Eczema
- Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68)
- Evaluating Health Information
- Eye Health: Common Vision Problems and Eye Conditions
- Eye Health: Corrective Lenses, Glasses, and Contacts
- Eye Health: General Information
- Eye Health: Protecting Your Eyes
- Gambling
- Glasses
- Hair Removal
- Halitosis (Bad Breath)
- Hand Washing
- Hearing and Music
- Heart Disease
- How to Prepare for a Job Interview
- How to Quit Smoking
- How to Wash Your Hands and Prevent Illness
- HPV Vaccine
- Identity Theft
- Indoor Tanning
- Inpatient Surgery
- Insomnia
- Internet Safety
- Job Interviews
- Lyme Disease
- Marijuana
- Medical Research in the Clinic Setting
- Meditation
- Meningococcal Vaccine
- Menstrual Period: Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
- Migraine Headaches
- Miscarriage
- Molluscum Contagiosum
- Mononucleosis
- Motorcycle Safety
- Nicotine Pouches
- Norovirus
- Nosebleeds
- Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)
- Outpatient Surgery
- Peer Pressure
- Pelvic Exam
- Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)
- Plastic Surgery
- Poison Ivy
- Pregnancy: Ectopic/Tubal Pregnancy and Miscarriage
- Pregnancy: General Information
- Pregnancy: Unplanned Pregnancy
- Pregnancy: Unplanned Pregnancy – About Adoption
- Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
- Preparing for College: Interview Tips
- Preparing for Inpatient or “Overnight” Surgery
- Preparing for Outpatient or “Day” Surgery
- Puberty
- Pubic Hair
- Quit Smoking
- Reiki
- Removing Pubic Hair
- Rideshare Safety
- Ringworm
- Safety on the Streets
- Safety on the Streets: Quiz
- School Violence
- Seasonal Allergies
- Sexual Consent
- Showering
- Sinusitis
- Sleep
- Smokeless Tobacco
- Sore Throat
- Sprains and Strains
- Steroids and Performance-Enhancing Supplements
- Strep Throat
- Stuttering
- Sun Safety
- Taking Charge of Your Healthcare
- Tampons
- Tattoos
- Test Anxiety
- Time Management
- TMJ Disorders
- Tonsillitis/Pharyngitis
- Transitioning to Adult Health Care
- Unplanned Pregnancy
- Vaping
- Voter Registration
- Vulvar and Vaginal Care and Cleaning
- Water Park Safety
- Water Safety
- Whooping Cough and the Pertussis Vaccine
- Wisdom Teeth
- Yearly Check-up
- Yoga
- Your First Pelvic Exam
- Zika Virus
Guías de la Salud
- Alcohol
- Amigdalitis/Faringitis
- Ansiedad
- Asma: Información General
- Audición y Música
- Autoestima e Imagen Corporal
- Bronceado en Interiores (Bronceado Artificial)
- Cigarrillos Electrónicos y el Vapeo
- Cómo Dejar de Fumar
- Cómo Elegir un Proveedor de Cuidado Primario (PCP)
- Consejos para solicitar la admisión en una universidad
- Cortes Pequeños y Rasguños
- Depilación
- Depilación del vello púbico
- Deshidratación
- Dislexia
- Dolor de Garganta
- Embarazo: Embarazo Ectópico/ Embarazo Tubárico y Aborto Espontáneo
- Embarazo: Embarazo No Deseado
- Embarazo: Embarazo No Deseado – Sobre la Adopción
- Esguinces y Desgarros
- Estreñimiento
- Hiedra Venenosa
- Información acerca del tabaquismo
- Insomnio
- La Diabetes
- Marihuana
- Mononucleosis
- Olor corporal
- Perforaciones en el cuerpo
- Píldoras Anticonceptivas: Cómo Tomarlas
- Preparación para una cirugía ambulatoria o cirugía “de día”
- Preparación para una cirugía hospitalaria o cirugía “con estancia nocturna”
- Presión de los Pares
- Pubertad
- Salud dental: Cavidades
- Salud Dental: Frenos y Dientes de Sabiduría
- Salud Dental: Información General
- Salud dental: Manteniendo tus dientes limpios
- Salud en la universidad: Alcohol y drogas
- Salud Universitaria: Información General
- Salud Universitaria: Problemas de Salud Mental
- Salud Universitaria: Servicios y Problemas de Salud Comunes
- Tampones: Usando Tu Primer Tampón
- Tos ferina y la vacuna antipertussis
- Transición al cuidado de salud para adultxs
- Trastornos de la ATM
- Tu Primer Exámen Pélvico
- Vacuna contra el coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Vacuna contra el PVH
- Yoga
Dicas de Saúde
Ask Us Questions
- I feel I have quite a large stomach compared to kids at my school and it makes me uncomfortable to wear crop tops or pants that don’t cover my mid area. Especially after I eat, why is my stomach so big and hard to the touch? (3/25/2024)
- I constantly feel the urge to pick at my face/acne. I think this could be considered a skin-picking disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Do you have any advice on how to stop? It gets in the way of my daily activities and makes me feel bad about myself. (12/4/2023)
- When I stand up, I get super dizzy and sometimes black out. My eyesight keeps going halfway out when I start to get active. Why? I’m afraid that something is wrong with my blood sugars. I don’t know how to bring it up with my extremely strict parents. (11/27/2023)
- I woke up one day and when I stood up a gush of blood (mostly liquid blood) coming out during my period and it never happened again. Did something bad happen? (11/6/2023)
- Am I protected from pregnancy the week after the placebo pill week? I started my new pill pack on time (Sunday), but now I am freaking out! My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex on day 4 of my new pill pack. I have been on birth control for a year, could I be pregnant? (10/9/2023)
