Does Your Height Increase After Puberty?
The answer to this is no. Right up until puberty, everyone grows at a slow rate. Then, when puberty hits, every teen has a growth spurt. The timing of this […]
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Enfermedades de transmisión sexual (ETS)
Cualquier persona que haya tenido contacto sexual puede contraer una ETS. Los hombres y las mujeres de todas las edades, regiones, orígenes étnicos y niveles económicos pueden contraer ETS. Según […]
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¿Debo preocuparme de quedar embarazada si tengo contacto sexual? Sí. Debe preocuparte quedar embarazada si estás teniendo relaciones sexuales en las que el esperma entre en contacto con tu vagina […]
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Protección Femenina: información sobre tampones y toallitas femeninas
Hay dos tipos de productos básicos para el período: los de protección externa y los de protección interna. Los productos de protección externa como toallitas femeninas o toallitas diarias se […]
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Celiac Disease
/Celiac disease (also known as coeliac disease or celiac sprue) is the name of a condition in which the body’s own immune system overreacts to gluten, a protein found in […]
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I had sex for the first time 6 days ago but some of the sperm fell out of the condom. I took the “morning after” pill 36 hours later. Could I be pregnant?
The “morning after” pill, which is also known as Emergency Contraception, Plan B, or Next Choice, is most effective when taken within 72 hours of having unprotected sex. Although emergency […]
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What are the possibilities for getting HIV/AIDS even though I used protection?
If you use latex condoms for protection and you use them correctly every time you have intercourse, the risk of getting HIV/AIDS is greatly reduced. The most dependable ways to […]
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Fitness: Strength Training Exercises
/Strength training can get a bad rap, especially for people who are worried about becoming “too muscular”. They avoid strength training altogether, but what a lot of people don’t realize […]
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Fitness: Stretches
/Stretching is a way to get your body ready for exercise, improve flexibility, and increase your range of motion. Proper stretching will help your muscles feel relaxed and prevent muscle […]
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Fitness: My Muscles
/Fitness is fun! It’s a great way to improve your overall health and wellness. Through exercise, you may even find you feel less stressed and more relaxed. You’ll have more […]
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