Tu Primer Exámen Pélvico
Tal vez tú estés preocupada por tu primer examen pélvico. Es muy normal estar ansiosa acerca de algo cuando no sabes que esperar. También es normal sentirse avergonzada. Esperamos que […]
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How do I get rid of hemorrhoids and an anal fissure without having surgery?
Aside from being annoying, hemorrhoids (swollen veins in the rectum) can be painful and itchy. If you have hemorrhoids, you may be able to feel small lumpy pieces of skin […]
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Is it true that most girls don’t have symptoms of chlamydia?
Yes. Around 90% percent of women and 70% of men with chlamydia have no symptoms. If they do have symptoms, the symptoms usually start anywhere from 1-3 weeks after becoming […]
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How can I prevent my face and other areas of my skin from getting too dry?
Every day our skin comes in contact with many different things such as the weather, clothes, soaps and lotions, and a variety of beauty products. Many of us will have […]
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When I scratch my vaginal area, the skin looks like it’s peeling and there are tiny cuts. What is it?
There can be different reasons for your symptoms. You could have a yeast infection. If you are sexually active it’s possible that you could have an STI. You could be […]
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My friends told me that wearing bras to bed makes your boobs saggy and prevents them from growing. Is this true?
There’s no scientific evidence that wearing a bra to bed is either helpful or harmful. It doesn’t prevent your breasts from growing nor does it make your breasts saggy. If […]
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Can HPV return?
About 1 in 4 females between the ages of 14 and 59 in the United States have HPV. Most often the virus is cleared within 2 years. However, a female […]
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I’m 15. How do I know if I’m ready to have sex and what are the negative effects?
/Deciding to have a sexual relationship is an important decision since it involves both your body and your emotions. You need to make sure that it is the right decision […]
Read morePCOS: PCOS-Friendly Foods, Snacks, and Grocery Shopping Tips
/You may have noticed that some meals leave you satisfied while others leave you with a growling stomach only an hour later. One way to help you feel more satisfied […]
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