- I’m 16 and I’ve been eating a lot but haven’t if that makes sense.. I was at 152, now I’m 171, is that bad? I feel like I’m overweight and I get hungry fast I don’t know what to do. I’ve been starving myself. (10/2/2023)
- I think I might have vaginismus. What is it? How do I get rid of it? (9/8/2023)
- I’ve always felt like a woman and I believe I am, but I don’t like my genitals, I would rather have nothing there. What is wrong with me? (9/5/2023)
- Whenever I eat something, I get full really quickly but then I’m hungry again after like an hour. Is there a reason for this? I’ve also been losing weight slowly and I think it’s related, but I want to maintain my weight. (8/28/2023)
- I am 5’7 and underweight, but my doctor has told me I am at a “healthy” weight. If this is all true, then why is my butt covered in stretch marks?!? (7/31/2023)
- Is it weird that I have sexual dreams? (7/24/2023)
- I recently started taking metformin, but it’s been giving me a lot of nausea. I am wondering, will the nausea ever go away? I am worried because sometimes I feel like it will never go away, especially when it lingers till the next morning. Help! (7/17/2023)
- I recently started on the birth control pill. However, my mom really wants me to get an IUD, but I am not sexually active. I really want to stick with the pill, but now I am wondering, should I listen to my mom and get an IUD? (5/15/2023)
- Endometriosis runs in my family and my mom thinks I have it. I have really painful periods, but on my periods I have a lot of back pain to the point where it makes me cry and not want to walk. Is that normal? (2/24/2023)
- I recently trimmed my pubic hair and it’s now prickly and itchy…what should I do? It’s very uncomfortable. (11/11/2022)
- Are anal and vaginal douching products like Summer’s Eve® safe to use? (10/7/2022)
- Is it bad that I don’t have any sexual desire? (9/30/2022)
- Are there any health risks associated to chronic eating of sand? Is chronic eating of sand an indication of any particular disease(s) or health condition(s)? (9/23/2022)
- My left boob is a lot bigger than my right. It looks weird. Is that normal? Will it even out? (9/9/2022)
- How quickly do the birth control pill symptoms take to appear? When will I know when my body is used to it? I am scared of gaining weight and getting moody. So far, I haven’t, but I am very anxious that I will have this worry forever. (8/26/2022)
- Hey! I was wondering, could the third dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine make Plan B less effective? (8/19/2022)
- I have a lump in my left breast on the outside edge near my armpit. It’s the size of a marble but feels kind of like a ball of string and hurts slightly to touch. It’s been there a few months and gets worse with my period. Should I be concerned? (8/5/2022)
- Why do you guys call this site youngwomenshealth.org, when you talk about female health, including biological females (who identify as female), non-binary individuals, and trans men? Is this a welcoming space for trans people? (4/12/2022)
- What is a TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) level? Why would my doctor order this to be drawn? (4/8/2022)
- I have read your guide on constipation, but what is the opposite of constipation? I am pooping small amounts about 3-4 times per day. Is this normal? (12/7/2021)
- How safe is it to attend a large gathering right now? (11/30/2021)
- How safe is it to work out in a mask? (11/24/2021)
- I got very constipated and didn’t go to the bathroom for over a week. When I was able to go, I strained pretty bad. Now my butt is very sore, hurts to sit down, burns, and feels weird when I wipe. What’s going on? Don’t want to ask/show my parents! (11/5/2021)
- I am feeling really tired all the time, quite thirsty, nauseous and vomiting. I’m not peeing often, but when I am, it is longer than usual. These are all symptoms of diabetes, but I don’t know how to ask my parents to take me to the hospital. (11/2/2021)
- My dad had a kidney stone and was crying in pain. He never cries! Is there something I can do so I never have one? Are they genetic? (10/19/2021)
- I have a lot of acne and it makes me feel really insecure. I feel like none of my friends have it as bad as I do. What do I do? Help! (10/18/2021)
- I have hair all over my body, it’s not super thick, but it’s not thin either. I want to get rid of it ASAP. I tried shaving a few times, but it kept coming back. This time, I want to make sure it never comes back, but I also don’t want to spend a lot of money? Help! How do I get rid of it permanently? (10/6/2021)
- How do I get a full 8 hours of sleep? (9/29/2021)
- I’m under 18. Does my mom have to stay with me during a doctor’s exam? I want to ask my doctor about sex, but don’t know if I can ask my mom to leave. Also, if I ask her to leave, she’s gonna be super weird wondering why. (8/31/2021)
- Are there any health risks associated with not wearing a bra? As someone with a small chest, I feel like I rarely need one unless exercising. (8/18/2021)
