Do I need to lift heavy weights to build muscle?
/No. You don’t need to lift heavy weights to strengthen and tone muscles on your body. You can build muscles by doing toning exercises, lifting light weights, or playing sports. […]
Read moreSOP: Insulina y Metformina
Las mujeres jóvenes con SOP a menudo tienen niveles de insulina elevados y son más propensas a desarrollar diabetes. La metformina es un medicamento que a menudo se prescribe para […]
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What should I eat after a game/practice?
After a game/practice you’ll need to replace the carbohydrate burned and the electrolytes lost. Electrolytes are found in nearly all foods, so you don’t need to buy a special drink. […]
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Should I carb-load before my games or competitions?
When you are training or competing, your muscles need energy to perform. Glycogen, which is glucose stored in our muscles and liver, is the energy used by muscles. Every time […]
Read moreSíndrome de Ovarios Poliquísticos (SOP)
El SOP es un problema común entre las adolescentes y mujeres jóvenes. En realidad, 1 de cada 10 mujeres tiene SOP. ¿Qué es el SOP? El síndrome de ovario poliquístico […]
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Menstrual Period: General Information
Puberty is the time when your body changes because of hormones produced by your ovaries. Puberty usually starts between age 8 and 13 and includes growth of your breasts, the […]
Read moreMenstrual Period: Menstrual Cramps
Menstrual periods can be light and easy for some teens and young women, but for others, they can be heavy and/or accompanied by painful cramps. Cramps can be a big […]
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Endometriosis: Nutrición y Ejercicio
Si te han diagnosticado con Endometriosis es posible que te preguntes si hay algo que puedas hacer para sentirte mejor además de tomar medicamentos. La nutrición saludable y el ejercicio […]
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Preparing for Inpatient or “Overnight” Surgery
/Preparing for surgery (a procedure or operation) can seem overwhelming or scary if you don’t know what to expect. You may have some unanswered questions and worries that make you […]
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