girl holding track shoes

Fitness: My Muscles

Updated 26 August 2021 under Health Guides.

Fitness is fun! It’s a great way to improve your overall health and wellness. Through exercise, you may even find you feel less stressed and more relaxed. You’ll have more […]

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Fitness: Stretches

Updated 26 August 2021 under Health Guides.

Stretching is a way to get your body ready for exercise, improve flexibility, and increase your range of motion. Proper stretching will help your muscles feel relaxed and prevent muscle […]

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girl lifting weights

Fitness: Strength Training Exercises

Updated 26 August 2021 under Health Guides.

Strength training can get a bad rap, especially for people who are worried about becoming “too muscular”. They avoid strength training altogether, but what a lot of people don’t realize […]

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MRKH butterfly in hands

MRKH: Transitioning to Adult Gynecology Care

Updated 17 August 2021 under Health Guides.

Congratulations! You’re getting ready to transition to routine adult gynecology (GYN) care. It’s normal to feel a little nervous about this change at first, especially if you have been followed […]

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MRKH butterfly in hands

MRKH: Commonly Asked Questions

Updated 17 August 2021 under Health Guides.

If I don’t have a cervix, do I need a yearly Pap test? A pap test is performed in patients with a cervix. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists […]

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MRKH butterfly in hands

MRKH: Your Feelings About MRKH

Updated 17 August 2021 under Health Guides.

It’s likely that your feelings about MRKH will change as you become older and more mature. At first, many young women report that they can think of nothing else much […]

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MRKH butterfly in hands

MRKH: Planning Ahead to Become a Parent, or Not

Updated 17 August 2021 under Health Guides.

Planning to start a family is a big decision regardless of whether or not a woman has MRKH. Becoming a parent is right for some people and not for others. […]

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Updated 8 April 2021 under Health Guides.

Gambling involves betting money (or other valuables) for the chance to win money or other things. Some gambling activities (such as darts or pool) require skill, where other activities are […]

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MRKH butterfly in hands

MRKH: Resources

Updated 17 August 2021 under Health Guides.

Every effort has been made to ensure that the URLs listed in this section are as accurate and up-to-date as possible. We realize that the internet is constantly changing, and […]

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Pregnancy: Unplanned Pregnancy – About Adoption

Updated 20 July 2021 under Health Guides.

Adoption Adoption is one option for teens who are pregnant and not ready and/or unable to care for a child once it is born. There are several reasons why a […]

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