On this page:
Health Guides
- Abortion
- Abstinence
- Bacterial Vaginosis
- Birth Control Pills: Frequently Asked Questions
- Birth Control Pills: General Information
- Birth Control Pills: How to take BCPs
- Birth Control Pills: Medical Uses
- Cervical Cap
- Chlamydia
- Condoms
- Consent
- Continuous Hormonal Treatment
- Contraception in Trans Health
- Contraception: General Information
- Contraception: Phexxi
- Contraception: Pros and Cons of Different Contraceptive Methods
- Contraception: Quiz
- Contraception: Success and Failure Rates of Contraceptives
- Contraceptive Sponge
- Cystic Fibrosis: Contraception
- Cystic Fibrosis: Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
- Cystic Fibrosis: Talking with Your CF Team about Sexual and Reproductive Health
- Cystic Fibrosis: Talking with Your Partner about CF and Sexual and Reproductive Health
- Cystic Fibrosis: What Should I Know About Sex?
- Dental Dams
- Depo-Provera® Hormonal Injections
- Diaphragm
- Ectopic/Tubal Pregnancy
- Emergency Contraception (EC)
- Estrogen/Progestin Hormonal Injections
- Female Condom or Internal Condoms
- Female Sterilization (Tubal Ligation)
- Fertility Awareness Based Method (FAB)
- Gonorrhea
- Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: Progestin-Only Hormone Therapy
- Hepatitis B
- Herpes
- HIV Testing
- Hormonal Implants
- Hormone Patch (Xulane/Twirla)
- HPV Vaccine
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation
- Intra-Uterine Devices (IUDs)
- Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM)
- LGBTQ: Contraception
- LGBTQ: Sexual Orientation
- LGBTQ: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Mental Health and Resources
- Making Healthy Sexual Decisions
- Masturbation
- Menstrual Period: General Information
- Menstrual Period: How to Prepare for your First Period
- Miscarriage
- Molluscum Contagiosum
- NuvaRing
- Patch
- Pelvic Exam
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
- Periods
- Phexxi
- Pregnancy: Ectopic/Tubal Pregnancy and Miscarriage
- Pregnancy: General Information
- Pregnancy: How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy
- Pregnancy: Unplanned Pregnancy
- Pregnancy: Unplanned Pregnancy – About Abortion
- Progestin-Only Oral Contraceptive Pills (POP)
- Puberty
- Pubic Lice (“Crabs”)
- Pull-Out Method
- Rape and Sexual Assault
- Scabies
- Sexual Assault and Rape
- Sexual Consent
- Sexual Health and Solid Organ Transplant (SOT) Recipients
- Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): General Information
- Spermicides
- Sponge
- Sterilization (Tubal Ligation)
- Syphilis
- Talking With Your Partner About Condoms
- Transplant Recipients: Sexual Health
- Trichomoniasis (Trichomonal Vaginitis; “Trich”)
- Unplanned Pregnancy
- Vaginal Hormonal Ring (NuvaRing®, Annovera™ )
- Vaginal Infections (Vaginitis)
- Virginity
- Withdrawal or Pull-Out Method
- Your First Pelvic Exam
Guías de la Salud
- Abuso Sexual y Violación
- Anticoncepción de emergencia
- Anticoncepción Natural (Planificación Familiar Natural)
- Capuchón Cervical
- Clamidia
- Coito Interrumpido/Retirarse
- Condones Masculinos
- Decisiones Sexuales Saludables
- Depo-Provera® Inyecciones Hormonales
- Diafragmas
- Dispositivos Intrauterinos (DIUs)
- Embarazo: Cómo Tener un Embarazo Saludable
- Embarazo: Embarazo Ectópico/ Embarazo Tubárico y Aborto Espontáneo
- Embarazo: Embarazo No Deseado
- Embarazo: Embarazo No Deseado – Acerca del Aborto
- Embarazo: Embarazo No Deseado – Sobre la Adopción
- Embarazo: Información General
- Enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica (EIP)
- Enfermedades de transmisión sexual (ETS)
- Espermicidas
- Esponja Anticonceptiva
- Esterilización Femenina
- Gonorrea
- Hablando de Condones
- Herpes
- Implantes hormonales
- Método de la Amenorrea por Lactancia (MELA)
- Molusco Contagioso
- Parche Anticonceptivo (Ortho-Evra®/Xulane®)
- Periodo Menstrual
- Píldoras Anticonceptivas: Información General
- Píldoras Anticonceptivas: Usos Médicos
- Piojos Púbicos (Cangrejos)
- Preservativos Femeninos
- Prueba de VIH
- Pubertad
- Salud Universitaria: Salud Sexual, Relaciones, y Recursos
- Sarna
- Sífilis
- Tricomoniasis (Vaginitis por tricomonas o “Tric”)
- Tu Primer Exámen Pélvico
- Vacuna contra el PVH
- Vaginosis Bacteriana
- Virginidad
- Virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH)
Dicas de Saúde
- Abstinência
- Capuz Cervical
- Clamídia
- Contracepção de Emergência (CE)
