I have a large birth mark on my face. I am really worried that I will never find true love? Will I find someone who loves me even though I have a birth mark?

Posted December 21, 2020 under Ask Us.

Every single person on this earth is uniquely beautiful, both inside and out, in his, her, or their own way. It’s not uncommon for someone to be born with a […]

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I’m 17 and I weight nearly 200 pounds. How can I lose weight besides starving myself?

Posted December 17, 2020 under Ask Us.

Sometimes when we incorporate positive health behaviors such as exercise and healthy eating, weight loss will happen as a result. But it’s possible that your current weight is where your […]

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Does getting the flu shot interfere with getting a Depo shot at the same time?

Posted December 15, 2020 under Ask Us.

Great question, it’s always easier to get all your shots at once or at the same appointment, especially during these strange times. For starters, Depo-Provera ® aka “depo-shot” is a […]

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purple eating disorder ribbon

I am in recovery for a restrictive eating disorder. At treatment a year and a half ago, they made me gain 30 pounds in 2 months. Now I am considered borderline obese based on my BMI. I want to lose weight, but don’t want to trigger myself. Help?

Posted December 10, 2020 under Ask Us.

The “BMI” which stands for Body Mass Index is a public health tool that is used to assess population health, but isn’t a great tool for assessing an individual’s health. […]

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For the past few month I’ve been doing a diet, but now I can’t stop losing weight, even when I feel like I’ve eaten too much. How can I maintain my weight?

Posted December 2, 2020 under Ask Us.

This might be happening for different reasons.  It’s possible that previously eating less has caused you to feel full more quickly or that your body is no longer absorbing nutrients […]

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I just read your guide on HIV Testing and it mentions, “A reactive result is considered a preliminary positive, and means that HIV antibodies were found.” So what does it mean if the second test is negative?

Posted December 1, 2020 under Ask Us.

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system. If HIV isn’t treated it can progress into acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). However, with early testing and […]

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I have taken two pregnancy tests and they both came back positive. I am a virgin! How is this possible? I don’t know how to tell my parents, help!

Posted November 27, 2020 under Ask Us.

There isn’t a medical definition of a “virgin” or virginity. The term is used differently by different people and may relate to cultural or religious beliefs or the meaning of […]

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I have heard from a few people that the herbal supplement mugwort interferes with birth control or makes it less effective. I tried looking it up, but I couldn’t find anything. Is this true?

Posted November 23, 2020 under Ask Us.

Mugwort grows in the form of a weed and is considered to be an herbal supplement. Some people may use mugwort for cooking, but it has also been recommended as […]

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Is it normal to feel ashamed after masturbating? I tried to finger myself and it really hurt. When I pulled out my hands, there was a lot of blood. Did I hurt myself? I feel very ashamed.

Posted November 11, 2020 under Ask Us.

First, what is masturbation? Masturbation is when a person touches or rubs their genitals. It’s completely normal for both men and women to masturbate. There is a stigma around masturbation, […]

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It’s now autumn, and I always feel sorrowful and morose during this season. Plus now, with the coronavirus I feel even more depressed. What can I do in order to cheer me up?

Posted November 9, 2020 under Ask Us.

Thank you so much for your question, you’re certainly not alone in feeling this way right now. When the weather changes in fall and winter, it’s not uncommon for people […]

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