I think I have a yeast infection, however the thought of telling my mom, or seeing a doctor makes me very uncomfortable. I do want the problem solved though. What should I do?
Thank you for your question. At first it may feel awkward to talk to you mom or doctor about your symptoms; however, it’s important to know that taking care of […]
Read moreI have a lump on my vulva during my period. What is it?
Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to know what your lump is or the cause without seeing it. Most of the time, there is no need for concern; […]
Read moreIs it okay to clean my vulva using soap and warm water?
Thanks for your question! The answer is Yes! When showering or bathing, wash your vulva with warm water and mild or unscented soap. Separate your labia and let the warm […]
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Dispositivos Intrauterinos (DIUs)
/Un dispositivo intrauterino es un tipo de método anticonceptivo que es insertado en el útero a través de la vagina y el cuello uterino para prevenir el embarazo. Existe muchos […]
Read moreMy boyfriend asked if I wanted to try something new during sex and I said no. Even though I continued to say no he wouldn’t stop. Afterwards, he apologized and begged me to forgive him and said that he just got “caught up in the moment but it keeps happening.” I’m really at a loss here because I have severe PTSD and have been molested as a child and he knows this yet he’s repeatedly gone against my wishes. What should I do?
Thank you for your question. We’re glad that you reached out to us. What your boyfriend is doing is absolutely NOT okay. It sounds like you’ve done a great job […]
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I got fingered and afterwards there was a lot of blood. I later realized there is a cut inside my vagina. It burns when I pee and I’m too scared to talk to an adult. How do I make it heal faster?
Thank you for your question. The cut is likely due to a tear caused by your partner’s fingernail. This type of injury is common with sexual activity such as with […]
Read moreQuick, Easy, Cheap, and Healthy Recipes
/You’re a busy person on a budget, but interested in eating healthy. Where do you begin? Cooking food at home doesn’t have to take forever or involve advanced skills and […]
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Píldoras Anticonceptivas: Cómo Tomarlas
Los envases de píldoras más comunes vienen con 21 píldoras de hormonas activas y siete píldoras de placebo, pero otros envases traen 23, 24, 26 o incluso 28 píldoras activas. […]
Read moreFor the past week and a half, maybe longer, I’ve been having breast pain. It’s a pain that only hurts when pressure is applied. Whether that be from sleeping on my side, pushing on it, or wearing a bra. It’s only in one spot, on the side and bottom?
It is common for women to have “mastalgia” (sore or tender breasts) the week before their period. The symptoms may be caused by a rise in the hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Breast discomfort can continue during […]
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Trastornos Alimenticios: Mitos
Mito: Todas las personas con trastornos alimenticios están bajas de peso. Realidad: Los trastornos alimenticios afectan a cada individuo a través de todo el espectro del peso. Los trastornos alimenticios […]
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