I have labial hypertrophy (enlarged labia) and haven’t gotten my period yet although my mother and sister got it when they were 13 years old. Does the fact that I have large labia have anything to do with me not getting my period yet?
No. Having enlarged labia (pronounced: lay-bee-al hi-per-tro-fee) will not affect when your period will start but other things can, such as a hormone imbalance or low weight. In fact, the size […]
Read moreStuttering
/Approximately 80 million people around the world stutter and more than 3 million people in the United States stutter. According to the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders […]
Read moreSeu Primeiro Exame Ginecológico
Você deve estar preocupada com seu primeiro exame ginecológico. É normal ficar ansiosa sobre algo quando não se sabe o que esperar. É também normal sentir-se envergonhada. Nós esperamos que, […]
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Contracepção: Informações Gerais
Como uma adolescente ou uma mulher jovem, você pode estar começando a pensar o que significa estar envolvida em um relacionamento com relação sexual. Existem muitas coisas sobre as quais […]
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Cada vez mais adolescentes estão escolhendo abstinência porque eles querem ter 100% de certeza que não irão contrair DSTs (doenças sexualmente transmissíveis) e gravidez. Mesmo adolescentes que já tiveram relações […]
Read moreAre you still a virgin if you have been fingered?
/The answer to this question depends on how you define “virginity.” There’s no medical definition of “virginity.” You may decide you’re a virgin until you’ve had penis-in-vagina sex, until you’ve […]
Read moreMy vulva/labia became swollen after I used shaving cream on it. What should I do?
If your vulva/labia became swollen after applying shaving cream, it is likely that you may be sensitive to the cream but it could also be caused from shaving. Swelling of […]
Read moreDoes every girl bleed the first time they have sex?
/No. Many girls do not bleed the first time they have sex. Some girls will have a small amount of bleeding, especially if the opening into the vagina is small. […]
Read moreIs it true that masturbating will mess up my menstrual cycle?
No. Masturbating has no affect on your menstrual cycle.
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Help! I have body odor and bad breath even though I take a bath every day. Now I am losing my friends. What should I do?
There can be different reasons why a person has body odor. If you take a shower or bath and wash with lots of (antibacterial) soap such as Dial® and water, […]
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