I heard that soy, almond, and cow’s milk aren’t that great for people with PCOS. What type(s) of milk would you consider PCOS-friendly? Thanks in advance!
Actually, all three of these options, in moderation, are PCOS-friendly. While there has been some discussion on whether Carrageenan, a frequent additive in alternative milks, has been linked to inflammation […]
Read moreI am 26 years old and I’ve never been sexually active. Is this OK?
Yes! It doesn’t matter how old or young you are, it’s completely normal to not be sexually active. Sex is a huge deal – physically and emotionally. No one should […]
Read moreI know I need to drink more water… but every website says something different. How many ounces should I ACTUALLY be going for (minimum)?
It’s generally recommended that you drink 4-6 cups (around 32-64 ounces) of water daily. Everyone is different, the amount of water recommended for you might be different for someone else, […]
Read moreMy boyfriend pushed his penis into my navel (belly-button) and he ejaculated (came) a little inside of my belly-button! I also touched my belly button a few minutes after it happened and then touched the outside of my vagina. I was on day two of my period. Can I get pregnant?
Anytime a person has unprotected sex (i.e. touching, rubbing, penetration (with a penis/sperm)) there is an increased chance that they could become pregnant. You can’t get pregnant through your belly-button, […]
Read moreWhat does it mean when a boy say’s he’s “horny”? Help!
When a person mentions that they are feeling “horny”, it means that they are excited sexually. Usually, this feeling occurs because that person finds the other to be attractive in […]
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Trastornos Alimenticios: Glosario
Amenorrea: Cuando una mujer no tiene su periodo menstrual. La amenorrea es un síntoma de que el peso puede estar muy bajo o que las hormonas en el cuerpo no […]
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Trastornos Alimenticios: Alimentación Saludable
¿Qué significa la alimentación saludable? La alimentación saludable es importante tanto para tu mente como tu cuerpo. Durante el proceso de recuperación, trabaja con tu dietista para ayudarte a aprender […]
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Trastornos Alimenticios: Tratamiento y Opciones de Terapia
El tratamiento para un trastorno alimenticio es un proceso muy personalizado. Por lo tanto, hay diferentes tipos de tratamientos dependiendo de qué tan medicamente estable es la persona y qué […]
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Trastornos Alimenticios: Evaluación y Equipo de Tratamiento
Los adolescentes con trastornos alimenticios o síntomas de ellos pueden ser remitidos por su pediatra, médico de cabecera o profesional en enfermería a un programa de tratamiento para trastornos alimenticios. […]
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Trastornos Alimenticios: Causas y Factores de Riesgo
Hay muchas teorías sobre qué causan los trastornos alimenticios y para cada persona la razón puede ser diferente. Aun así, la mayoría de los trastornos alimenticios son causados por una […]
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