What happens if I get my period at school?

Great question! The best way to prepare for your first period is by creating a plan. Most teens who live in the United States, experience their first menses (period) between […]

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group of students

Preparing for College: Interview Tips


Congratulations, you have submitted all your college applications! By now, you are likely an expert in the Common App, Coalition App, or the college’s personal website. Once you have clicked […]

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Do you have any tips for dealing with sugar cravings? I have PCOS and I feel like I always crave something sweet, but this leads to me eating a lot of unhealthy things.

Keep in mind that there is a difference between craving something sweet and craving sugar. Sugar is a refined carbohydrate often added to foods and beverages to sweeten them and […]

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I have twin 14 year old daughters. I am wondering, what are the best vitamins for them?


Great question! The best​ way for your daughters to get all of the vitamins that they need is by eating a varied diet that includes a good variety of different fruits, vegetables, […]

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Why do you guys call this site youngwomenshealth.org, when you talk about female health, including biological females (who identify as female), non-binary individuals, and trans men? Is this a welcoming space for trans people?


Great question, thank you SO much for asking and shining a light on this topic! I hope our explanation helps. If you ever have any further questions or advice for […]

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What is a TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) level? Why would my doctor order this to be drawn?


Great question! A thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is common blood test that is drawn to see how well the thyroid gland is working. TSH is produced in the pituitary gland, […]

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Are there any side effects from Depo-Provera (injectable birth control)? I haven’t had my period since I received my first injection one month ago. Should I be concerned?

Thank you for your question! Most teens receive their first Depo-Provera injection during the first five days of their last normal menstrual period, which provides protection against pregnancy right away. […]

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