I have had sex with my boyfriend, but I have regular menstruation. Can I be pregnant?
Getting pregnant is a common concern among adolescents who are involved in a sexual relationship. The only way you can 100% guarantee not getting pregnant is by not having sex. […]
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My outside private parts “lips” (labia) are not equal in size. One side is bigger that the other. I feel like I have to hide even when I’m dressing. I’m so scared to go to my doctor as I’m not sure how to explain this. HELP!
Labial hypertrophy (pronounced: lay-bee-al hi-per-tro-fee) is a long name that means the enlargement of the labia (sometimes called the vaginal lips). It is unclear what causes labial hypertrophy. For some unknown reason […]
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Is it okay to wash my hair during my period? My mom said it’s bad for my health, but she doesn’t tell me why?
This is a common myth. It is perfectly fine to wash your hair, take a shower or bath at any point during your period. Myths about periods have been around […]
Read moreWhat is proper hygiene for the vagina and how do I know if I’m healthy down there?
Proper hygiene of the vagina is really very simple because the vagina cleanses itself naturally. The natural flora of bacteria and normal cells in the vagina keep the environment at a […]
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I have a sort of a cut or scab in my belly button. I put hydrogen peroxide on it almost every night. It’s healing but REALLY slowly. Before the scab formed there was “crust” in the naval. I don’t know if I should waste my time going to the doctor of it’s already on its healing stage.
If your cut or scab is from a piercing or other trauma to the area, then hydrogen peroxide can help keep the cut clean. However, if you’ve had the cut/scab […]
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I had unprotected sex yesterday. Can you give some information about Emergency Contraception and how to take it?
Emergency contraception (EC) is a backup method of birth control for preventing pregnancy after unprotected sex. Even though it’s commonly called the “morning-after pill,” there are three types of EC […]
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Hello, I been feeling very depressed for the past two years and I’ve turned to cutting & burning myself to escape these tough feelings. But my main question is: How do I stop?
/I’m sorry to hear about your troubles. The most important thing is to get help so you don’t have to try to deal with this alone. It is important that […]
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I am on continuous hormonal pills so I don’t get a period. Where does the blood go? and is it dangerous not to have a period?
Taking hormonal treatment continuously as prescribed by your health care provider is not dangerous. While some women have spotting while on continuous birth control pills, many women do not have […]
Read moreEndometriosis: Synarel (Naferelin acetate)
/Nafarelin acetate is the generic name for “Synarel,” a medicine that is used to treat endometriosis. It is a type of gonatropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH agonist) medicine. GnRH agonist medicines […]
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How can I manage sleep so that I don’t feel down??
Sleep problems can be caused by an irregular schedule, stress (having lots of things on your mind), depression, changes in your sleep environment (your bedroom is too hot, too cold, […]
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