I ruined my relationship with my parents unintentionally. A trusted family member manipulated me into agreeing to say bad things about my parents and blamed it on me and pretend to show concern. What should I do to fix it? They hate me now.

Posted August 21, 2023 under Ask Us.

We’re so sorry you’re in such a tricky situation!  This sounds like a challenging situation and without knowing more of the details, we think would be best for you to […]

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Recently I have been dreaming about having romantic feelings and kissing girls. Yet, I also dream about the same thing with boys! Does this mean I am “bi” (bi-sexual)? The thing is I prefer to be with boys in a romantic relationship, help please!

Posted April 14, 2023 under Ask Us.

Hi there, thanks for reaching out with your question. It is completely and totally normal to have dreams that aren’t necessarily accurate or realistic to how things are for you […]

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