Abnormal Pap Tests
You may have been told by your health care provider (HCP) that your Pap test results were abnormal. Maybe you’re worried and wondering what this means and how it will affect […]
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I’m not flexible at all. Do I really need to stretch when I exercise?
/Yes. Proper stretching before and after exercise is important for preventing injuries in all your muscle groups (upper, mid, and lower body). It also decreases your risk of back injury. […]
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Meningococcal Vaccine
/Although meningococcal infections are rare, they are very serious diseases that can cause death. Even with early treatment, there is a risk of serious complications. Luckily, there is a vaccine […]
Read moreWhooping Cough and the Pertussis Vaccine
/Many years ago, it became clear that too many teens were getting sick from “whooping cough,” also known as pertussis. Young children get vaccinated for whooping cough, but the protection […]
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Why do guys seem to get more muscular than girls?
It’s true; males build muscle faster than females do. This is because guys have more testosterone (a male hormone), which helps form muscle. Since women naturally have less testosterone, they […]
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Endometriosis: Información General
¿Qué es la endometriosis? La endometriosis, puede afectar las jóvenes de todas edades. Es una condición inflamatoria que ocurre cuando el tejido similar al forro interior del útero es encontrado […]
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How can I strengthen my abs?
Firming your abdominal area takes a regular exercise routine and time. Simple abdominal crunches or sit-ups are easy and effective. You don’t need to buy fancy ab equipment. Combining cardio […]
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Menstrual Period: Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports
Most girls who play sports have regular menstrual periods, and girls who are very active may skip a few periods. However, some girls who train really hard and don’t get […]
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How can I lose weight just in my stomach?
There are no exercises or nutrition plans that can target weight loss to a specific area of your body such as your stomach. You can strengthen your core stomach muscles, […]
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