Coronavirus (COVID-19)
/What is Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that had never been seen in humans before December 2019. Symptoms are usually mild and similar to a cold or […]
Read moreI am fifteen years old. Is it possible to get a free STI (sexually transmitted infection) test at a women’s health clinic?
Thank you for your question. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), every year there are about 20 million newly diagnosed people with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) living in […]
Read moreWhenever I stand or move around I feel like I give off a scent similar to a fart, but I am not passing gas. Any ideas what it might be? Help! I am embarrassed to ask my doctor.
The mysterious smell could be caused by many different things, but for starters it may have to do with your body odor. Body odor can be a difficult challenge for teens […]
Read moreI have some significant acne scars on my face and they’re making me self conscious. I heard that topical retinol medicine can make them go away over time. Is it true? How do I make my acne scars go away?
Thanks for your question. Many people are concerned about acne, as well as the skin changes left behind. While retinoid creams can help with pimples, they can also help reduce scarring […]
Read moreThe coronavirus is spreading. I don’t want to get it. What should I do?
Thanks for your question. Right now a lot of people share your concerns. The coronavirus is a virus. Symptoms can include: fever, cough, shortness of breath, and body aches. If […]
Read moreIn January, I had surgery to remove a dermoid cyst off of my ovary. Immediately following surgery, I began my period after not having it for years. My doctor said my periods delay was due to the cyst, but now I think my cycle is messed up because I didn’t get my period for February. Is there something wrong?
Thank you for your question. A dermoid cyst (also called a mature teratoma) is a common type of benign growth on the ovary. It’s different from other ovarian cysts such […]
Read moreI recently had unprotected sex while taking antibiotics (medicine used to treat infection) and antifungals (medicine used to treat fungal infections). Could I be pregnant?
Great question, thank you. For many years, there was a misconception surrounding the interaction between antibiotics and oral contraceptives (the pill). While there are a very few antibiotics such as […]
Read moreI’m almost always tired throughout the day and at school, but usually have trouble going to sleep at night. I’ll just get to bed and be awake still for hours. How do I go to sleep faster? Do things like taking melatonin supplements help?
Thanks for your question. There are lots of things can affect sleep, including loud noises, bright lights, stress, and recent physical activity. Some people also can have a tough time […]
Read moreI’ve had a hormonal for nearly 3 years (expires in September). Originally, it completely stopped my period but recently I started bleeding and peeing more frequently. Is this normal?
Thank you for your question. A hormonal implant is an alternative form of birth control, containing the hormone progestin. The implant is a small thin piece of flexible plastic that […]
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Periodos Dolorosos (Dismenorrea)
Es común que muchas chicas tengan dolor leve con sus períodos un par de días al mes. Sin embargo, si su dolor no se alivia con analgésicos de venta libre, […]
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