- Contracepção: Informações Gerais
- Contracepção: Taxas de Falha e de Sucesso dos Contraceptivos
- Diafragma
- Dispositivos Intrauterinos (DIUs)
- Esponja Contraceptiva
- Falando com seu parceiro sobre preservativos
- Gestação: Gestação Ectópica/Tubária e Aborto
- Gonorreia
- Hepatite B
- Implantes Hormonais
- Injeção Hormonal de Depo-Provera ®
- Injeções Hormonais de Estrogênio/Progesterona
- Métodos Baseados Na Percepção Da Fertilidade (MBPF)
- Papilomavírus Humano (HPV)
- Pílulas Anticoncepcionais: Como tomar
- Pílulas Anticoncepcionais: Informações Gerais
- Pílulas Anticoncepcionais: Perguntas Mais Frequentes
- Preservativo Feminino
- Preservativos Masculinos
- Prós e Contras de Diferentes Métodos Contraceptivos
- Seu Primeiro Exame Ginecológico
- Teste para HIV
- Vaginose Bacteriana
Ask Us Questions
- Am I protected from pregnancy the week after the placebo pill week? I started my new pill pack on time (Sunday), but now I am freaking out! My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex on day 4 of my new pill pack. I have been on birth control for a year, could I be pregnant? (10/9/2023)
- I think I might have vaginismus. What is it? How do I get rid of it? (9/8/2023)
- I’ve always felt like a woman and I believe I am, but I don’t like my genitals, I would rather have nothing there. What is wrong with me? (9/5/2023)
- I recently started on the birth control pill. However, my mom really wants me to get an IUD, but I am not sexually active. I really want to stick with the pill, but now I am wondering, should I listen to my mom and get an IUD? (5/15/2023)
- Recently I have been dreaming about having romantic feelings and kissing girls. Yet, I also dream about the same thing with boys! Does this mean I am “bi” (bi-sexual)? The thing is I prefer to be with boys in a romantic relationship, help please! (4/14/2023)
- My partner said that when he enters inside me, he feels something like a barrier or a lump. This kind of barrier hurts when touched. What can it be? Because of this, I can’t have normal sex. (I have never had sex before.) (4/10/2023)
- I just finished a 7 day break from my birth control pills. I am starting my second pack of pills. Will I be protected against pregnancy right away? (3/27/2023)
- What should you do if you go to a clinic for birth control and the doctor judges you and lectures you on premarital sex? Should you tell them to keep their opinions to themselves or tell them that you don’t see anything wrong with premarital sex? (10/28/2022)
- Does the pull-out method actually prevent pregnancy? My boyfriend really wants to try having sex without a condom… (10/21/2022)
- Is it bad that I don’t have any sexual desire? (9/30/2022)
- How would I find my “clit” aka my clitoris? I have tried using a mirror to see where it is, but I can’t find it. I read online that people can have a condition called clitoris atrophy, where the clit shrinks causing them to lose feeling and sensation. Do you think this happening to me, since I can’t find it? (9/16/2022)
- How quickly do the birth control pill symptoms take to appear? When will I know when my body is used to it? I am scared of gaining weight and getting moody. So far, I haven’t, but I am very anxious that I will have this worry forever. (8/26/2022)
- Hey! I was wondering, could the third dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine make Plan B less effective? (8/19/2022)
- Is it normal for your vagina to be loose and look different after having sex a few times? (7/29/2022)
- I’m 14, and my fiancé and I are ready for sex. I’m planning to use lots of protection. My parents don’t want me to have sex, but they are giving me an okay. We both have plans for the future, and he will be by my side if I get pregnant early. Am I ready, or no? (7/22/2022)
- I’ve learned a lot about the human body lately and I feel disgusted realizing there are parts of me dedicated to sex and making babies. I hate my entire reproductive tract and especially my boobs. I wish my chest was flat. Is it normal to feel this? (6/10/2022)
- For the last four months, I have been taking a birth control called Wymzya FE. I really like this birth control, but when I had my physical with my primary care provider, they switched me to the generic form of Wymzya FE. My question is, will I still be protected from pregnancy if I take the generic form of Wymzya? (6/3/2022)
