Lately my younger sister has been watching videos about self-harm and reading (even writing) stories involving suicide. She’s only 9 years old. Naturally my family is very concerned for her mental health. How do we help her?
Thanks so much for your question. It makes total sense that you and your family are concerned about your younger sister and want to support her! It is important to […]
Read moreI have a painful boil inside the lip of my vagina. I am currently on my period and it really hurts to wipe. Please help!
So sorry to hear you are so uncomfortable. Unfortunately, there are many different causes for lumps and bumps in the vagina. Some causes are more serious than others, for example […]
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I am almost am thirteen and weigh 145 pounds. I do not know what to do. I beat myself up about it, and girls at school say I am fat. How do I lose like fifteen pounds? What is the best workout for losing weight?
People come in all shapes and sizes, and bodies change throughout life. Focusing on weight can actually lead to an unhealthy relationship with food and can even cause eating disorders. […]
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I think I’m becoming depressed. I really hate myself and I have no motivation to socialize or to do work. My parents don’t believe in me and just aren’t supportive. Are there ways I could go to therapy without them knowing?
Thank you for outreaching to us. It is really brave to admit when you are struggling and ask for help. Because you’re 18, you are entitled to privacy in your […]
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Healthy Swaps Cooking Guide
/Healthy cooking doesn’t mean you have to ditch your favorite recipes, there are many ways you can increase the nutrient-density of your meal by just making some swaps. Here are […]
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Preparación para una cirugía ginecológica en el Boston Children’s Hospital
La preparación para una cirugía puede ser abrumadora o aterradora si no sabes qué esperar. Puede que tengas algunas preguntas sin contestar y preocupaciones que te hagan sentir de esta […]
Read moreI am underweight and I don’t like it, so I bought enhancement pills. Will I go back to my normal stature if I stop using it?
While it might seem like an “easy” way to fix something you feel is wrong, there is actually no way to take a pill to grow or gain weight. If […]
Read moreDeshidratación
¿Sabías que aproximadamente dos tercios de tu cuerpo están compuestos de agua? ¡Eso es mucho! Aunque es normal perder un poco de agua todos los días, puede haber ocasiones en […]
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I have read your guide on constipation, but what is the opposite of constipation? I am pooping small amounts about 3-4 times per day. Is this normal?
Thank you for your question! We are so glad to hear that you found our guide on constipation to be helpful! Poop amount, color, frequency, really depends on the person. […]
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LGBTQ: Contraception
/Contraception, or birth control, is important for anyone that does not wish to become pregnant. Especially those who are sexually active, are thinking about becoming sexually active, or just aren’t […]
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