Topic: Emotional Health
I’ve had bulimia for almost 3 years, and now I’m in the recovery process. Some days I’m fine and other days I feel fat and terrible about myself, especially before/during my period (I bloat badly during that time). Is there anything I can do to lessen the bloating during my periods? And is there anything I can do to take my mind off of all the food I ate when I feel fat?
Updated 31 January 2017 under Ask Us.The recovery process for bulimia will have some days that are harder than others and it is important that you find ways to cope through those times. For days that […]
Read more »I’m usually a happy person, but sometimes I feel upset and inclined to self-harm. However, since I’m not diagnosed with Bi-Polar depression I don’t feel like I deserve help. Is it just a phase? How can I get over this if I’m not validated?
Updated 20 January 2017 under Ask Us.Some moodiness is normal throughout the teen years, but especially in the early teens. It’s possible that this is a phase and you will feel better in time. However, if […]
Read more »I am always depressed. If I was told that I got an A+ in math, or if a was told I was going to get a cat, I’d still be depressed. Am I okay?
Updated 16 November 2016 under Ask Us.It must be frustrating to always feel depressed even when good things are happening. Many teens and adults feel sad sometimes but feeling sad most of the time is a […]
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I’m 13 and have Bipolar disorder, Social Anxiety, and ADHD. Will life change more during puberty?
Updated 12 August 2016 under Ask Us.I’m already weird, I like heavy metal, video games, anime, and reading, but that’s all! I’m scared I might change more than I need to, and I just know this […]
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How can I manage sleep so that I don’t feel down??
Updated 7 December 2015 under Ask Us.Sleep problems can be caused by an irregular schedule, stress (having lots of things on your mind), depression, changes in your sleep environment (your bedroom is too hot, too cold, […]
Read more »My bf and I broke up recently. He has a new girlfriend now but I am still so in love with him. I told him how I felt and he said he still loved me but he wanted to be with his girlfriend and since has been asking me for relationship advice. I feel so heartbroken and disrespected but I don’t know what to do.
Updated 17 August 2015 under Ask Us.Break ups are tough, and feeling upset for a period of time afterwards is normal. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do—other than just giving it time—to help […]
Read more »Lately I’m forever sad, I cry a lot and I don’t talk to anyone. I need help as this is affecting my health too.
Updated 13 July 2015 under Ask Us.Feeling sad and alone can definitely take a toll on your health, particularly the longer you feel this way. Everyone feels sad from time to time but if your sadness […]
Read more »Someone from my high school committed suicide last week. I didn’t know her very well, but we were Facebook friends. Her posts were always so upbeat and happy, and I had no idea she was even depressed. What did I miss?
Updated 13 May 2015 under Ask Us.You may not have missed anything—it can be hard to truly “know” someone, especially when the only access you have to them is through social media, like Facebook. Because social […]
Read more »Is there a counselor that specializes in both stress and self-esteem?
Updated 12 May 2015 under Ask Us.Yes. A counselor can help you to understand your feelings and problems and learn how to deal with the stress in your life and also help you to improve your […]
Read more »My friend just turned 14 and she and her way older boyfriend who is in high school want to have a baby. I’m so worried but I don’t know what to do! I don’t want to get her in trouble, but I want her to understand the dangers involved. What should I do?!
Updated 5 May 2015 under Ask Us.Your friend is lucky to have someone like you to be so concerned about her and her well-being. You are right to be worried because there are several reasons why […]
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