- What happens if a condom falls off inside you? (11/18/2021)
- Last night, our condom broke, so I took Plan B®. However, I am also on the Depo-Provera® shot. Was that the right thing to do? (11/16/2021)
- Lately, when I masturbate I noticed I am not getting as “wet” as did before. When I finish, it’s dryer than usual. Is this normal? Should I go to the doctor? (10/25/2021)
- I had vaginal sex one time and took all the precautions. It’s been a long time since I had sex and nothing in my life changed because of it. My health care provider (HCP) always asks if I am sexually active, what do I say if it’s only been one time? (9/13/2021)
- My boyfriend and I have never had sex, but we would like to start. I am just really nervous that something could go wrong! I worry about things like STIs and/or a bursting condom. I am concerned because STI testing and the morning after pill are not easily available where I live. What should I do? Can we still have sex? (8/24/2021)
- Three weeks ago, I was diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection (STI). My health care provider (HCP) prescribed me antibiotics. Now I feel horny, does this mean my infection has cleared up? (7/23/2021)
- I would like to lose my virginity when I am 14 or 15 years old. Is that OK? My parents would obviously not be OK with this but I don’t understand why it would be wrong. Obviously I would make sure I don’t get pregnant. (7/5/2021)
- Is it possible to have endometriosis if you’re not sexually active? Is it safe to take birth control pills for endometriosis, if I am not sexually active? (6/29/2021)
- I am a lesbian and recently my girlfriend and I have been talking about having sex. We want to make sure we are protected, are there barrier methods made for women having sex with each other? (6/24/2021)
- I am asexual and I never want to be sexually active with another person. Do I still need to have a pelvic exam? If so, what age is recommended for your first visit? (6/8/2021)
- I know you are supposed to regularly see a GYN for checkups starting at 21, but I have a history of sexual abuse and I am scared it will be triggering. I am really scared to go and have never been. What can I expect and how can I make it less scary? (6/1/2021)
- Does birth control stunt your growth? Rumor has it you’re only supposed to go grow 2 inches after your start your period, but I’ve grown 8 inches since it started. I got my period 2 years ago and now I am thinking about birth control. I am just worried I will stop growing if I take it. (5/28/2021)
- Is it common for a teenager to talk about their first sexual experience with their parents/guardians? Assumedly in a good relationship with parents/guardians? Thank you! (5/26/2021)
- There is a guy I would really like to have sex with, but I am afraid I will bleed after we have sex. I broke my own hymen and had bleeding afterwards. How do I know if this worked? I really don’t want to bleed while we have sex! (5/13/2021)
- My pregnancy test was negative and I used protection, but my period is 9 days late. Should I be concerned? (5/10/2021)
- I am 26 years old and I’ve never been sexually active. Is this OK? (3/24/2021)
- My boyfriend pushed his penis into my navel (belly-button) and he ejaculated (came) a little inside of my belly-button! I also touched my belly button a few minutes after it happened and then touched the outside of my vagina. I was on day two of my period. Can I get pregnant? (3/19/2021)
- What does it mean when a boy say’s he’s “horny”? Help! (3/17/2021)
- I was recently prescribed the birth control pill and I am wondering if it could increase my anxiety? I know that sometimes it can cause mood swings, but is the risk higher if you already have a mental health condition? (3/1/2021)
- I am a virgin, but I have been exploring with masturbation. A few days ago, I masturbated a lot in one day and I noticed my labia (lips) were swollen? Did I masturbate too much? Why does this happen? (2/24/2021)
- So I just learned about oral sex and I’m confused. Does everybody do oral sex? (2/5/2021)
- I went to my doctor to get tested for chlamydia, turns out, I have it. My doctor prescribed me some medication that I took while I had my period. Is it OK that I took the medicine while I had my period? (1/25/2021)
- Can the birth control pill affect your fertility (ability to have children)? (1/14/2021)
