Tag: stress

How can I get my family to stop piling everything on me? I feel like Luisa from Encanto, where she has to take everything on.
Updated 3 April 2023 under Ask Us.Thanks so much for reaching out about this dilemma you’re facing with your family. Sounds like you are in a very stressful position! Here’s the thing though- as much as […]
Read more »How will a child’s future be carved if he or she is grow in between family problems and stress…
Updated 9 September 2022 under Ask Us.Great question! Stress is a natural part of life and something that all kids experience. At the same time, sometimes the amount or type of stress that kids experience may […]
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I’m really concerned, depressed and scared at the state of the world and what my life is turning into, with the coronavirus and wildfires and all the violence and hate in the world and it’s really hurting my mental health. I’m terrified of going back to school in-person with the coronavirus and being infected with something that I could bring home that could kill my family. I had 2 panic attacks this week because I thought school was happening in-person. I’m feeling really really anxious and depressed, and I feel like there’s no hope. I don’t know what’s happening except that it’s bad. What can I do to cope with it all? Please help!
Updated 16 October 2020 under Ask Us.Thank you for your questions; there is certainly a lot happening in the world and a lot of people are experiencing similar thoughts and feelings. While it can be so […]
Read more »Remote learning is making me incredibly stressed, sad, miserable, furious, bipolar, and depressed. Sometimes even suicidal. How should I cope?
Updated 28 September 2020 under Ask Us.Thank you so much for your question. Remote learning can be a challenge, and there is a lot going on right now that can make it feel hard to cope […]
Read more »How can I overcome panic attacks? I’m a usually nervous person, but three panic attacks in two months seems like a lot and I don’t want my friends or my parents to know.
Updated 15 January 2020 under Ask Us.Hello, and thank you for asking this very important question! Panic attacks can be very scary and overwhelming, and you deserve to have some relief. They may occur when a […]
Read more »I feel that I am extremely nervous this year. I will suddenly feel overwhelmed by school, the prospect of college, or something in the news (particularly school shootings) and my stomach will feel sick and I can’t stop shaking. What should I do?
Updated 30 September 2019 under Ask Us.Sometimes people think that teenagers don’t have much to be worried or anxious about. However, as you have pointed out there are many important challenges that teens face. There are […]
Read more »When I’m stressed, I just want to go back to being little, when there wasn’t work to do and all I had to do was play. How can I get over feeling so nostalgic?
Updated 21 November 2018 under Ask Us.Life can get stressful for all of us at times. As we get older, it seems like there is more to do and everything is more complicated. The teen years […]
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I have a lot of panic attacks for instance before exams or an oral presentation. I did some yoga exercises to learn how to breathe calmly but it didn’t help. It isn’t easy to live with panic attacks. What can I do?
Updated 5 September 2018 under Ask Us.Panic attacks are extremely difficult to deal with. The symptoms, which can include shortness of breath, chest tightness, sweating and stomach upset are frightening and may make people worry that […]
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I gained a lot of weight this year and I really want to stay at a healthy weight but look my best. How can I lose some weight but stay healthy?
Updated 10 January 2018 under Ask Us.There are a lot of factors that influence your weight that are out of your control, like genetics (the body size and shape of other family members). However, you do […]
Read more »What are some reasons (besides being pregnant) that your period is late?
Updated 9 August 2017 under Ask Us.First, make sure that you counted your cycle correctly. The first day of bleeding is the first day of your cycle. Count from cycle day 1 until the 28th day. […]
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