- I hurt my back in summer softball. Coach and trainer said it didn’t look like anything major. A week has passed and it’s not any better. Medicine and rest haven’t helped. Money is tight but how do I know if I should go to the doctor? (8/16/2021)
- How is the COVID-19 vaccine considered safe if it hasn’t been approved yet? If it wasn’t approved, why would they recommend it for kids? I am really scared to get it because of this, help! (8/5/2021)
- Anytime I travel away from home, I always get constipated (can’t poop regularly). Why does this happen? (7/2/2021)
- It has been 2 years since everytime I eat, I feel nauseous. I wasn’t a heavy eater before but right now the usual servings I eat is just half of what I eat before. If I have too much, I would have to vomit it all. What is happening to me? (6/21/2021)
- In high school, I was diagnosed with a thyroid problem and had to have it removed. How common is it for young women to have problems with their thyroid and/or have a partial or total thyroid removal? (6/11/2021)
- How safe is it to get a COVID-19 vaccine, if you take hormonal medications? (6/4/2021)
- Does birth control stunt your growth? Rumor has it you’re only supposed to go grow 2 inches after your start your period, but I’ve grown 8 inches since it started. I got my period 2 years ago and now I am thinking about birth control. I am just worried I will stop growing if I take it. (5/28/2021)
- I recently received both of my meningitis vaccines during my check-up before leaving for college. The nurse gave me one injection in my right arm and one injection in my left arm. How long do I have to wait before receiving my COVID vaccine? (5/6/2021)
- When I squeeze my left breast, there is discharge that is the color of honey. It’s painful and sticky. I’m currently on my period. What could this be? (4/13/2021)
- One of my friends has an issue with their smoking addiction and has recently tried unsuccessfully to quit. I know it’s important to quit smoking and want to help them but I’m not sure what to do. How can I help them? (3/3/2021)
- I was recently diagnosed with PCOS, and I feel tired all of the time, even after I get 7-8 hours of sleep. I was wondering if this was because of my PCOS or is it something else? (2/11/2021)
- I have a lot of friends who vape. I have always really wanted to try, but I am scared. Can I try it even though I know it’s bad? If I just try it once, how bad is it for me? Can I get addicted after one time? Would my parents find out? (1/27/2021)
- Does getting the flu shot interfere with getting a Depo shot at the same time? (12/15/2020)
- I have taken two pregnancy tests and they both came back positive. I am a virgin! How is this possible? I don’t know how to tell my parents, help! (11/27/2020)
- I have heard from a few people that the herbal supplement mugwort interferes with birth control or makes it less effective. I tried looking it up, but I couldn’t find anything. Is this true? (11/23/2020)
- My mom says we aren’t getting our flu shots this year because we’re going to be staying home, but I still want to get the shot. Should I not get the shot? How should I confront my mom? (10/23/2020)
- My mom is insisting I go see a gynecologist. She really wants me to see our ‘family’ gynecologist, but he’s male and this makes me really uncomfortable. My mom thinks it’s silly I am uncomfortable, but I don’t know what to do. Should I just accept it and go to the appointment? (9/22/2020)
- I was told I needed to get clearance from a pediatric cardiologist, before I start cross country, due to my fast heart rate. My appointment is next week and I am a little nervous. What should I expect? Will anything hurt? (9/2/2020)
- I have noticed new stretch marks on my butt and hips. Does that mean I’m going to grow bigger hips and butt in my 20s? (8/17/2020)
- Are masks effective in preventing coronavirus transmission? Why? (8/12/2020)
- When I went to my annual doctor appointment, my doctor asked me about stuff like how the school year went, how my classes were, if I liked remote schooling, how I communicated with my friends, where I volunteered, and such. Why did she ask me that? (8/5/2020)
- When I sit, even for a short period of time, I tend to have pins and needles in my legs to the point that I don’t feel my legs anymore. Sometimes it also happens to my arms and hands. What is this? Is there anything I can do to stop it? (8/3/2020)
- What are birth control placebo pills? (7/31/2020)
- I’ve had this issue my whole life. I rarely feel thirst unless it’s extreme. I can’t drink more than a mouthful of any fluid or I feel nauseous. It’s an issue, as I can get dehydrated, but my body doesn’t tell me till it’s severe. (7/10/2020)
- How safe is it to use ride-share services? (6/24/2020)
- How safe is it to jog in the dark? (6/19/2020)
- I’ll still be able to go to the doctor’s office for my annual physical this summer, right? I know that we should be wearing masks and avoiding in-person interaction because of the pandemic, but that makes going to the doctor more important, right? (6/11/2020)
