How can I stay motivated to eat healthily and the right way for PCOS? Sometimes I feel restricted and just want to eat whatever I want and then my body fights back. I am not sure how to change my mindset around food and eating for PCOS. Please help!
Great question! It sounds like you’re aware that your body feels better when you are making healthier choices which is good motivation right there. However, the more restricted you feel […]
Read moreCan I get pregnant from humping a blanket that might have had sperm on it?
Thank you for your question! It’s super important to mention that anytime a woman has unprotected sexual contact, which includes touching, rubbing, or penetration with a penis, she may run […]
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LGBTQ: Transgender Terminology
/We used to think that the gender people were given at birth was the one they would have their whole life. But many people grow up and identify as a […]
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LGBTQ: Gender Identity
/As our world continues to grow and we begin to recognize the diversity of people in our communities, part of this has been understanding that gender is not just the […]
Read moreI was told I needed to get clearance from a pediatric cardiologist, before I start cross country, due to my fast heart rate. My appointment is next week and I am a little nervous. What should I expect? Will anything hurt?
This is a great question! It’s smart that you are having your fast heart rate checked out by a pediatric cardiologist (a doctor who specializes on hearts in children and […]
Read moreEmbarazo: Embarazo No Deseado – Sobre la Adopción
Adopción La adopción es una opción para adolescentes que estén embarazadas y no estén listas o que no puedan cuidar al bebé cuando nazca. Hay muchas razones por las que […]
Read moreCurrently, I have a condom stuck inside my vagina. Will my period be delayed until the condom comes out?
Thank you for your question. You have a couple of options. However, one thing is for sure don’t leave the condom in your vagina. Leaving the condom behind in your […]
Read moreFood Stock
There may be a circumstance where you find yourself wanting or needing to stock up on food to last for several days or weeks. Whether it is due to limited […]
Read moreCigarrillos Electrónicos y el Vapeo
El vapeo o el uso de cigarrillos electrónicos es una tendencia popular pero dañina para los adolescentes y adultos jóvenes. Según los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades […]
Read moreMy “friend with benefits” sent a picture of his used condom and my bra to his friends, while I was in bathroom. I feel kind of weird about it, but do I have a right to be mad?
We am so sorry to hear that you’re in this uncomfortable situation, but hopefully our response will help you sort this out a bit. A good place to start is […]
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