Endometriosis: Preguntas Frecuentes Sobre la Píldora Anticonceptiva oral
¿Necesito un examen pélvico antes de tomar la píldora anticonceptiva oral? No. Aunque es importante que las mujeres se revisan como parte de su atención médica general, no se necesita […]
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MRKH: Hacer la Transición a Atención Ginecológica para Adultas
¡Felicitaciones! Estás preparándote para la transición a atención ginecológica de rutina para adultas. Es normal sentirte un poco nerviosa por este cambio al principio, especialmente si has seguido a tu […]
Read moreIs it normal to feel ashamed after masturbating? I tried to finger myself and it really hurt. When I pulled out my hands, there was a lot of blood. Did I hurt myself? I feel very ashamed.
First, what is masturbation? Masturbation is when a person touches or rubs their genitals. It’s completely normal for both men and women to masturbate. There is a stigma around masturbation, […]
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Endometriosis: Píldoras Hormonales Continuas
El tratamiento hormonal combinado es muy eficaz para el tratamiento de la endometriosis. El tratamiento hormonal no “cura” la endometriosis, pero puede ayudar a controlar el dolor al detener los […]
Read moreIt’s now autumn, and I always feel sorrowful and morose during this season. Plus now, with the coronavirus I feel even more depressed. What can I do in order to cheer me up?
Thank you so much for your question, you’re certainly not alone in feeling this way right now. When the weather changes in fall and winter, it’s not uncommon for people […]
Read moreIs it normal to have pelvic pain after a pap smear (test)? I recently had my pap smear and I am experiencing pain similar to my period cramps.
Great question, thank you! A pelvic exam is the way your health care provider (HCP) examines your female organs and checks for any gynecological problems. A pap test (smear) are […]
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I’ve lost weight for the past 10 months but my family tells me that I’m too thin now. My BMI is 18. I know that I eat less than 1000kcal a day. But just seeing my plate full is making me sick. Should I be concerned about having an eating disorder?
Regardless of your BMI, eating less than 1000 kcal/day is not healthy for anyone. The minimum calories per day for a 20-year old female would be 1400 kcal/day, and even […]
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I am soy intolerant. Normally I like finding a new food I can eat, but recently all I notice is that it isn’t the brand of food everyone else eats. I just want to eat normal food. Do I have a mental problem about my intolerance?
Paying attention to your food intolerance should not be a cause for concern. It will likely always be tough not to be able to eat the same foods as everyone […]
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MRKH: Preparar para Convertirte en una Madre o No
Preparar para formar una familia es una gran decisión sin importar si una mujer tiene MRKH. Convertirte en una madre funciona para algunas personas y no para otras. Solo tú […]
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Endometriosis: Lidiando con Dolor
Aunque todas experimentan el dolor en diferentes maneras, puede ser útil pensar en tu dolor de dos maneras: el dolor físico que tienes y cómo el dolor afecta tu vida. […]
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