birth control pills

I have an appointment with my doctor to talk about birth control, because my period symptoms are difficult to manage. What questions should I ask? Are there any questions they may ask me? How do I know if I am receiving the right pill for me?

Awesome question and great job advocating for yourself! There are a lot of different methods for birth control methods (pills, patches, rings, injections, implants, intrauterine devices (IUDs), etc.) available, so […]

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painful cramps

I was referred to a gynecologist because I have a dermoid cyst, but I can’t get an appointment for six weeks. Yesterday, I began experiencing nausea and really sharp pains on my side (where the cyst is), is this normal?

Great question, thank you for sharing! A dermoid cyst is a common type of benign growth that develops on the ovary. They are usually harmless and unlike other cysts, they […]

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girl using tablet in hospital bed

Preparación para una cirugía hospitalaria o cirugía “con estancia nocturna”

La preparación para una cirugía (un procedimiento quirúrgico o una operación) puede parecer abrumadora o terrorífica si no sabes qué esperar. Puede que tengas algunas preguntas sin contestar y preocupaciones […]

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girl using tablet in hospital bed

Preparación para una cirugía ambulatoria o cirugía “de día”

La preparación para una cirugía puede ser abrumadora o aterradora si no sabes qué esperar. Puede que tengas algunas preguntas sin contestar y preocupaciones que te hagan sentir de esta […]

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I recently noticed there is a long piece of skin at the base of my vagina (opposite the clitoris), but it’s not painful. What could it be? Thank you!

Great question! Unfortunately, it’s hard to say exactly what the long piece of skin may be without seeing it. The excess skin may be part of the labia minor (the […]

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Social Media and Body Image

Social media has become a big part of many peoples’ lives, especially teenagers. Platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok are used by people all over the world. There are […]

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Dietary Supplements


What are dietary supplements? The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) definition of a dietary supplement is “a product intended for ingestion that contains a ‘dietary ingredient’ intended to add further […]

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I recently had a pelvic exam and it wasn’t a pleasant experience. My OB-GYN didn’t talk to me or tell me what they were doing during the exam. Is this normal?

Great question, thank you for asking! Pelvic exams are an essential part in making sure your body is healthy, but that doesn’t mean they are easy. Thinking about a pelvic […]

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How do I know if I have an imperforate hymen? I am really worried about it. I recently tried to have sex, but it was really painful, so we stopped. Help!


The hymen is a skin piece of skin that covers the opening of the vagina. Hymens can come in a lot of different shapes and thicknesses. Many are shaped like […]

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