- I had sex for the first time recently and I think I’ve got an STI. Besides my regular doctor or hospital, who else could I go see? A friend said the county health unit. Could I go without one of my parents? I’m not ready to confess to them yet. (1/6/2021)
- I am 17 years old and bisexual. I have always avoided anything that has to do with sex, because it made me uncomfortable. Recently, I decided that I would like to learn more about sex. What is OK to read and/or look at that is also developmentally/psychologically safe? (1/5/2021)
- Does getting the flu shot interfere with getting a Depo shot at the same time? (12/15/2020)
- I just read your guide on HIV Testing and it mentions, “A reactive result is considered a preliminary positive, and means that HIV antibodies were found.” So what does it mean if the second test is negative? (12/1/2020)
- I have taken two pregnancy tests and they both came back positive. I am a virgin! How is this possible? I don’t know how to tell my parents, help! (11/27/2020)
- Is it normal to feel ashamed after masturbating? I tried to finger myself and it really hurt. When I pulled out my hands, there was a lot of blood. Did I hurt myself? I feel very ashamed. (11/11/2020)
- My boyfriend and I have tried to have sex many times, but every time he tries to insert his penis it really hurts. Recently, I tried touching the opening of my vagina with a finger, again I had really bad pain. We did get his penis in all the way one time, but it was painful. Please help! (10/4/2020)
- I really want to get pregnant. The only problem is, I haven’t had my first period yet and I am worried about getting a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Is it possible to get pregnant (even if I haven’t had my period yet), while protecting myself from STIs? (10/2/2020)
- Can I get pregnant from humping a blanket that might have had sperm on it? (9/10/2020)
- Currently, I have a condom stuck inside my vagina. Will my period be delayed until the condom comes out? (8/25/2020)
- I am currently on implanted birth control (Nexplanon). I recently had oral sex with one of my partners. A few days later, I noticed thick brown discharge and went to my health care provider (HCP). My HCP put me on medications for a yeast infection. Then I had oral sex with another partner and I am noticing the same problem. Can I never have oral sex without getting an infection? (8/6/2020)
- I was recently treated for a yeast infection that I think I had for about a month. Ever since I received treatment I have lost sexual interest, which was never a problem for me before. I don’t think I’m asexual, but I don’t know what is happening. How can I get the feeling of sexual attraction back? (7/21/2020)
- I’ve been on the combined pill for years to control my period. If I am thinking about having sex, but I don’t want to get pregnant, how accurate would I have to be when taking the pill and for how long before having sex? (6/8/2020)
- I use a bottle and pen to masturbate. Am I still a virgin? (5/12/2020)
- I am currently on the birth control pill (BCP). This month I decided to skip the placebo week “sugar pills” and just start a new pill pack. I’ve heard that when you to do this you’re supposed to have spotting, but I haven’t. I have sex regularly, could this be a sign that I’m pregnant or did I just get lucky? (4/6/2020)
- I am fifteen years old. Is it possible to get a free STI (sexually transmitted infection) test at a women’s health clinic? (3/20/2020)
- I recently had unprotected sex while taking antibiotics (medicine used to treat infection) and antifungals (medicine used to treat fungal infections). Could I be pregnant? (3/3/2020)
- How soon after inserting a new NuvaRing can you have unprotected sex without getting pregnant? It is not my first time using it. (2/3/2020)
- How do you get birth control without your family knowing? (1/15/2020)
- Why do I get BV every other month? I was prescribed Metrogel and used it 5 days and it went away. Then I had sex with my bf last week and it came back the next day. (12/12/2019)
- Is it possible to become pregnant if you have unprotected sex for just a few seconds and your partner doesn’t come (ejaculate)? My bf pulled out because we didn’t have protection. (12/6/2019)
- Is it OK to skip the placebo pills and start on the next pack of birth control? (11/18/2019)
- I stopped using the Depo shot 9 months ago but still no period. What could be the cause? (11/4/2019)
