I have had my period since I was 10. It’s been 3 years and my periods are still irregular. Sometimes I get them every month and then it doesn’t come for another 3. I am not stressed or work out too much. Should I visit my doctor about this?

Posted September 25, 2019 under Ask Us.

Thank you for your question! During the first 1-2 years after a young woman starts her period, her cycles may be irregular; however, after that the menstrual cycle will typically […]

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Why am I eating a lot of food? I feel like I’m gonna get fat if I keep eating a lot… Is this normal?

Posted September 23, 2019 under Ask Us.

It is perfectly normal for any adolescent to feel like they are eating a lot of food. During adolescence your body is still growing and the only way it can […]

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female gender symbol

I’m having a funny discharge that’s yellow in color, should I be concerned?

Posted September 20, 2019 under Ask Us.

Thanks for your question! It can be normal to have a small amount of vaginal discharge because the vagina makes a fluid that naturally cleans itself. The fluid can change […]

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I have severe depression and I got horrible grades last year. I want to do well in school but it’s hard when I’m always sad and tired. What are some tips to succeed?

Posted September 18, 2019 under Ask Us.

Thank you for your question, and kudos to you for reaching out! Asking for help can be very difficult. By asking this question, you are taking steps to take care […]

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I am developing a lot of stretch marks on my body. Is there anything I can do other than workout/lose weight? Are they permanent?

Posted September 12, 2019 under Ask Us.

Stretch marks are actually a kind of scar that appears when the skin stretches quickly (with weight gain) or shrinks (with sudden weight loss). It’s common to develop stretch marks […]

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female gender symbol

I have this weird feeling that my vagina doesn’t seem normal. I have two folds of skin that cover the middle of my vagina. Is this normal?

Posted September 11, 2019 under Ask Us.

The two folds of skin that you describe are likely your “labia”, which are located on the outside of your vagina and are completely normal. The medical word for these […]

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Can you get bowel cancer at 13 years old?

Posted September 4, 2019 under Ask Us.

Colon cancer is very rare in children; however, anyone no matter what age who has chronic unexplained constipation (difficulty having bowel movements), abdominal distention (bloating of the belly) and bleeding from the […]

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gym class

I joined the gym 2 months ago to just be active. I thought I would get used to it but I absolutely hate going to the gym. Everyone suggests that I keep going but even thinking about having to go to the gym ruins my day. Is it a bad idea to give up?

Posted August 28, 2019 under Ask Us.

Thanks for your question! Two months of trying out the gym seems like a sufficient amount of time to know if you like going or not. If you want to […]

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Is it more hygienic to shave my pubic hair or just leave it alone?

Posted August 26, 2019 under Ask Us.

Thanks for your question. It is not more hygienic to shave pubic hair. Some girls decide to remove it (as a personal preference) but there are no health benefits. In fact, there […]

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girl eating salad

I barely feel full even after I eat. I don’t know if it’s because I’m burning more calories since I have a job so I’m on my feet all the time. I’m very worried to eat till I’m full because I’m scared, I’m going to gain lots of weight. What can I do?

Posted August 20, 2019 under Ask Us.

There are a couple of different things that can affect how full you feel after you eat. Portion sizes: Do you think that you’re getting enough food? A very general […]

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