I just started my period but it lasted for an entire week. Is this normal?
Periods in general usually last about 3-7 days but the amount of blood flow is usually different each day. For example, it is typically heavier during the first couple of […]
Read moreSomeone from my high school committed suicide last week. I didn’t know her very well, but we were Facebook friends. Her posts were always so upbeat and happy, and I had no idea she was even depressed. What did I miss?
You may not have missed anything—it can be hard to truly “know” someone, especially when the only access you have to them is through social media, like Facebook. Because social […]
Read moreIs there a counselor that specializes in both stress and self-esteem?
Yes. A counselor can help you to understand your feelings and problems and learn how to deal with the stress in your life and also help you to improve your […]
Read moreLately I have been thinking I should get my first pelvic exam, but when and where do I do this? Will I get checked for STIs and whether I can have children in the future?
Most health care providers agree that a woman should have her first pelvic exam whenever she has a symptom such as abnormal bleeding, discharge or pain, or when she turns […]
Read moreMy friend just turned 14 and she and her way older boyfriend who is in high school want to have a baby. I’m so worried but I don’t know what to do! I don’t want to get her in trouble, but I want her to understand the dangers involved. What should I do?!
Your friend is lucky to have someone like you to be so concerned about her and her well-being. You are right to be worried because there are several reasons why […]
Read moreIs it normal to bleed A LOT when losing your virginity? I don’t understand why, and I’m quite nervous, to be honest. It was my first time and my boyfriend had to stop because I couldn’t handle the pain.
It is normal for some women to bleed the first time they have vaginal intercourse but at the same time some women don’t bleed at all, and that’s normal too. […]
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I’ve recently switched from the patch to the Pill. The first month back on the Pill, I missed a few days, so I decided to wait till the next month to start it again which made my period come early. I’ve been taking the Pill consistently now but because I took a few pills in the first row already, I am going to run out of pills and my period is going to come early. What should I do? Is it dangerous to have my period come early?
This is a great question! Many young women find it hard to remember to take the Pill (or any medicine) every day. There are some things you can try, to […]
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What causes it to smell “down there” (my vagina)?
Every female has a natural vaginal scent that can change throughout her menstrual cycle. A strong odor however, can be a sign of an infection, particularly if she is sexually […]
Read moreI’ve tried using a tampon several times but I have a hard time getting it in far enough, and it hurts. Help!
/Most women would say that it took them several tries before they were able to “get the hang of it” and insert a tampon correctly. When a tampon is inserted […]
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