Pílulas Anticoncepcionais: Perguntas Mais Frequentes

Existem diferentes tipos de pílulas anticoncepcionais? Sim. Existem muitos tipos diferentes de pílulas anticoncepcionais (existem diferentes doses hormonais em diferentes pílulas hormonais). Você será questionada sobre sua história médica,  sobre […]

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Pílulas Anticoncepcionais: Informações Gerais


Pílula anticoncepcional (também chamadas de pílulas contraceptivas ou “pílula”) é um método hormonal de contracepção feminina muito eficiente em prevenir uma gravidez. As pílulas são pequenos comprimidos que você engole […]

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Girl being bullied

Cyberbullying and Bullying

The terms “bullying” and “cyberbullying” are used to describe the same unwanted, mean behavior towards another person: if someone is threatening, harassing, or humiliating another person, they are being a […]

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How do I know if a man is wearing a condom correctly?

Great question! First, you and your partner will need to learn how to use condoms correctly. This begins with opening up the condom wrapper with care. Open the wrapper carefully: Be […]

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I’m new to tampons and I can’t get it all the way in. Help please?? Is there something wrong with my vaginal shape or something?

When you are learning how to use tampons, it’s a good idea to use the “slender” size. It’s also easier to insert it when your menstrual flow is moderate to […]

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I’m a lesbian and I’ve just been told that I might have endometriosis. My girlfriend is scared to have sex with me in case it makes things worse or she hurts me! Would it make a difference if I had sex?

Some woman may experience pain or “pressure” with sexual intercourse, but many do not. We recommend that you tell your partner that you will let her know if you are […]

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How do I keep track of my periods each month?

The easiest way to keep track of your periods is to write down when they start and when they stop. Some girls like to keep a small calendar in their […]

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I have PCOS and I’m thinking of following a no-carb diet for a month. Can I eat brown rice, pasta, and bread on this diet?


Avoiding carbs (carbohydrates) all together, (even for just a month), isn’t a great idea because carbs provide your body with energy. Some people believe that eating carbs will cause weight […]

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I recently started taking birth control. I am on my second pack of pills, and I was wondering when it is safe to have sex without a condom?


It is never really “safe” to have sex without a condom unless you and your partner are having sex for the very first time and you have never been sexually […]

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