HIV Testing

It’s now recommended that everyone over 13 years old should get tested for HIV at least once. If a young person is having sex without protection (e.g. not using condoms) […]

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HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system. If HIV is not treated, it can lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Learning the basics about […]

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birth control pills

If I’m on the Pill and my bf ejaculates inside me, can I get pregnant?

If I’m on birth control pills and my boyfriend ejaculates inside of me, am I at high risk of becoming pregnant? If you take your birth control pills every day, […]

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mixed-gender friend group

Healthy Relationships


Healthy relationships are fun and make you feel good about yourself. You can have a healthy relationship with anyone in your life, including your family, friends and dating partners. What […]

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cervical cap

Cervical Cap


Out of 100 *nulliparous people using a cervical cap Typical use: 14 people become pregnant Perfect use: 9 people become pregnant Out of 100 *parous people using a cervical cap […]

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pregnant stomach

Can I get pregnant from anal sex?

Although there isn’t a direct path from the anus/rectum to the reproductive organs, there is a small chance that you could become pregnant during anal sex. This is because the […]

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feminine products

If girls get periods, what do guys get?


This is a great question, thanks for asking! First, let’s clarify what we mean by a girl. Did you know that a person’s sex and a person’s gender are two […]

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pelvic ultrasound

Ovarian Cysts


Sometimes teens who were assigned female at birth are told that they have a cyst “on” their ovaries but cysts develop within the ovary. Fortunately, most cysts go away without […]

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girl with hands over groin

What are the signs of a vaginal infection?

Most girls/women have normal vaginal fluid that helps clean and moisten the vagina. You are completely healthy and normal if your discharge is cloudy white has no odor or has […]

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veggie diet

I heard you’re supposed to limit yourself to only one fatty food a week. Is this true?


I heard you’re supposed to limit yourself to only one fatty food a week. Does that mean I can only eat one ice cream, one chocolate bar, or one piece […]

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