- I feel very insecure about everything from my own labia, my sexuality, and the topic of sex. It fuels my depression and I need to talk it out. Is it okay to tell my therapist, even if I go into detail? (10/29/2019)
- I have had my period since I was 10. It’s been 3 years and my periods are still irregular. Sometimes I get them every month and then it doesn’t come for another 3. I am not stressed or work out too much. Should I visit my doctor about this? (9/25/2019)
- My boyfriend asked if I wanted to try something new during sex and I said no. Even though I continued to say no he wouldn’t stop. Afterwards, he apologized and begged me to forgive him and said that he just got “caught up in the moment but it keeps happening.” I’m really at a loss here because I have severe PTSD and have been molested as a child and he knows this yet he’s repeatedly gone against my wishes. What should I do? (6/6/2019)
- I got fingered and afterwards there was a lot of blood. I later realized there is a cut inside my vagina. It burns when I pee and I’m too scared to talk to an adult. How do I make it heal faster? (6/4/2019)
- I got my first Depo-Provera® injection 6 days ago, and I had sex today. Will the Depo shot still work right away so I won’t get pregnant? (5/22/2019)
- Is there a hormone test you can have done to determine the best birth control for you? Or do you just have to try a birth control and see how your body reacts? (5/20/2019)
- I’ve recently missed a week’s worth of my birth control pills and have not had irregular bleeding like I usually do. I’m so bad at remembering to take my pills. Is this normal? Am I at risk for being pregnant? (4/10/2019)
- Is it harmful to masturbate every day? (3/25/2019)
- What is sexuality and sexual orientation? (10/26/2018)
- I really want to have sex with my partner. It’s both of our first times. Pregnancy protection aside, do we need to protect from STDs if we are both virgins? Could we get an STD from each other if neither of us have ever had the chance to get them? (10/18/2018)
- I’ve been finding it harder to urinate recently, but my mother thinks that this is just temporary and I shouldn’t worry too much—but it’s been months. Should I see my pediatrician? (8/29/2018)
- My boyfriend and I want to have sex but I’m afraid of getting pregnant. We plan to use condoms but should we wait until I am on the birth control pill? (8/7/2018)
- My boyfriend and I started dating about a week ago, and last night while we were on the phone he asked me to make him bigger, then he sent me a bad picture. It really upset me. I am also asexual, and he knew that! What should I do? (8/2/2018)
- Is it normal for a virgin girl to bleed a lot after sex? (6/21/2018)
- I was prescribed metronidazole gel for bacterial vaginosis (BV) today. Will the gel produce a clumpy discharge and will I still be able to have sex regularly while using the gel? (5/22/2018)
- When is the normal age for girls to lose their virginity? (5/1/2018)
- If the condom was to break or slip off inside of my vagina, with semen in it and only a little bit got in my vagina, could I still get pregnant? (3/27/2018)
- If I go on birth control to help me have a regular period would it still help me not get pregnant? (3/5/2018)
- I’ve had my Nexplanon implant for around a year with absolutely no bleeding (except for the first week I got it inserted) and about 2 months ago I started a very heavy period and it has not shown any signs of stopping. This bleeding is painful and I’m not sure how much longer I can take it! (2/13/2018)
- What can I use to prevent vaginal dryness and peeling? (2/5/2018)
- Hello! So, I’m 15 and I have been thinking about getting the bar (Hormonal implant). I don’t know if I’m too young or if it’s unreasonable for me to get it. Should I get the bar? (1/3/2018)
- I have PCOS and so does my aunt but she has children. Is infertility common among women with PCOS? (12/26/2017)
- If I stick a hair brush handle in my vagina will I still be a virgin? (12/12/2017)
- I’m 19 and a virgin and have a septate hymen. Is it okay to have sex with a septate hymen or should I get it removed first? Please help! (11/22/2017)
- I have a lot of itching in my pubic hair only. What could it be? (10/31/2017)
- Why do I feel such guilt about masturbating? My religion doesn’t prevent me from doing it, my mom has even said it is normal, and I want to really badly but I know I will feel horrible if I do! Please help! (8/22/2017)
