Is it possible to become pregnant if you have unprotected sex for just a few seconds and your partner doesn’t come (ejaculate)? My bf pulled out because we didn’t have protection.

Posted December 6, 2019 under Ask Us.

Thank you for your question. Yes, it’s possible to become pregnant ANYTIME you have unprotected sex. Even though you only had intercourse for a few seconds and your bf did […]

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Is it OK to skip the placebo pills and start on the next pack of birth control?

Posted November 18, 2019 under Ask Us.

Thanks for your question. Since there are many types of birth control pills, you should check with your health care provider (HCP) first, to make sure it is safe for […]

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A little amount of fluid comes out of my nipples when being squeezed. Is this normal?

Posted November 13, 2019 under Ask Us.

Thank you for your question. White milky fluid from your nipples/breasts can result from taking certain medicines for birth control or mood problems, from being pregnant, or recently being pregnant. […]

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I stopped using the Depo shot 9 months ago but still no period. What could be the cause?

Posted November 4, 2019 under Ask Us.

Most women will get their menstrual period back within 6-18 months after they stop taking the Depo-Provera shot. Once you stop taking the (Depo-Provera) shot it continues to protect against […]

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My parents recently separated because my father had an affair. I love my dad but I am angry with him at the same time. I’m not sure how to deal with my feelings. What should I do?

Posted November 1, 2019 under Ask Us.

It sounds like you’re going through a really difficult time. It also seems like you may be having some conflicting feelings and that is completely understandable given your situation. Your […]

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I feel very insecure about everything from my own labia, my sexuality, and the topic of sex. It fuels my depression and I need to talk it out. Is it okay to tell my therapist, even if I go into detail?

Posted October 29, 2019 under Ask Us.

This is a an excellent question, and it’s great that you are asking it! Finding clarity and support with these concerns will hopefully help you feel a lot better and […]

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I got my first period 7 months ago but it hasn’t come back. Is there something wrong with me?

Posted October 21, 2019 under Ask Us.

Thank you for your question. It is very common to have irregular periods during the first few years after starting menstruation (periods). During the first year, most girls have at […]

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female gender symbol

I have a lot of discharge that has a fishy scent at times. What can that mean? I saw my gynecologist but they said I was fine.

Posted October 14, 2019 under Ask Us.

Thank you for your question! Anytime you have a discharge that is unusual for you, it’s a good idea to check in with your gynecologist or health care provider, which […]

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Lately my body image has been poor about myself. I honestly feel so ugly and it makes me sad and depressed. I honestly feel like no one will think I’m cute or even pretty, and compliments I do get I throw down. How can this feeling be stopped?

Posted October 7, 2019 under Ask Us.

Thank you for submitting this important question! Poor body image is a difficult feeling that many teenagers (and adults) deal with. During the teenage years, there are many changes happening […]

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I feel that I am extremely nervous this year. I will suddenly feel overwhelmed by school, the prospect of college, or something in the news (particularly school shootings) and my stomach will feel sick and I can’t stop shaking. What should I do?

Posted September 30, 2019 under Ask Us.

Sometimes people think that teenagers don’t have much to be worried or anxious about. However, as you have pointed out there are many important challenges that teens face. There are […]

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