- I’ve had a red rash half way down my breasts. It’s not itchy but sometimes I get little spots on my breast too. Is this normal? (6/10/2020)
- How safe is it to shave pubic hair? (6/2/2020)
- How safe is it to vape? (5/20/2020)
- I noticed when I exercise my heart will beat really fast and strong (like it’s coming through my chest), but I can never feel my pulse. I did some research and I am curious, could I have an arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm) or heart disease? Should I see a doctor or can I diagnosis it myself? (5/7/2020)
- I’ve been staying up past midnight and not getting out of bed until the afternoon recently. How can I start going to sleep and waking up earlier? (4/27/2020)
- I’m 16 years old and when I go to the doctor, my mom insists on staying in the room. I have an upcoming doctor’s appointment and I want to ask some more personal questions. Do I have the right to talk to the doctor without my mom in the room? (4/24/2020)
- I recently found out that I have MRKH (Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser Syndrome) and I was curious, can MRKH affect breast development? (4/15/2020)
- I am currently on the birth control pill (BCP). This month I decided to skip the placebo week “sugar pills” and just start a new pill pack. I’ve heard that when you to do this you’re supposed to have spotting, but I haven’t. I have sex regularly, could this be a sign that I’m pregnant or did I just get lucky? (4/6/2020)
- Is it normal that I don’t have a nipple on one side? (3/31/2020)
- Whenever I stand or move around I feel like I give off a scent similar to a fart, but I am not passing gas. Any ideas what it might be? Help! I am embarrassed to ask my doctor. (3/11/2020)
- I have some significant acne scars on my face and they’re making me self conscious. I heard that topical retinol medicine can make them go away over time. Is it true? How do I make my acne scars go away? (3/11/2020)
- I’m almost always tired throughout the day and at school, but usually have trouble going to sleep at night. I’ll just get to bed and be awake still for hours. How do I go to sleep faster? Do things like taking melatonin supplements help? (2/21/2020)
- I am 17 years old and I have never had my period. Is this normal or should I worry about it? (2/12/2020)
- I don’t think I have “officially” had my period yet, but I recently had 3-4 days of brownish black discharge. I didn’t see any blood in the discharge, but could this have been my period? (2/6/2020)
- I just tried putting in a tampon for the first time. I was able to insert it half way, but I couldn’t push it any further. Is it my hymen that is blocking it? Should I see my health care provider? (1/6/2020)
- How Safe Is It… to wear a tampon to bed? (12/31/2019)
- How Safe is it… to NOT use a bicycle helmet when riding? (12/31/2019)
- A little amount of fluid comes out of my nipples when being squeezed. Is this normal? (11/13/2019)
- I got my first period 7 months ago but it hasn’t come back. Is there something wrong with me? (10/21/2019)
- I have had my period since I was 10. It’s been 3 years and my periods are still irregular. Sometimes I get them every month and then it doesn’t come for another 3. I am not stressed or work out too much. Should I visit my doctor about this? (9/25/2019)
- I am developing a lot of stretch marks on my body. Is there anything I can do other than workout/lose weight? Are they permanent? (9/12/2019)
- Can you get bowel cancer at 13 years old? (9/4/2019)
- Is it more hygienic to shave my pubic hair or just leave it alone? (8/26/2019)
- What natural substance can I use to cure pimples on my face? (7/31/2019)
- What do I do if I accidentally cut myself while shaving? (7/17/2019)
- What causes your period to be late if you are a virgin? (7/9/2019)
- For the past week and a half, maybe longer, I’ve been having breast pain. It’s a pain that only hurts when pressure is applied. Whether that be from sleeping on my side, pushing on it, or wearing a bra. It’s only in one spot, on the side and bottom? (5/29/2019)
- Is there a hormone test you can have done to determine the best birth control for you? Or do you just have to try a birth control and see how your body reacts? (5/20/2019)
- I ate a lot of raw cookie dough, and I just found out that it can make you sick. Will I get sick? Please help!!! (5/1/2019)
- I found this brown smudge in my underwear and the internet said it was old blood that took longer to come out of my body. Is it really blood and will I get my period soon? (2/8/2019)
- One of my nipples is itchy a lot, and has discharge but the other is fine. What’s wrong with me? (1/18/2019)
- I can’t go to sleep. I’ve tried teas, meditation, music, worry dolls and just about anything else I could think of. Falling asleep between 12:30-4:00 is common for me, and once I do fall asleep it’s only for just over an hour. What can I do? (1/7/2019)
- Can you get sick if you go outside with wet hair? (12/27/2018)
- Do girls stop growing in height after their first period? (12/21/2018)
