I am the only one of my friends that hasn’t had period yet. Is it dangerous?
Everyone goes through puberty at a different time, which means girls get their periods at different times too. Most girls get their period about 2 to 2.5 years after they […]
Read moreI’m 16 and I’m still a virgin. I’m not on the pill and I want to have sex. If I have sex and the guy wears a condom what are the chances of getting pregnant?
Condoms are very effective in lowering your risk for most sexually transmitted infections (STIs); however, they are only 82% effective with typical use in preventing pregnancy. This means that out […]
Read moreSexual Health and Solid Organ Transplant (SOT) Recipients
/You may be thinking about what it means to be involved in a sexual relationship. It’s normal to think about sex and have sexual feelings; however, there are many things […]
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I was diagnosed with PCOS few months ago. I was asked to lose weight in order to regulate my periods and my blood sugar. I need a proper diet plan to do so. Can you suggest what I should eat and what not to eat?
While there is no “diet plan” for PCOS, there are some changes you can make to your eating habits in order to help regulate your blood sugar and potentially lose […]
Read moreI am a virgin but I always have a smell and discharge in my vagina. What should I do?
Most girls will have a vaginal discharge after puberty which can be thick and sticky, especially during the middle of their menstrual cycle or during ovulation. During ovulation, vaginal discharge […]
Read moreSexual Consent
/Everyone who wants to deserves to have great sex- and sexual consent is an important part of that. This guide will talk about what consent is, how to ask for […]
Read moreCan I get a disease from oral sex?
Yes, you can get a sexually transmitted infection (STI) from oral sex. STIs like HIV, gonorrhea, herpes, chlamydia, HPV, and syphilis can all be transmitted by oral sex. It’s possible to get an […]
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How can I get the morning after pill (emergency contraception) without my parents finding out?
Talking to your parents about emergency contraception (EC) or finding out how you can start birth control may seem uncomfortable. You might be surprised though to know that many parents […]
Read moreHow do I insert a tampon in my vagina?
The best way to learn how to insert a tampon is to read our “How to Use Your First Tampon” guide and watch the video that we created for girls […]
Read moreI need help building a positive body image. Because I am skinny, lack curves, and still wear a size A. I feel like boys aren’t attracted to me. What should I do?
You are not alone in your desire to build a more positive body image. Adolescence is an especially tough time for body image. One important thing to remember is that […]
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