Do girls stop growing in height after their first period?

Posted December 21, 2018 under Ask Us.

A lot of girls want to know what will happen to their height as they go through puberty. The main way we know how tall you will be is to […]

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So my nudes (pics) are getting shown everywhere and I can’t tell my parents about it, so what do I do, please help me!!

Posted December 17, 2018 under Ask Us.

One of the reasons it’s important not to post anything online that you wouldn’t want your grandma to see, is because nothing that you post or send online is ever […]

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I have chronic anxiety, a poor appetite and low grades which I feel are due to my low self-esteem. How do I overcome this?

Posted December 5, 2018 under Ask Us.

It sounds like you have some things you are worried about and your worries are affecting a number of areas of your life.  If you can get help for your […]

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Now that colds and flu are starting to spread around school, a lot of my classmates are getting sick. How can I keep myself healthy when I’m surrounded by germs?

Posted November 28, 2018 under Ask Us.

Congratulations on being proactive about your health! It may seem like getting a cold is unavoidable when people around you are coughing and sneezing; however, there are measures you can […]

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When I’m stressed, I just want to go back to being little, when there wasn’t work to do and all I had to do was play. How can I get over feeling so nostalgic?

Posted November 21, 2018 under Ask Us.

Life can get stressful for all of us at times.  As we get older, it seems like there is more to do and everything is more complicated.  The teen years […]

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It seems like no matter how much water I drink, I’m still thirsty. I can’t go anywhere without a bottle of water, and I drink over 3 liters of water a day. Is there something wrong with me?

Posted November 7, 2018 under Ask Us.

Thirst is your body’s way of telling you that you need to replace fluids to prevent dehydration. You may become thirsty after eating salty or processed foods or after exercising. […]

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How can I get better at not taking small situations and making them a big problem for no reason? It’s really getting in the way of my relationships.

Posted October 31, 2018 under Ask Us.

This is a seemingly simple question, but actually is complicated.  Chances are that there are many reasons that small situations become big, and also reasons that situations can seem small […]

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I’m 13 and had my first period 6 months ago. It hasn’t shown up again. I haven’t had sex. What’s going on?

Posted October 30, 2018 under Ask Us.

It is common for girls to have irregular periods  in the year or two after their first period but most girls have at least 4 periods during their first year, at […]

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What is sexuality and sexual orientation?

Posted October 26, 2018 under Ask Us.

Sexuality is not just about “sex” and certain body parts that are associated with males and females. Sexuality includes sexual orientation, such as who a person is attracted to and […]

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girl on toilet

When I go to the bathroom and try to pee, pink blood streams out. It also burns and not even 5 minutes after I leave the bathroom I feel the urge to pee again. What could this possible be and is it treatable at home?

Posted October 26, 2018 under Ask Us.

While it is difficult to tell without testing your urine (pee), your symptoms sound like you may have a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTIs are very common and happen when […]

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