My stomach sticks out but I’m not technically overweight. I’ve been doing 50 sit-ups in bed every night for about 5 months. It doesn’t seem to be helping. Should I tell my parents about my secret exercise, and how do I get rid of belly fat?

Posted May 14, 2020 under Ask Us.

Thanks for asking this question! Every body is different and unique. There is not one body shape or size that is right for everyone, and many different factors, including genetics, […]

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I use a bottle and pen to masturbate. Am I still a virgin?

Posted May 12, 2020 under Ask Us.

Good question.  There isn’t a medical definition of a “virgin” or virginity.  The term is used differently by different people and may relate to cultural or religious beliefs or the meaning of “having […]

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How Safe Is It… to brew kombucha at home?

Posted May 7, 2020 under Ask Us.

Kombucha is a fizzy, bubbly drink known for its tart taste, and made from fermented sweet tea. Fermentation is a natural technique used to make a variety of foods and […]

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I live in rural Illinois and I’m worried about the coronavirus. What is being done to help get rid of it and could I die from it?

Posted May 1, 2020 under Ask Us.

Thanks for sending the question. Lots of other teens have asked the same questions. Our world is going through challenging and uncertain times right now. It’s been over 100 years […]

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I’ve been staying up past midnight and not getting out of bed until the afternoon recently.  How can I start going to sleep and waking up earlier?

Posted April 27, 2020 under Ask Us.

Thanks for your question. Getting good sleep is an important thing everyone can do to stay healthy. There are lots of things that can affect sleep, including our daily activities, whether or […]

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I’m 16 years old and when I go to the doctor, my mom insists on staying in the room. I have an upcoming doctor’s appointment and I want to ask some more personal questions. Do I have the right to talk to the doctor without my mom in the room?

Posted April 24, 2020 under Ask Us.

This is a great question! Kudos for wanting to begin understanding what it’s like to take charge of your own health, that’s great! It’s important for you to learn how […]

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MRKH butterfly in hands

I recently found out that I have MRKH (Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser Syndrome) and I was curious, can MRKH affect breast development?

Posted April 15, 2020 under Ask Us.

Thank you for your question. MRKH (Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser Syndrome) is a congenital (occurs during fetal development) problem that affects the female reproductive tract. One in 5,000 females is […]

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purple eating disorder ribbon

Is it possible to still have Anorexia even though I am not underweight? I have some symptoms, but I am overweight. Should I talk to my doctor?

Posted April 13, 2020 under Ask Us.

This is a great and important question! Eating disorders, such as Anorexia Nervosa, can affect anybody and do not have any specific “look”. They affect individuals of all body shapes […]

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I started my period last August (at 14 years old), but I haven’t had a period for the last 6 months. I am not sexually active, but I have some of the symptoms in your guide on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Should I be concerned?

Posted April 10, 2020 under Ask Us.

Thank you for your question. In young women, it’s totally normal to have fewer periods per year, especially for the first 2-3 years after starting your period. In the first […]

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