I started my period last August (at 14 years old), but I haven’t had a period for the last 6 months. I am not sexually active, but I have some of the symptoms in your guide on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Should I be concerned?
/Thank you for your question. In young women, it’s totally normal to have fewer periods per year, especially for the first 2-3 years after starting your period. In the first […]
Read moreAfrontar la cuarentena durante el COVID-19
¿Cuál es el objetivo de la cuarentena? El objetivo principal de la cuarentena es reducir la propagación de la infección limitando el movimiento del público en general y manteniendo a […]
Read moreEl Coronavirus (COVID-19)
¡Vuelve el próximo mes para saber información sobre la vacuna! ¿Qué es el coronavirus (COVID-19)? El coronavirus (COVID-19) es una nueva enfermedad respiratoria nunca antes vista en humanos. Los síntomas […]
Read moreHow do I deal with burnout in school?
Thanks for your question. Many teens share this concern. Here are some things to consider. First, it’s important to understand the source of your burnout. Is it because you’re struggling […]
Read moreI am currently on the birth control pill (BCP). This month I decided to skip the placebo week “sugar pills” and just start a new pill pack. I’ve heard that when you to do this you’re supposed to have spotting, but I haven’t. I have sex regularly, could this be a sign that I’m pregnant or did I just get lucky?
This is a great question, so glad you asked! There are many different reasons why people use the “birth control” pill (BCP.) Some may use the pill to prevent pregnancy, […]
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How can I exercise when I’m social distancing and stuck indoors?
/Thanks for your question. Right now, we are all adjusting to new schedules and life routines. We congratulate you on wanting to make sure to keep yourself healthy by following […]
Read moreCoping with Quarantine during COVID-19
What is the goal of quarantine? The main goal of quarantine is to reduce the spread of infection by limiting the movement of the public while keeping everyone safe and […]
Read moreI have some symptoms of depression. Should I contact someone to test me for depression?
Healthcare providers “test” for depression by asking questions about what you’re going through. Unfortunately, there’s not a blood test for depression just yet! Your doctor will ask about your mood, […]
Read moreIs it normal that I don’t have a nipple on one side?
Great question. It’s important for girls to know that no two breasts are exactly the same! Women’s breast and their nipples come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Girls can […]
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Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: Progestin-Only Hormone Therapy
If you are unable to take estrogen or if you do not respond to combination (estrogen and progestin) pills, your clinician may prescribe either norethindrone (Camilla®), norethindrone acetate (Aygestin®) or […]
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