
Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM)

Updated 31 August 2023 under Health Guides.

The suckling (breast-feeding by a baby) changes how a person’s body works and stops a person’s ovaries from releasing an egg. When there is no egg, pregnancy can’t happen. Out of 100 […]

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dark green vegetables

Dark Green Leafy Vegetables

Updated 10 April 2023 under Health Guides.

Dark green leafy vegetables are good sources of many vitamins (such as vitamins A, C, and K and folate) and minerals (such as iron and calcium). They’re also great sources of fiber. Research […]

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Updated 27 March 2023 under Health Guides.

Foods such as beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas are known as legumes.  They are edible seeds grown in pods. Legumes are good sources of protein and fiber, and are used in many different cuisines. […]

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unzipped jeans


Updated 25 October 2023 under Health Guides.

As you approach and enter puberty (a time in which your body and mind will sexually mature), you may notice that you will begin to have sexual desires, new feelings, thoughts, and […]

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Milk Allergy

Updated 4 April 2023 under Health Guides.

Many people may think they are allergic to milk, but in reality, only 1-3% of infants are born with a milk allergy, and most outgrow it by the time they […]

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girl eating apple

Mindful Eating

Updated 11 August 2023 under Health Guides.

Mindful eating is eating with awareness and involves paying attention to your body’s signals. This means allowing yourself to eat when you are hungry and knowing to stop when you […]

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Updated 12 April 2023 under Health Guides.

A well-balanced diet includes a variety of foods from different food groups. These food groups are vegetables, fruits, dairy, protein, grains, and fats. MyPlate is a tool that can help […]

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Fertility Awareness Based Method (FAB)

Updated 30 August 2023 under Health Guides.

FAB is also known as natural family planning. Some people who were born with reproductive organs, choose this method because of concerns about side effects from other contraceptive methods such […]

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nutrition facts label

Nutrition Facts Label

Updated 26 December 2023 under Health Guides.

The Nutrition Facts Label explains what nutrients (components of food your body needs to grow and stay healthy) and how much of those nutrients are found in one serving of […]

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poison ivy

Poison Ivy

Updated 30 August 2023 under Health Guides.

Do you know what causes poison ivy rash? It’s the sap oil that’s made by the poison ivy plant that’s responsible for irritant reactions, called “urushiol”. It’s the same substance […]

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