Is it normal to have pelvic pain after a pap smear (test)? I recently had my pap smear and I am experiencing pain similar to my period cramps.

Posted November 9, 2020 under Ask Us.

Great question, thank you! A pelvic exam is the way your health care provider (HCP) examines your female organs and checks for any gynecological problems. A pap test (smear) are […]

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purple eating disorder ribbon

I’ve lost weight for the past 10 months but my family tells me that I’m too thin now. My BMI is 18. I know that I eat less than 1000kcal a day. But just seeing my plate full is making me sick. Should I be concerned about having an eating disorder?

Posted November 5, 2020 under Ask Us.

Regardless of your BMI, eating less than 1000 kcal/day is not healthy for anyone. The minimum calories per day for a 20-year old female would be 1400 kcal/day, and even […]

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soy products

I am soy intolerant. Normally I like finding a new food I can eat, but recently all I notice is that it isn’t the brand of food everyone else eats. I just want to eat normal food. Do I have a mental problem about my intolerance?

Posted November 2, 2020 under Ask Us.

Paying attention to your food intolerance should not be a cause for concern. It will likely always be tough not to be able to eat the same foods as everyone […]

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Is it normal to weigh 95 pounds (43 kilograms) at 17 years old?

Posted October 29, 2020 under Ask Us.

Weight is like any other personal feature- it’s different for every individual. There is no “normal” that fits everyone! Rather, it’s important to understand what’s normal for you. There are […]

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I have genital warts on my vagina. Is it OK to put Vaseline on the warts? Is it OK to hug my cousin that is 8 months pregnant?

Posted October 27, 2020 under Ask Us.

Thank you for your question. Genital warts appear following direct skin to skin contact during vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who may be infected with the Human Papillomavirus […]

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My mom says we aren’t getting our flu shots this year because we’re going to be staying home, but I still want to get the shot. Should I not get the shot? How should I confront my mom?

Posted October 23, 2020 under Ask Us.

Thank you for the question. The situation with your mom sounds challenging and stressful. Understandably, it’s frustrating for teens who want the ability to make their own decisions about their […]

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I recently became friends with a new classmate. I really like them, but they constantly ask me to send dirty (nude) pictures. I did send one and now I feel really guilty. Is it OK to send a picture of myself in my bra and underwear? How can I get my friend to stop asking for these pictures?

Posted October 19, 2020 under Ask Us.

Great question! For starters, if your friend or partner is worthy of your friendship, then they shouldn’t be pressuring you into doing something you don’t feel comfortable doing. If you […]

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Can you help me be less insecure? I’ve seen many other female bodies and cry about how much better they look compared to mine. I don’t want to feel like that anymore.

Posted October 15, 2020 under Ask Us.

Thank you for your question. It can feel so tough when we start comparing ourselves and our bodies to other people, especially when we see such unrealistic/filtered images from social […]

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I’ve been questioning my sexuality for years and really think I’m asexual. I don’t feel safe coming out and feel like I can’t tell my doctor or even my family right now. If I tell my therapist, will they be understanding, and will it be confidential?

Posted October 5, 2020 under Ask Us.

Thanks for your question. We know that a person’s sexual attraction can range from being asexual, attracted to females, attracted to males, or a combination of females and males. This […]

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