How do I deal with burnout in school?

Posted April 8, 2020 under Ask Us.

Thanks for your question. Many teens share this concern. Here are some things to consider. First, it’s important to understand the source of your burnout. Is it because you’re struggling […]

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How can I exercise when I’m social distancing and stuck indoors?

Posted April 3, 2020 under Ask Us.

Thanks for your question. Right now, we are all adjusting to new schedules and life routines. We congratulate you on wanting to make sure to keep yourself healthy by following […]

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I have some symptoms of depression. Should I contact someone to test me for depression?

Posted April 2, 2020 under Ask Us.

Healthcare providers “test” for depression by asking questions about what you’re going through. Unfortunately, there’s not a blood test for depression just yet! Your doctor will ask about your mood, […]

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Is it normal that I don’t have a nipple on one side?

Posted March 31, 2020 under Ask Us.

Great question.  It’s important for girls to know that no two breasts are exactly the same! Women’s breast and their nipples come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Girls can […]

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I am fifteen years old. Is it possible to get a free STI (sexually transmitted infection) test at a women’s health clinic?

Posted March 20, 2020 under Ask Us.

Thank you for your question. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), every year there are about 20 million newly diagnosed people with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) living in […]

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Whenever I stand or move around I feel like I give off a scent similar to a fart, but I am not passing gas. Any ideas what it might be? Help! I am embarrassed to ask my doctor.

Posted March 11, 2020 under Ask Us.

The mysterious smell could be caused by many different things, but for starters it may have to do with your body odor. Body odor can be a difficult challenge for teens […]

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I have some significant acne scars on my face and they’re making me self conscious. I heard that topical retinol medicine can make them go away over time. Is it true? How do I make my acne scars go away?

Posted March 11, 2020 under Ask Us.

Thanks for your question. Many people are concerned about acne, as well as the skin changes left behind. While retinoid creams can help with pimples, they can also help reduce scarring […]

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The coronavirus is spreading. I don’t want to get it. What should I do?

Posted March 6, 2020 under Ask Us.

Thanks for your question. Right now a lot of people share your concerns. The coronavirus is a virus. Symptoms can include: fever, cough, shortness of breath, and body aches. If […]

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