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Is it good to eat non vegetarian foods when I have my period?
Posted February 3, 2021 under Ask Us.Adolescent females have higher iron needs than guys do because of the blood loss experienced during their period. You can get iron in your diet from a variety of sources […]
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I have bulimia, and I’m not sure if I should tell my parents. They would probably get mad at me.
Posted February 1, 2021 under Ask Us.Thank you for this question. Telling your parents about your struggle with bulimia can definitely be nerve-wracking, but can also be so important to make sure you’re able to get […]
Read more »I have a lot of friends who vape. I have always really wanted to try, but I am scared. Can I try it even though I know it’s bad? If I just try it once, how bad is it for me? Can I get addicted after one time? Would my parents find out?
Posted January 27, 2021 under Ask Us.Great question! Sometimes it’s really hard to say “No” to friends, especially when they are trying a new popular trend. Except when it comes to vaping, it’s different. Vaping is […]
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I went to my doctor to get tested for chlamydia, turns out, I have it. My doctor prescribed me some medication that I took while I had my period. Is it OK that I took the medicine while I had my period?
Posted January 25, 2021 under Ask Us.Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and it’s actually super common. It is one of the most commonly transmitted STIs. Chlamydia is a little tricky, so it’s really important […]
Read more »I was having a hard time sleeping at night sometimes, I can’t see any reasons why it’s happening to me. Are they are possible things that can be the reason why I’m having insomnia?
Posted January 20, 2021 under Ask Us.Thanks for your question. Many people have a hard time sleeping and don’t know why. There are several things that can affect sleep, including our daily activities, whether or not […]
Read more »When I was 13 years old I struggled with an eating disorder and was significantly underweight. I have since been in recovery and I eat consistently, but it has been 4 years since my last period. I had an appointment with my gynecologist. They ran several blood tests, but everything came back normal. Is there anything I can do to help regain my period?
Posted January 19, 2021 under Ask Us.First, we would like to congratulate anyone who has adopted healthy coping skills for managing their eating disorder, it’s not an easy task, but one that should be celebrated! Eating […]
Read more »Can the birth control pill affect your fertility (ability to have children)?
Posted January 14, 2021 under Ask Us.Birth control pills (also called oral contraceptive pills or the “Pill”) are a type of female hormonal birth control method. Teens take the birth control pill for a variety of […]
Read more »I had sex for the first time recently and I think I’ve got an STI. Besides my regular doctor or hospital, who else could I go see? A friend said the county health unit. Could I go without one of my parents? I’m not ready to confess to them yet.
Posted January 6, 2021 under Ask Us.Thanks for your question. Some people find it easier to go see a different health care provider to deal with concerns related to sex, such as a sexually transmitted infection […]
Read more »I am 17 years old and bisexual. I have always avoided anything that has to do with sex, because it made me uncomfortable. Recently, I decided that I would like to learn more about sex. What is OK to read and/or look at that is also developmentally/psychologically safe?
Posted January 5, 2021 under Ask Us.Let’s admit it, lots of people think conversations about sex are awkward and uncomfortable, even adults! These feelings are completely normal, especially since the topic in general can be personal […]
Read more »Ever since 5th grade, I have noticed that anytime I sweat my vagina smells musty and sweaty like an armpit. I talked to my doctor, but it still happens every day. I even bathe three times per day. Is this normal?
Posted January 4, 2021 under Ask Us.Great question! First things first, it’s OK to sweat. Actually it’s really important and healthy for your body to sweat, because it helps regulate your body’s internal temperature. The reason […]
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