- What are some reasons (besides being pregnant) that your period is late? (8/9/2017)
- I’ve been having itching, redness and soreness when I wipe or touch my vagina. I also have a white milky color vaginal discharge and when I wipe I see a yellowish color on the toilet paper. What could this be? (8/2/2017)
- I recently had unprotected sex with my boyfriend. Now I have pimples next to my private parts and I am seeing yellow discharge. What could be the cause for these issues and what should I do? (7/24/2017)
- Can I put a birth control patch on and have sex at the same time? (6/2/2017)
- What does it mean when you had sex with your partner and then the next day it feels like you have to pee but only a little bit come out at a time? (5/11/2017)
- Every time I masturbate, I get my period but it’s not like my real menstruation. I’ve never inserted any object into my vagina, and I’m a virgin. My doctor said my hormones are not stable. Can masturbation increase hormones and actually affect my menstrual cycle? (5/5/2017)
- I’m 16 and I’m still a virgin. I’m not on the pill and I want to have sex. If I have sex and the guy wears a condom what are the chances of getting pregnant? (3/30/2017)
- I am a virgin but I always have a smell and discharge in my vagina. What should I do? (3/15/2017)
- Can I get a disease from oral sex? (3/8/2017)
- How can I get the morning after pill (emergency contraception) without my parents finding out? (3/1/2017)
- My friend just told me they’re gender fluid. I love them, no matter what, but I’m finding it hard to switch from “she” to “they” all the time and will make mistakes by accident. I don’t want them to feel bad, so how can I get better? (12/20/2016)
- Lately my friends have been talking about sex and I’ve been really trying not to think about it much because I really don’t have time for it but…it’s been bothering me for a while now…if your partner wears a condom and it breaks, what could happen and could I still get diseases? (8/10/2016)
- So, I find myself having sexual feelings. I wonder if I am too young (13yr.) to masturbate, or to have these feelings. Am I a freak? (8/1/2016)
- Is there any way you can get free condoms delivered to your home discreetly? I just can’t walk into the health department or Walmart! (7/25/2016)
- Is it true that you HAVE to pee after sex? (7/11/2016)
- My vagina is really sore and uncomfortable, it hurts if I touch it and it is very itchy, and I have a discharge that smells a bit fishy, is it something to worry about?? (6/29/2016)
- How long does it take the pill to kick in? Say I start the pill on Monday. Can I have unprotected sex on Friday? (6/23/2016)
- I’m lesbian and I came out to my friends on New Year’s Eve but I don’t know if I need to tell my doctor because I am only 13. (6/6/2016)
- I have been dating a guy for a while but no one knows since he is much older and my parents would be upset if they found out. I have never been to the gynecologist, and I have never had sexual intercourse. I don’t really communicate about this issue, with my boyfriend but lately, I’m feeling pressure from him to have sex. What should I do? (5/31/2016)
- I’ve had Chlamydia once and got treated. Can I get it again or am I immune? (3/30/2016)
- I’m 5 days late for my period but negative pregnancy test, should I be worried? (3/15/2016)
- It’s been my first month on the Depo-Provera shot and I haven’t started my period at all! Is that normal and could I be pregnant? (3/9/2016)
- I have had sex with my boyfriend, but I have regular menstruation. Can I be pregnant? (2/17/2016)
- I had unprotected sex yesterday. Can you give some information about Emergency Contraception and how to take it? (1/14/2016)
- I’m on the pill and I usually take it continuously so I don’t get a period. But this month I was going to take the placebo pills to have a period. What I’m wondering is: When do I start the hormone pills again? Right after my period ends even if there are placebo pills left? And how long after starting a new pack after my period can I have sex safely without a condom? (11/30/2015)
- I read that taking birth control pills can help lower the risk of getting anemia. I have already been diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia; will going on the pill help? (10/21/2015)