- Now that colds and flu are starting to spread around school, a lot of my classmates are getting sick. How can I keep myself healthy when I’m surrounded by germs? (11/28/2018)
- It seems like no matter how much water I drink, I’m still thirsty. I can’t go anywhere without a bottle of water, and I drink over 3 liters of water a day. Is there something wrong with me? (11/7/2018)
- I’m 13 and had my first period 6 months ago. It hasn’t shown up again. I haven’t had sex. What’s going on? (10/30/2018)
- I have been waking up every night at 3:00am and I am awake until my alarm goes off at 7:30. I stopped watching TV or going on the web after dinner and I also tried drinking chamomile tea but it hasn’t helped me sleep through the night. I am very tired during school and I feel like l cannot bear this lack of sleep during the entire school year. Please, can you help me? (10/16/2018)
- Hi, I have a problem. I am getting my second period soon so I want to wear something to prepare. I really like using tampons but you can’t when you’re not on your period, and pads are very, very, very uncomfortable. I really need help. (10/5/2018)
- I noticed that when I am in PE class or just when I walk home from school, I sweat a lot while my friends don’t seem to sweat. Why do I have rings under my armpits? (9/25/2018)
- Do you get your period when you’re going to the bathroom or will it just happen at a random time? (9/19/2018)
- I have some stretch marks on my thighs, butt and breasts. What can I do to make them disappear? (9/14/2018)
- Do all girls with PCOS need to diet? (9/10/2018)
- How many eggs does a woman have in her life time? (9/3/2018)
- I’ve begun using tampons and it hurts a little when I insert it. I’m following the instructions and everything too. Am I not getting it in all the way or is it just my muscles? (8/31/2018)
- My boyfriend and I started dating about a week ago, and last night while we were on the phone he asked me to make him bigger, then he sent me a bad picture. It really upset me. I am also asexual, and he knew that! What should I do? (8/2/2018)
- I’ve had discharge for about 2 years and I know that this can sometimes be a sign of starting your period, but I have still not started even though most of my friends have. Is there something wrong with me? (7/16/2018)
- I can’t stop eating. Is this normal, or should I be concerned? (7/11/2018)
- Should we avoid certain types of food like fats or sweets during our period to prevent break outs? (7/3/2018)
- Both my cheeks are full of pimples and it feels very weird to go outside like that. I use a face wash twice a day and I drink a lot of water and green tea but my skin isn’t clearing. What should I do to clear my face? (6/22/2018)
- I have hair on my chest. Is this normal? Do other girls have hair like me? (6/13/2018)
- Can a doctor say when I’ll get my period? Is there some kind of way to see where I am in the process? (5/29/2018)
- I’m 15 and my breast size is not getting bigger. But most of my class friends have. What can I do? (5/11/2018)
- If you are around another girl who is on her period, does it mess up your cycle where you get it too? (5/7/2018)
- I’m 19 and it looks like milk is coming out of my breast. I’m not pregnant. What could be wrong with me? (4/23/2018)
- One side of my outer labia is much larger than the other. There is an obvious difference in size, and it makes me very emotionally uncomfortable on a daily basis. Should I be concerned, or is this normal? (4/17/2018)
- How do I tell my dad about my yeast infection? Or should I keep it to myself? I only live with my brother and father. (4/10/2018)
- I have recently experienced a bad soreness and pain in my jaw. I went to the dentist and got diagnosed with TMJ. A few weeks later it got worse and now I can only open my mouth half way, and when I try to bite down it hurts. What methods should I take to help cure this? (4/3/2018)
- I suffer a lot during the first day of my period. What may be the reason? Help! (3/20/2018)
- Is there a way I can get my hearing better without hearing aids? (2/26/2018)
- For most of my life I’ve been forced to use a steroid inhaler at least once a month because of my severe asthma. I have hair on my chest but not in the nipple area. Could this be a side effect from using a steroid inhaler? (2/19/2018)
- I’m 12, I have boobs and my period. All my friends and family say I look like I’m 14-16. Is this normal? (1/29/2018)
- Will I have to take medication if I get diagnosed with PCOS? I believe I have PCOS and am looking into getting a diagnosis this year, but I don’t mind not having my period and do not want to have to take medication that will give me my period. Do I have a choice or will I be forced to take meds? (1/22/2018)
- Why do we get acne on our face, back, and chest? (1/15/2018)
- Why is my stomach so noisy? (10/18/2017)
- Why am I the first person in my class to get boobs, a bra and my PERIOD? (10/13/2017)
- I have used treatment for small pimples on my face but they haven’t gone away yet. What kind of creams and soaps should I use so they will disappear? (10/6/2017)
- What’s the difference between a panty liner and a pad? Which one is better? (9/25/2017)
