SOPK: Glossaire des termes relatifs au SOPK

Updated 29 August 2012 under Health Guides.

ACANTHOSIS NIGRICANS : Épaississement et brunissement de la peau (causés par un taux d’insuline élevé) qui se manifestent sous forme de plaques derrière le cou, sous les bras et sur […]

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Low-Salt Diet

Updated 8 February 2024 under Health Guides.

One of the ways to manage high blood pressure is by following a low-salt (also called low-sodium) diet. What is sodium? Sodium is a mineral that is necessary for our […]

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girl holding folder

How to Prepare for a Job Interview

Updated 8 November 2024 under Health Guides.

You’ve applied for a job and finally landed an interview. Congrats! But, now what? Here are some tips on how to impress your future employer: A lot has changed in […]

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dietary iron


Updated 29 January 2024 under Health Guides.

Protein is needed to build and repair your muscles, make and maintain hair and skin, fight against infections, and carry oxygen in your blood. Proteins are made up of twenty […]

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girl using tablet in hospital bed

Preparing for GYN Surgery at Boston Children’s Hospital

Updated 28 March 2024 under Health Guides.

Preparing for surgery can feel overwhelming or scary if you don’t know what to expect. You may have some unanswered questions and worries that make you feel this way. Knowing […]

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Healthy Swaps Cooking Guide

Updated 8 February 2024 under Health Guides.

Healthy cooking doesn’t mean you have to ditch your favorite recipes, there are many ways you can increase the nutrient-density of your meal by just making some swaps. Here are […]

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Asthma: General Information

Updated 11 May 2023 under Health Guides.

Asthma is a chronic condition of the lungs that affects how you feel and breathe. It’s not contagious – you can’t get asthma from someone else (like a cold), and […]

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backpack safety

Backpack Safety

Updated 30 August 2023 under Health Guides.

Most students look forward to picking out their backpacks because there are so many different colors and designs to choose from. Your backpack may express your style, but does it […]

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Begin with Breakfast

Updated 11 January 2023 under Health Guides.

Even though it can be hard to make time for breakfast when you’re rushing to school in the morning, there are many benefits to eating a healthy breakfast. Eating breakfast […]

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Breast Health: Buying a Bra

Updated 20 November 2023 under Health Guides.

If you’re ready to buy your first bra or if your breast size has changed, you may be wondering what size bra to buy. Figuring out the correct size can […]

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