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Eating Disorders: Myths

Updated 18 May 2023 under Health Guides.

Myth: Everyone with an eating disorder is underweight. Truth: Eating disorders affect individuals across the weight spectrum. Eating disorders do not discriminate based on body-size.   Myth: Eating disorders are just an extreme […]

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Eating Disorders: Glossary

Updated 18 May 2023 under Health Guides.

Amenorrhea: When someone stops getting their a menstrual period (or never gets their period even though they should). Amenorrhea is a sign that someone’s weight may be too low or that […]

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Eating Disorders: Evaluation and Treatment Team

Updated 18 May 2023 under Health Guides.

Teens with eating disorder behaviors or symptoms may be referred to an eating disorder program by their pediatrician, family doctor, or nurse practitioner. While no two programs are exactly the […]

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Eating Disorders: General Information

Updated 18 May 2023 under Health Guides.

Eating disorders affect millions of people around the world. Although they’re most common in cultures that focus on weight and body image, they can affect people of all genders, races, ages, […]

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I haven’t had my period in 4 months and I’m not sexually active. What’s up with that?

Updated 25 February 2014 under Ask Us.

There can be different reasons why a teen doesn’t get her period. The most common reasons are weight change (especially weight loss), bulimia (vomiting to control weight), over exercising, stress, […]

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Salud Universitaria: Problemas de Salud Mental

Updated 19 November 2019 under Guías de la Salud.

¿Cómo puedo desarrollar una vida social saludable en la universidad? Mantente en contacto con tus familiares y los amigos de tu ciudad natal, pero asegúrate de conseguir nuevas amistades en […]

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Trastornos Alimenticios: Información General

Updated 12 February 2021 under Guías de la Salud.

Los trastornos alimenticios afectan a millones de personas en el mundo. Son más comunes en culturas que se enfocan en el peso y la imagen corporal y pueden afectar a […]

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