Is it normal to not want children when I grow up? I think I would be more happy adopting a pet than having kids.
Absolutely! People have all sorts of preferences and feelings about how they would like their life to be. Some people would like to have children, while others do not. It’s […]
Read moreI am 17 years old and underweight. My period is super irregular and I don’t know why. Could it be because I am underweight? Is there anything I can do to be healthier, will it help regulate my period?
Irregular periods can be super inconvenient and sometimes pretty frustrating. Pinpointing the main cause for irregular periods can also be challenge, since there can be many different causes. For starters, […]
Read moreThere is a guy I would really like to have sex with, but I am afraid I will bleed after we have sex. I broke my own hymen and had bleeding afterwards. How do I know if this worked? I really don’t want to bleed while we have sex!
The hymen is a thin membrane that surrounds the opening of the vagina. Everyone’s hymen can be different, in thickness and or shape. The most common hymen shape is in […]
Read moreMy pregnancy test was negative and I used protection, but my period is 9 days late. Should I be concerned?
Yes, it’s still possible to be pregnant even after a negative pregnancy test and successful protection use. When condoms are used 100% effectively, they provide 98% chance of protection against […]
Read moreI recently received both of my meningitis vaccines during my check-up before leaving for college. The nurse gave me one injection in my right arm and one injection in my left arm. How long do I have to wait before receiving my COVID vaccine?
Congratulations, on getting both of the meningitis vaccines and deciding to get the COVID vaccine, as both are super! For starters, the meningococcal vaccine helps protect teens against meningococcal bacteria […]
Read moreCómo Hablar con tus Padres
Hablar con tus padres o tutores legales puede resultarte difícil, pero hay que recordar que ellos te quieren y sólo quieren lo mejor para ti. Entonces, ¿cómo exactamente puedes iniciar […]
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Hiedra Venenosa
¿Sabes qué causa la erupción por hiedra venenosa? El aceite de la savia de la planta de la hiedra venenosa, llamado “urushiol”, es el responsable de las reacciones irritantes. Es […]
Read moreFibrosis Quística (FQ)
La fibrosis quística (FQ) es una enfermedad genética (transmitida de padres a hijos) que puede afectar a muchos órganos diferentes del cuerpo. Más de 30.000 personas viven con FQ en […]
Read moreVacuna contra el coronavirus (COVID-19)
¿Qué es el coronavirus (COVID-19)? El coronavirus (COVID-19) es una enfermedad respiratoria altamente contagiosa. Los síntomas suelen ser leves y tienen similitudes a los síntomas de un resfriado o una […]
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