- Is it safe to use Q-tips to clean my ears? (7/28/2017)
- I’m 19 years old and so scared of needles and shots that when I even think about them too much, I get so scared I break down crying. I don’t know what to do! (7/10/2017)
- Do I absolutely have to see a gynecologist at a certain age now that I’m a teen? (7/3/2017)
- My areolas are dark and have tiny bumps. Is there any way I can get rid of bumps and make the areola lighter in color? (6/27/2017)
- I just used an acne over the counter cleanser with 5% benzoyl peroxide. After using it for the first time my skin felt a little irritated… (6/12/2017)
- I get headaches every day, should I be worried? (5/30/2017)
- What is the correct way to take a shower? (5/24/2017)
- Is it normal to wear a panty liner every day? (5/18/2017)
- Every time I masturbate, I get my period but it’s not like my real menstruation. I’ve never inserted any object into my vagina, and I’m a virgin. My doctor said my hormones are not stable. Can masturbation increase hormones and actually affect my menstrual cycle? (5/5/2017)
- The other day I wore a shirt that was deemed “inappropriate” by my parents. I felt fine wearing it. To what extent must I dress appropriately? (5/3/2017)
- I watched the video and read the article on how to insert a tampon, but I still can’t do it! I’ve tried several times and it always feels uncomfortable in my vagina? Why? (4/25/2017)
- How can I understand politics and the news more? How can I tell if it is real or fake news? (4/21/2017)
- I have a pimple near my vagina. I do not shave my pubic hair and I have never had any type of sexual intercourse. What may be wrong? (4/19/2017)
- How can I be more environmentally friendly during my period when I am away from home on vacation, a road trip, or summer camp? (4/13/2017)
- I am the only one of my friends that hasn’t had period yet. Is it dangerous? (4/5/2017)
- How do I insert a tampon in my vagina? (2/22/2017)
- I need help building a positive body image. Because I am skinny, lack curves, and still wear a size A. I feel like boys aren’t attracted to me. What should I do? (2/16/2017)
- Do pills or injections really help to increase breast size? What alternative can be used to make my breasts bigger? (1/13/2017)
- I have gas and sometimes diarrhea. What do you recommend? (1/5/2017)
- My friend just told me they’re gender fluid. I love them, no matter what, but I’m finding it hard to switch from “she” to “they” all the time and will make mistakes by accident. I don’t want them to feel bad, so how can I get better? (12/20/2016)
- I sleep without underwear. Is that good or bad? (11/28/2016)
- I started developing breasts in grade 4 and now I’m in grade 6. This happened to a lot of my friends and they have all gotten their periods but I haven’t got mine. When should I get mine? (11/4/2016)
- Is it okay to wear a bra to bed? I have fairly large breasts, and I feel uncomfortable when I don’t wear one. It doesn’t hurt when I wear my bra to bed but will this make my breasts sag? (10/26/2016)
- I have irregular periods does it mean i have PCOS???? (10/11/2016)
- My gynecologist just recently put me on progesterone to see if it would induce my period. I have shamefully masturbated a few times while I have been taking this prescribed medication. Will this have negative effects on my body? (9/19/2016)
- Could I get an infection from masturbating? (9/6/2016)
- I just hate socks, but I am worried that if I don’t wear them my sneakers will get gross and start smelling awful. Is it okay to wear sneakers without socks? (8/31/2016)
- How do I know when to go to the ER when having period cramps? My lower back and legs are in pain, and my entire pelvic area is throbbing in pain. I can barely stand up. (8/23/2016)
- I have pinworms and I don’t know how to get rid of them!!! (8/19/2016)
- I’m 14, I’ve had my period for 2 years, and I still wear training bras. Is that normal? I get really embarrassed when I’m with my friends that haven’t even started their periods yet and have much bigger breasts than me!! What should I do?! (8/16/2016)
- I have dark hair and I have noticed that I have a good amount of hair around my anus. Is it normal for women to shave or wax the hair around this area? (6/14/2016)
- I’m lesbian and I came out to my friends on New Year’s Eve but I don’t know if I need to tell my doctor because I am only 13. (6/6/2016)
- I think I have underdeveloped nipples? Is this normal? (5/23/2016)
- I have acne. In the last 3-4 months it has gotten worse and now I have been told that I have “cystic” acne. The pimples are mostly on my forehead and nothing is helping to make them go away. My periods are very irregular. Could my symptoms be related? (5/11/2016)
- I have pain in the inside of my vagina when I pee. What should I do and what are the docs going to do to me? (4/19/2016)
- I can’t sleep properly and haven’t been able to for a couple of years. I know something is wrong but what is it? (4/12/2016)
- I have pain when I urinate (pee). What could be the problem? (3/4/2016)
- Are you supposed to shave pubic hair? (2/24/2016)
