I want to go on the pill but don’t want my mom to know – what do I do?

mother and daughter argueIn many, but not all states in the United States, your health care provider (HCP) can prescribe birth control pills without your parents’ knowledge. You can check whether this rule applies to your state on SexEtc.org

There are several different kinds of birth control.  Talking to your HCP will help you decide which option is best for you. If you choose to take birth control pills, it’s important to take a pill at the same time every day.  Missing even one pill or taking it late will increase your chances of getting pregnant. If you are worried that your mom will find your pills, there are other methods of birth control, such as a shot that you can get from your HCP every three months, and implants that your HCP can put under your skin that last for 3 years (this method is visible). You can also use an IUD (intrauterine device), which is a small device that your HCP puts inside your uterus.   IUDs can protect you against pregnancy for up to 5 to 10 years, depending on the type of IUD. Pills do NOT protect you from Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STDs). It’s important to use double protection; for example you can use the Pill and your partner can use an additional barrier protection such as condom or dental dam every time you have sex. If you do decide to talk with your mom about going on the Pill, keep in mind that teens are also prescribed birth control pills for cramps, irregular periods, and acne.

There are clinics in the United States that provide confidential family planning and other related health care services to people of low income. Search for a nearby clinic here:
