I got my first Depo-Provera® injection 6 days ago, and I had sex today. Will the Depo shot still work right away so I won’t get pregnant?
Thanks for your question. Whether or not the Depo-Provera® injection will protect you from pregnancy depends on when you received it. For example: If you received the Depo-Provera® injection during […]
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Is there a hormone test you can have done to determine the best birth control for you? Or do you just have to try a birth control and see how your body reacts?
Thanks for your question! It would be great if there was a test that could predict what type of birth control pill is right for you. Since there isn’t a […]
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Trastornos Alimenticios: Síntomas
Anorexia nerviosa: Los síntomas de la anorexia suelen ser difíciles de notar porque las personas que sufren este trastorno pueden ser muy buenas ocultando sus conductas alimentarias. Pueden ingerir bocados […]
Read moreMy parents are divorced and I hadn’t talked to my dad for several years. He just died. I don’t really know how to feel, and I don’t feel anything in particular. Is this normal?
Thank you for your question. It is perfectly normal to feel the way you do, particularly if you did not have close relationship with your dad. However, you may experience […]
Read moreDo you have any advice for managing PCOS via diet in college? There are very few healthy/whole grain options at my dining halls, so I always end up reverting to more unhealthy eating habits while I’m here, which I know isn’t good for PCOS.
Thanks for your question! This is really tough – you are trying to make healthy decisions but are not in control of the food available to you. Does your school […]
Read moreI am 13 and had my first period when I was 11. It continued for a month and returned 6 months later then stopped after a month. I am a virgin and I have not gotten it ever since. What’s happening?
It is common to have irregular periods for the first two years after getting your period; however, it is not normal bleed for a month. Most girls have their period for 1-6 or […]
Read moreI ate a lot of raw cookie dough, and I just found out that it can make you sick. Will I get sick? Please help!!!
Thanks for your question. Our dietitians have weighed in. The reason that raw cookie dough can make a person sick is because most dough contains eggs and eating raw eggs […]
Read moreCerebral Palsy: General Information
/What is Cerebral palsy (CP)? Cerebral palsy (CP) is a life-long condition that affects muscle movement and coordination. In the United States about 10,000 babies born each year will have […]
Read moreI’m 15 and my parents fight ALL the time and it really upsets me. I’ve seen them growing apart over the years and it seems like they want to get a divorce but they’re staying together for me and my sister. How do I tell them that it’s okay to split up?
Thank you for your question! It can definitely be upsetting if your parents are fighting all the time. There can be different reasons why some parents continue to live together […]
Read moreI am going on vacation in a month but I’m supposed to get my period at the same time. Is there any way to make my period come faster or delay it so I can enjoy my vacation?
Delaying your period is sometimes possible if you are taking a birth control pill that has the same amount of hormone in all of the pills during the first 3 […]
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