My boyfriend pushed his penis into my navel (belly-button) and he ejaculated (came) a little inside of my belly-button! I also touched my belly button a few minutes after it happened and then touched the outside of my vagina. I was on day two of my period. Can I get pregnant?

Posted March 19, 2021 under Ask Us.

Anytime a person has unprotected sex (i.e. touching, rubbing, penetration (with a penis/sperm)) there is an increased chance that they could become pregnant. You can’t get pregnant through your belly-button, […]

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I’m 21 years old, and my cramps have always been very bad to the point that I throw up and miss school or practice. Is something wrong with me, because in the past my doctor would say it’s normal, but nobody else in my family gets it this bad either.

Posted February 25, 2019 under Ask Us.

Menstrual periods can be light and easy for some young and adult women, but for others, they can be heavy and/or accompanied by painful cramps. It’s normal to have mild […]

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