- 4 days ago, I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend. My period was supposed to get here yesterday and I am worried I could be pregnant. He said that a bit of semen might have gone in, but that he thinks it wasn’t enough to get pregnant. Is this true? (10/2/2015)
- I take birth control pills. Do I have to take the “inactive pills”? Why do I have to bleed during this time? (9/14/2015)
- I have never had sex but I have multiple bubble like bumps on my inner labia. What do you think it is? (8/27/2015)
- I accidently took the third week Sunday (birth control) pill instead of the second week Sunday (birth control pill). What should I do? (7/24/2015)
- Can antibiotics stop the 3 year implant from functioning? (7/21/2015)
- Does meeting someone on Tinder increase my chances or risk of getting STDs? (7/15/2015)
- I have a boyfriend and it’s been 6 months since we have been dating. We haven’t kissed or had sexual contact. Is he gay? (7/2/2015)
- Can a gynecologist tell if I masturbate? It is my first visit to the gynecologist, what should I be prepared for? (6/26/2015)
- I had a yellow discharge and just found out I have PID. What is it? (6/24/2015)
- I’m a virgin but I have gas from my vagina sometimes. What is this? Please help. (6/10/2015)
- How do I know if I’m over masturbating? And if I am, are there any symptoms/downsides/negative effects this can have on me? (6/5/2015)
- How old should a girl be to start dating? (6/2/2015)
- My period is 6 days late and I’m starting to worry. It’s never been late before. Should I be worried? (5/28/2015)
- Is it normal to have sexual attractions towards other girls? (I’m a girl) (5/18/2015)
- My friend just turned 14 and she and her way older boyfriend who is in high school want to have a baby. I’m so worried but I don’t know what to do! I don’t want to get her in trouble, but I want her to understand the dangers involved. What should I do?! (5/5/2015)
- Is it normal to bleed A LOT when losing your virginity? I don’t understand why, and I’m quite nervous, to be honest. It was my first time and my boyfriend had to stop because I couldn’t handle the pain. (4/30/2015)
- I’ve recently switched from the patch to the Pill. The first month back on the Pill, I missed a few days, so I decided to wait till the next month to start it again which made my period come early. I’ve been taking the Pill consistently now but because I took a few pills in the first row already, I am going to run out of pills and my period is going to come early. What should I do? Is it dangerous to have my period come early? (4/28/2015)
- Can a pelvic ultrasound tell if you are sexually active? (3/30/2015)
- I got the bar (birth control implant) put into my arm at the start of the year and since then I’ve had my period 5 times and whenever I don’t have my period I have a brown discharge. It doesn’t smell the greatest, and it’s stressing me out. (3/23/2015)
- How old do you have to be to get either the hormonal implant in your arm or an IUD? (3/19/2015)
- Tell me about male condoms, they really confuse me. Help! (3/16/2015)
- Could a chlamydia infection from years ago cause an abnormal Pap test now? (3/11/2015)
- I want to go on the pill but don’t want my mom to know – what do I do? (3/2/2015)
- I’ve never had sex and I have regular periods without pain. Should I take birth control pills anyway? (1/15/2015)
- Is there any other way to get pregnant besides sex? (1/13/2015)
- How do I know if a man is wearing a condom correctly? (1/7/2015)
- I’m a lesbian and I’ve just been told that I might have endometriosis. My girlfriend is scared to have sex with me in case it makes things worse or she hurts me! Would it make a difference if I had sex? (12/29/2014)
- I recently started taking birth control. I am on my second pack of pills, and I was wondering when it is safe to have sex without a condom? (12/22/2014)
- Are you still a virgin if you have been fingered? (12/10/2014)
- Does every girl bleed the first time they have sex? (12/1/2014)
- Is it true that masturbating will mess up my menstrual cycle? (11/26/2014)
- I have MRKH syndrome and have unprotected sex very frequently. Because I have no uterus (just ovaries), I don’t have to be worried about getting pregnant, right?? (11/12/2014)
- I have pimples near my vagina…what’s happening? (10/9/2014)
- I’m on birth control pills and my boyfriend and I use condoms. Recently while we were having sex, the condom broke. I forgot to take my Pill that night, could I still get pregnant? (7/22/2014)
