How safe is it to attend a large gathering right now?

People around the world are rolling up their sleeves and sticking it to COVID-19 by getting COVID vaccines. The vaccines have given people a new lease on life! Friends and […]

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How safe is it to work out in a mask?


This is a great question, thanks for asking! The short and simplest answer is: it’s totally safe to exercise while wearing a facial covering! It’s important to mention that wearing a […]

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I’ve heard I should take “pre workout” supplement powder before exercising to improve my performance. Is this safe?

There is no need to take a pre workout supplement. It’s important to remember that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t regulate the production of supplements (such as vitamins, performance […]

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Fisioterapia del Suelo Pélvico

La fisioterapia es una terapia alternativa que trata las lesiones y ciertas enfermedades sin el uso de medicina o cirugía. Esto implica usar métodos de recuperación físicos como calor, masajes […]

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What happens if a condom falls off inside you?

Take a big deep breath and don’t panic. Your situation isn’t uncommon and there are ways to fix it, but it’s totally normal to be nervous. A great place to […]

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Vaginoscopy  is a diagnostic exam that uses a tiny camera on a long, thin, flexible piece of plastic to examine the inside of the vagina. The tiny camera can capture […]

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Last night, our condom broke, so I took Plan B®. However, I am also on the Depo-Provera® shot. Was that the right thing to do?

Great question! Depo-Provera® is a hormonal method of birth control, which is super effective at protecting against pregnancy. Plan B® is an emergency contraceptive (EC) pill. EC is a backup […]

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Taking Charge of Your Healthcare

So you are growing up and gaining the new responsibilities that come with getting older!  Now, if you are feeling a bit overwhelmed, take a deep breathe, that can be […]

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I have always had self-harming ticks to cope with my anxiety, but there’s one I picked up recently that makes me concerned to say the least. I punch my head to get rid of my intrusive thoughts. Is hitting the top of your head a form of self harm?

Thank you for asking this. It’s an important question to discuss. Anxiety is felt by many children and adults alike, and some do resort to harming themselves as a way […]

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