Endometriosis runs in my family and my mom thinks I have it. I have really painful periods, but on my periods I have a lot of back pain to the point where it makes me cry and not want to walk. Is that normal?

Posted February 24, 2023 under Ask Us.

Thank you for asking such an important question, especially since next month (March) is endometriosis awareness month! Did you know that 1 in 10 people born with female reproductive organs […]

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It turns out my period will likely arrive on the first day of my vacation. Can I delay my period by starting the next pill pack without taking the inactive pills in my pill pack? Will the Pill still be effective?

Posted September 5, 2017 under Ask Us.

Check with your health care provider (HCP) to make sure there isn’t any reason why you shouldn’t keep taking active birth control pills in order to delay your period.  You […]

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Girl taking a pill

I had sex with my boyfriend in the heat of the moment and we didn’t use a condom. I took Next Choice One Dose™ three hours after we had sex. My period is late – should I be worried?

Posted March 19, 2014 under Ask Us.

Taking emergency contraception within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse is your best bet to avoid unwanted pregnancy. The manufacturer of the emergency contraception Next Choice One Dose™ states, “Some women […]

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