- How do you tell your parents that you’re pregnant? (7/15/2014)
- I had sex for the first time 6 days ago but some of the sperm fell out of the condom. I took the “morning after” pill 36 hours later. Could I be pregnant? (6/3/2014)
- What are the possibilities for getting HIV/AIDS even though I used protection? (5/27/2014)
- Should your parents know you masturbate? (5/20/2014)
- Can you get HPV from anal sex? (5/13/2014)
- Does having bacterial vaginosis or BV cause future fertility problems later (trouble getting pregnant)? (5/7/2014)
- How do you know if someone you know has had intercourse yet? Can you tell? (5/1/2014)
- Is it possible to become pregnant without having sex? (4/16/2014)
- I’m 17 years old. Is it normal to have sexual desire and is my vagina mature enough to have sex? (3/26/2014)
- I had sex with my boyfriend in the heat of the moment and we didn’t use a condom. I took Next Choice One Dose™ three hours after we had sex. My period is late – should I be worried? (3/19/2014)
- Can HPV return? (1/1/2014)
- I’m 15. How do I know if I’m ready to have sex and what are the negative effects? (12/18/2013)
- Is it ok to trim your pubic hair? (8/21/2013)
- I had sex yesterday but I didn’t use protection and my boyfriend and I aren’t sure if a little sperm got in. What should I do? (8/7/2013)
- What can make the hymen break? (7/31/2013)
- I’m 15 and I want to start birth control pills but I’m too afraid to ask my mom. What should I do? (5/29/2013)
- Does the Pill make you gain weight? (5/8/2013)
- Is it possible for a penis to be too large to enter a vagina? (4/17/2013)
- While having sex I get very dry and sore. Is this normal? (3/27/2013)
- What is the appropriate time to have sex after menstruating? (3/13/2013)
- Why does sex hurt sometimes? (12/12/2012)
- Can yeast infections be passed on from a woman to a man during sex? (11/28/2012)
- If someone had crabs, does that mean they had an STI? (11/21/2012)
- What can I do to limit my sexual urges? (10/24/2012)
- I think I want to have sex, but how do I know if I’m ready? (10/10/2012)
- Does female masturbation cause pimples? (9/28/2012)
- Is it normal to have bad smelly discharge if I haven’t had sex? (9/19/2012)
- How do I know if I’m a virgin? (8/1/2012)
- It’s painful to go to the bathroom (pee) and I feel like I have to go a lot. Should I be worried? (6/27/2012)
- I heard that birth control pills cause cancer. Is this true? (5/23/2012)
- Can I have sex while I’m on my period? (4/25/2012)
- I had sex ONCE, about a year ago. Do I need a Pap test? (3/21/2012)
- Is it important for teens to have accurate information about emergency contraception? (2/22/2012)
- I like to feel my breasts (just mine). Am I gay or bi-curious for that? (2/15/2012)
- Does masturbating too often cause any serious health problems? (2/8/2012)
- Is it true that people gain weight on birth control pills – and if yes how can you lose it? (1/11/2012)
- How do you get pregnant? (11/9/2011)
- I had sex last night without precaution. What should I do now? (10/26/2011)
- Are you still a virgin if you masturbate? (10/19/2011)
- What does bi-curious mean? (10/12/2011)
- Can girls have wet dreams? (10/5/2011)
- What is oral sex? (9/21/2011)
- Can girls get erections? (9/7/2011)
- How do you tell your parents that you’re having sex? (8/24/2011)
- What’s an orgasm? (8/17/2011)
- What’s the easiest way to get tested for STIs without my parents knowing? (7/27/2011)
- Can you get STIs from oral sex? (7/6/2011)
- If I’m on the Pill and my bf ejaculates inside me, can I get pregnant? (6/8/2011)
- Can I get pregnant from anal sex? (6/1/2011)
- I had sex with my girlfriend while she was on her period, will I be affected with any diseases? (4/20/2011)
- I’m scared about coming out. What can I do? (3/2/2011)
- Is watching porn OK? (2/23/2011)
- Can you get pregnant right after a menstrual cycle? (2/3/2011)
- I’m a boy who wants to be a girl. What do I do? (12/22/2010)
- Is masturbation normal? (12/8/2010)
- What is the best way to keep yourself protected from chlamydia? (10/6/2010)
- Is it safe to have sex during your menstrual period? (8/25/2010)
- What is a condom? (8/18/2010)
Parents’ Guides
- Birth Control Pills
- Emergency Contraception
- HPV Vaccine
- Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation
- Talking to Your Teen/Young Adult About Sexual Relationships
- Talking to Your Tween about Sexuality