unzipped jeans

My gynecologist just recently put me on progesterone to see if it would induce my period. I have shamefully masturbated a few times while I have been taking this prescribed medication. Will this have negative effects on my body?

Posted September 19, 2016 under Ask Us.

Masturbation is very common and a normal part of growing up. Most people realize that masturbation is a natural way of exploring your body and should not be thought of […]

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birth control pills

I’ve been on the combined pill for years to control my period. If I am thinking about having sex, but I don’t want to get pregnant, how accurate would I have to be when taking the pill and for how long before having sex?

Posted June 8, 2020 under Ask Us.

Great question, thank you! The combined pill contains two active hormones: estrogen and progestin (a hormone that is similar to progesterone). Just like with any birth control pill, whether you […]

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4 days ago, I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend. My period was supposed to get here yesterday and I am worried I could be pregnant. He said that a bit of semen might have gone in, but that he thinks it wasn’t enough to get pregnant. Is this true?

Posted October 2, 2015 under Ask Us.

No! You can get pregnant anytime you are not using condoms and/or birth control. You can even become pregnant if your partner removes his penis from your vagina before he […]

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