Does meeting someone on Tinder increase my chances or risk of getting STDs?


I’m 19 and going off to college in the fall. A bunch of my friends are on Tinder and I am too. But I have not met with anyone and […]

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Lately I’m forever sad, I cry a lot and I don’t talk to anyone. I need help as this is affecting my health too.

Feeling sad and alone can definitely take a toll on your health, particularly the longer you feel this way. Everyone feels sad from time to time but if your sadness […]

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apple, water, measuring tape

I’m just wondering if it’s ok to take diet pills at the age of 13. I’ve been thinking of using ones that are called ‘Garcinia Cambogia’.

Something like “Garcinia Cambogia” is not safe for weight loss because it is a supplement, not a medication. This means that it comes from a food or plant and has […]

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female gender symbol

I have a yellow vaginal discharge. What does this mean? What should I do?

It can be normal to have a small amount of vaginal discharge because the vagina makes a fluid that naturally cleans itself. The fluid can change color and texture during […]

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I have a boyfriend and it’s been 6 months since we have been dating. We haven’t kissed or had sexual contact. Is he gay?


It is possible that your boyfriend may think of you as a friend rather than a girlfriend but there could be other reasons why your boyfriend has not tried to […]

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water safety

I’ve had my period for 4 days now and I have a pool party to go to. Will it be okay for me to wear my bathing suit and go in the pool without anything happening?


It’s hard to tell if your period will stop once you are in the water. If it is at the end of your cycle or your period tends to be […]

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Can a gynecologist tell if I masturbate? It is my first visit to the gynecologist, what should I be prepared for?

Your health care provider will not be able to tell if you masturbate (when a person stimulates or “plays with themselves” for sexual pleasure).  If your vulva or vagina is […]

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painful cramps

I had a yellow discharge and just found out I have PID. What is it?

PID is an abbreviation for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. It is an infection of the female reproductive organs (the fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus and cervix). It is usually caused by a […]

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I have a lot of body hair, and it kind of embarrasses me. I even get comments about how I have sideburns. Is this normal?


Extra or “unwanted” hair on certain parts of your body such as your face, arms, stomach and back is called “hirsutism”, pronounced: her-suit-is-m. This may be genetic (other women in […]

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Appendicitis, pronounced “a-pen-di-sigh-tis,” is the inflammation of the appendix, which is a tube-shaped organ that is about the size of your index finger. It is located in the lower right […]

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