- Is it okay to wash my hair during my period? My mom said it’s bad for my health, but she doesn’t tell me why? (2/3/2016)
- I have a sort of a cut or scab in my belly button. I put hydrogen peroxide on it almost every night. It’s healing but REALLY slowly. Before the scab formed there was “crust” in the naval. I don’t know if I should waste my time going to the doctor of it’s already on its healing stage. (1/22/2016)
- How can I manage sleep so that I don’t feel down?? (12/7/2015)
- I wear a bra every day to make my small breasts bigger, but it’s not working. What can I do? (11/25/2015)
- I’ve had acne since the 4th grade and it started to get better but now I’m in 8th grade and I’m getting more on my face, back, and chest. What do I do? (10/28/2015)
- I read that taking birth control pills can help lower the risk of getting anemia. I have already been diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia; will going on the pill help? (10/21/2015)
- When do I get my first pelvic exam? I’m going to the doctor soon and I don’t want to find out there. (10/14/2015)
- Pls help! I have PCOS. My breasts were perfect before I gained weight. But now I am embarrassed because my breasts are big and loose. Is there anything I can do to make them smaller and lift them up without surgery? I don’t want to have a muscular body either. (9/29/2015)
- I have a field trip to an amusement park coming up this week and there are going to be rides. Is it ok if I go on the rides when I am on my period? (9/25/2015)
- My breasts hurt only before my period. Do they grow at this time? (9/21/2015)
- I just turned 14 and am going to start high school. I have a lot of social media accounts (Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, etc.), and am a little worried because there have been a lot of reports of cyberbullying at my new school. How can I make sure my accounts have the best privacy settings, so that what I share doesn’t get to people I don’t want seeing it? (9/4/2015)
- So I’m 14 years old and have never used tampons! I looked at the video on the site and tried it. However, when I insert the plastic (even before I put the tampon in) it starts stinging really bad!! I’ve tried washing my hands, making sure I’m holding the tampon correctly, and a ton of other stuff. I’m going to the pool in 2 days. Help!!! (8/24/2015)
- I spend a lot of time texting with my friends. Is it possible to be addicted to texting? (8/13/2015)
- How do I increase my metabolism? Are there any specific foods or drinks or something like that? (8/11/2015)
- I’m 15 years old and I don’t see any development in my breasts. Should I go to the doctor? (7/17/2015)
- I’ve had my period for 4 days now and I have a pool party to go to. Will it be okay for me to wear my bathing suit and go in the pool without anything happening? (6/29/2015)
- Can a gynecologist tell if I masturbate? It is my first visit to the gynecologist, what should I be prepared for? (6/26/2015)
- I have a lot of body hair, and it kind of embarrasses me. I even get comments about how I have sideburns. Is this normal? (6/22/2015)
- My mom made a new rule that if I want to keep my Facebook and Instagram accounts, I have to add her as a friend and let her follow my posts, but I don’t really want to. What should I do? (6/17/2015)
- I am happy with my breasts. There is no pain and there are no lumps that I can detect but there is milky-colored secretion from one breast. Should I check it out with a doctor? (6/15/2015)
- How do I know if I’m over masturbating? And if I am, are there any symptoms/downsides/negative effects this can have on me? (6/5/2015)
- How old should a girl be to start dating? (6/2/2015)
- I know that I have to wash my face, but is there any other way to get rid of acne without using medications? (5/26/2015)
- Are bumps on the nipple normal? Can they be removed in any way? What if they secrete a substance sometimes? (4/10/2015)
- My father is 5’10 and my mother is 5’2. I am 5’1. How can I become tall? (4/6/2015)
- My nipples point inward instead of out. Is this normal? (4/3/2015)
- Is it bad to play multiplayer video games with my friends? (3/26/2015)
- I am almost 22 and I think my breasts are fully developed, but I am worried they are too small. Is there any type of injection or medicine that I can take that will increase my breast size? (2/24/2015)
- I suffer from pain in my left arm and chest. My blood pressure is also sometimes high. What should I do? (2/11/2015)
- If I grew small boobs at a younger age, will that determine my breast size for the future? (1/23/2015)
- I’m new to tampons and I can’t get it all the way in. Help please?? Is there something wrong with my vaginal shape or something? (12/31/2014)
- My vulva/labia became swollen after I used shaving cream on it. What should I do? (12/3/2014)
- Help! I have body odor and bad breath even though I take a bath every day. Now I am losing my friends. What should I do? (11/19/2014)
- My friend told me that if you sleep in a bra then your chances of breast cancer increase. Is this true? (11/5/2014)
- Is sleeping during the day bad for my health? (10/30/2014)
