Thanks so much for reaching out about this dilemma you’re facing with your family. Sounds like you are in a very stressful position! Here’s the thing though- as much as we wish this wasn’t true, we really don’t have the power to change other people – we can only change ourselves and how we react to a situation and see if that influences changes in the behavior of the people around us. So perhaps the question “What can I do differently that would change how my family piles things on me?” would lead you to a better outcome. Brainstorm answers of things you could try, make a list, and try different ideas until you find one that works. Examples could include: approaching a family member and telling them your feelings about this, or simply responding “no, I am not able to do that for you” when someone puts a responsibility on you that you do not wish to accept. Try things on and see what works! Good luck!