I really want to have sex with my partner. It’s both of our first times. Pregnancy protection aside, do we need to protect from STDs if we are both virgins? Could we get an STD from each other if neither of us have ever had the chance to get them?
Protecting against sexually transmitted infections (otherwise known as STDs or STIs) is very important when having sex, even if you are confident that it is your partner’s first time as […]
Read moreI have been waking up every night at 3:00am and I am awake until my alarm goes off at 7:30. I stopped watching TV or going on the web after dinner and I also tried drinking chamomile tea but it hasn’t helped me sleep through the night. I am very tired during school and I feel like l cannot bear this lack of sleep during the entire school year. Please, can you help me?
Thank you for your question! The blue screens of devices, such as a smart phone or tablet, have been found to interfere with the sleep hormone melatonin, which may cause […]
Read moreHi, I have a problem. I am getting my second period soon so I want to wear something to prepare. I really like using tampons but you can’t when you’re not on your period, and pads are very, very, very uncomfortable. I really need help.
You’re right, you shouldn’t use tampons when you are not bleeding; however, instead of using thick pads, you could opt for wearing a thin, small panty shield. As you have […]
Read moreTwo nights ago, the area around my pubic hair really started to itch. Sometimes it is itchy on the outer labia, but mostly around the top of my pubic area. I am not sexually active, I don’t have a vaginal discharge, and I haven’t shaved my pubic hair either. But the itching is driving me mad. Please help?
The medical term for persistent itching of the vulva is “Pruritis Vulvae”. (The vulva is everything that is on the outside of a woman’s body from her pubic hair to […]
Read moreI noticed that when I am in PE class or just when I walk home from school, I sweat a lot while my friends don’t seem to sweat. Why do I have rings under my armpits?
Rings around your armpits can be embarrassing for sure but there is an explanation and treatment. Sweating is common especially during puberty because this is the time when your sweat […]
Read moreDo you get your period when you’re going to the bathroom or will it just happen at a random time?
Your period will start at a random time—you may not notice that you are bleeding until you go to the bathroom to urinate (pee) and see blood on the toilet […]
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I have some stretch marks on my thighs, butt and breasts. What can I do to make them disappear?
Stretch marks are very common during pregnancy (when a women’s belly stretches) but they are also common during times of rapid growth such as puberty and/or when a person gains […]
Read moreDo all girls with PCOS need to diet?
Weight loss can be beneficial for girls with PCOS if they are in the “overweight” or “obese” BMI category and are at risk of certain metabolic or medical complications related […]
Read moreI want to stop my periods, completely because the pain is so intense, and while not as bad as some, it’s still rather unbearable for me, as I’m bed-ridden and sometimes I can’t attend school because of this. At this point I would have my uterus and ovaries out if that would stop my pain. I plan on talking to my health provider about this as well, but I would like some advice first.
/Having painful periods (dysmenorrhea) and perhaps pelvic pain at other times during the month can be frustrating to deal with, especially if it is interfering with your ability to attend […]
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I have a lot of panic attacks for instance before exams or an oral presentation. I did some yoga exercises to learn how to breathe calmly but it didn’t help. It isn’t easy to live with panic attacks. What can I do?
Panic attacks are extremely difficult to deal with. The symptoms, which can include shortness of breath, chest tightness, sweating and stomach upset are frightening and may make people worry that […]
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