- I have bad pimples on my legs. Is this normal and how do I get rid of them? (10/22/2014)
- I have pimples near my vagina…what’s happening? (10/9/2014)
- My eight year old daughter found a small lump on her breast area and says it’s really sore. Is this normal for her age? (10/3/2014)
- What are wisdom teeth and how can I tell if I have them? (9/24/2014)
- Should I be concerned about a dark spot on my nipple that I’ve had for years? (9/10/2014)
- I usually go 2-3 days without sleeping and then I only sleep a couple of hours and then the cycle repeats. I know this isn’t healthy but what can I do? (8/27/2014)
- How can I get rid of the stretch marks on my thighs? (7/29/2014)
- Will I always have asthma? (7/9/2014)
- I just got braces. Are there any foods I should avoid eating? (6/19/2014)
- Does Your Height Increase After Puberty? (6/11/2014)
- My face is full of small pimples. What can I do to prevent this? (3/5/2014)
- Can I go to school with Mono and participate in gym class? (2/19/2014)
- How can I prevent my face and other areas of my skin from getting too dry? (1/22/2014)
- My friends told me that wearing bras to bed makes your boobs saggy and prevents them from growing. Is this true? (1/8/2014)
- Why do I have pimples right before my period? (12/11/2013)
- I’m slightly overweight. How can I slim my stomach? (12/4/2013)
- Is peeling the skin around my finger nails continuously considered “self-harm”? (11/26/2013)
- Help! I have dark hair on my upper lip and chin. What can I do about it? (11/20/2013)
- Why does the pelvic area in girls widen during puberty? (11/6/2013)
- How can I get rid of the blood stains on my bed sheets? (10/2/2013)
- I shaved the hair on my chin, but it’s grown back. What’s wrong? (9/11/2013)
- Can lack of sleep affect your memory? (9/4/2013)
- Is it ok to trim your pubic hair? (8/21/2013)
- Does chocolate causes acne? Is there an “acne diet”? (8/14/2013)
- I think I have MRSA near my vagina. I’m scared. What do I do? (7/24/2013)
- Is it safe to wash my hair during my period? (6/26/2013)
- Should taking out your first tampon hurt? (6/5/2013)
- What causes dark spots on the face and how can I get rid of them? (2/6/2013)
- Does massaging your breasts everyday help them grow bigger? (1/23/2013)
- How can I remove hair from my bikini area? (1/2/2013)
- I’ve been having a major growth spurt for almost 3 months and now I’m shooting up like a rocket! When will this end? (9/5/2012)
- I have a terrible case of acne all over my back and face and I feel like hiding in a paper bag. What can I do? (8/29/2012)
- Are stretch marks on the hips, thighs, and breasts normal? (8/22/2012)
- What causes my eye to twitch sometimes? (7/11/2012)
- I can see tiny black spots under my pale skin where I shave my pubic hair. Is this normal? (5/9/2012)
- Is it normal for my breasts to be red after a shower? (5/2/2012)
- I have a hair problem on my nipple area, what should I do to solve my problem? (4/18/2012)
- I’m 18. I have breasts and hair in the necessary places, but no period. Should I be worried? (4/4/2012)
- I have different size breasts. Can I fix this? (3/28/2012)
- I wet the bed every night and wear diapers. How can I stop? (1/25/2012)
- I have a terrible, itchy rash around my anal area. ACK, help! (1/4/2012)
- How can I tighten my breasts? (11/23/2011)
- How can I have a “pear” body shape? (11/2/2011)
- I’m a virgin and want to use tampons. Is that okay? (8/10/2011)
- What’s the correct way to get rid of bumps/pimples caused from shaving pubic hair? (8/3/2011)
- What happens if you have one breast that’s a cup size larger than the other? (7/20/2011)
- Can you get your period while you’re swimming? (6/29/2011)
- Is it safe to shave the hair around my breasts? (6/22/2011)
- At what age can girls use tampons instead of pads for their period? (6/15/2011)
- If girls get periods, what do guys get? (5/25/2011)
- I’ve been trying to get rid of my pimples. My acne just won’t go away! What do I do? (4/27/2011)
- Will my tampon fall out if I run? (4/13/2011)
- I want to pierce my belly button by myself. What are the risks? (4/6/2011)
- Is breast pain or tenderness normal? (3/29/2011)
- Can you delay your period from coming on a certain day or week? (3/23/2011)
- Do I have to take the tampon out every time I go to the bathroom? (12/29/2010)
- Should I shave my pubic hair? (12/15/2010)
- Can I swim if I’m wearing a tampon? (11/24/2010)
- How come girls get periods but guys don’t? No fair! (11/17/2010)
- What are the dark pink lines on my boobs? (11/10/2010)
- Why do I have white discharge but not my period? (11/3/2010)
- Are people that are born fat naturally fat? (10/20/2010)
- How do you wear a tampon? (10/13/2010)
- I’ve thinned out during puberty, but I’m still overweight. How I can be healthier? (9/28/2010)
- Is it ok to be a little overweight? (9/8/2010)
- Should I sleep with a tampon in? (9/1/2010)
- How do I measure my bra size myself? (8/11/2010)
Parents’ Guides
- DXA Scan
- E-Cigarettes (Vaping)
- Evaluating Health Information
- HPV Vaccine
- Internet Safety
- Meningococcal Vaccine
- Pertussis Vaccine
- Transitioning from Pediatric to Adult Health Care