I suffer from pain in my left arm and chest. My blood pressure is also sometimes high. What should I do?
Chest pain is a common sign of heart trouble in older adults, although thankfully problems like heart attacks are very rare in adolescents and young adults. Chest pain that moves […]
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Vaginose Bacteriana
Mulheres de qualquer idade podem ter Vaginose Bacteriana (VB)–mesmo adolescentes ou mulheres que nunca foram sexualmente ativas. Entretanto,ela é mais comum entre meninas e mulheres que têm relações sexuais com […]
Read moreTMJ Disorders
/What is TMJ? TMJ is short for temporomandibular (tem-pour-o-man-dib-u-lar) joint (disorders/conditions). The TMJ connects the “mandible” (the lower jaw) to the temporal bone (located on either side of your face […]
Read moreI have PCOS, should I avoid carbs completely?
/Good question! Avoiding carbs (officially called “carbohydrates”) all together isn’t a great idea. Carbs provide our body with energy and they are the only fuel used by the brain. However, […]
Read moreIf I grew small boobs at a younger age, will that determine my breast size for the future?
Typically, a girl can expect to get her period about 2-3 years after she begins to develop breasts. But the age when you started to develop breasts doesn’t have anything to […]
Read moreI’ve never had sex and I have regular periods without pain. Should I take birth control pills anyway?
Deciding to take the birth control pill is a very personal choice. For some, the Pill may also help in to make periods lighter, shorter, or more regular. It can […]
Read moreIs there any other way to get pregnant besides sex?
While most women become pregnant by vaginal intercourse, women can also rarely get pregnant by ejaculation of sperm right at the opening of the vagina. Another way to get pregnant […]
Read moreI am 145-155 pounds and I’m only in middle school. I’m worried about becoming overweight. What is a healthy weight for my age? I might want to lose 10-15 pounds or so, how can I do it and stay committed?
/Determining a healthy weight can vary greatly from person to person. The body mass index (BMI) is a tool that is helpful to better understand what might be a healthy […]
Read morePílulas Anticoncepcionais: Como tomar
A cartela mais comum de pílulas contém 21 pílulas hormonais ativas e 7 pílulas placebo, mas algumas cartelas têm 23, 24, 26 ou até 28 pílulas ativas. O exemplo demonstrado […]
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